This doesn't look fair or equitable at all. The jews got way more land.
This doesn't look fair or equitable at all. The jews got way more land
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Jordan and Lebanon exist.
wars tend to not result in a "fair" or "equal" outcome. perhaps if the arabs had taken a more diplomatic route right from the beginning in 1948...
So? You can't just ask a guy to pack his shit and leave his home to another country just because its also arab.
Fuck the kikes, he should stay where he is.
I'm not talking about that I mean the UN partition plan itself. It was never their land to decide who gets it.
well your pic isn't the UN partition plan and it was their land to decide who gets it. Great Britain controlled the land since WWI and they gave it up to the UN to decide how to divide it.
>Arabs were being pushed off their land for decades prior to 1948
>Why can't you guys just be more diplomatic?
Not him but no one in the real world cares about whiny histrionic moralism in foreign policy, if the Arabs wanted it they should've fought harder
T. Achmed
And Jews mainly got the worthless Negev desert, Palis got the fertile Jordan River Valley and still did nothing with it.
Don't start wars you can't win.
I agree that the Arabs should have fought harder but the point I was making was that that user was inferring that the Arabs should have been diplomatic when war was simply their only choice if they wanted to preserve their lands at that point.
these are political boundaries. I believe the percent of Palestinian Israelis is around 20%. many Palestinians did lose their homes within Israel during the war of 1948, but this was ultimately because of the war, not because of the partition plan. as part of the war many Palestinians fled their homes. they were accused by the jews of being collaborators with the enemy and weren't allowed back on the land they had fled. shitty yes, but ultimate blame is on the Arab countries that declared war on Israel the moment it became independent. I mean literally the same day it became a country war was declared on it.
>Arabs were being pushed off their land for decades prior to 1948
they weren't though. Jews were settling in Palestine by either buying it from Palestinians or on unsettled land. the only case of Palestinians losing their homes was during the war of 1948
that last picture is misleading, because that isn't all Palestinian-owned land, that's Palestinian land that is self-ruled as part of the peace deals of the 90s
Why are Palestinians the only ones who are entitled to land based on mortality and "fairness"
Nobody talks about how Russia should give back parts of FInland and East Prussia because "it's not fair" that they took it by military force
Nobody (in relevant numbers) talks about how the US should give back much of its southern border to Mexico because "it's not fair" that they took it by military force.
Nobody talks about how Indonesia should give back West Papua to the Dutch
Nobody talks about how India should give Goa back to Portugal
Nobody talks about how Spain should give up the entire Iberian Peninsula back to Morocco
Nobody talks about how Eritrea should give back Ethiopia's coastline
Nobody talks about how Russia should give back the Kuril Islands
Nobody talks about how Ethiopia should give back much of its eastern border to Somalia
And it needs to be said that despite some aging hippies, nobody REALLY cares that China occupies Tibet anymore.
Why is it only Palestinians who "deserve" things because "it's not fair"?
Most of the 48 Israeli military command were born in Russia or Poland for fucks sake. In any other case in the world this would be frowned upon and beyond belief.
Russia especially (who at least during commie times was very much "MUH PALESTINE") has gotten away with gobbling up eastern Finland, Eastern Poland, the Baltics (till 91), Kuril Islands, East Prussia, and much of Manchuria and nobody brings it up. Strange.
why? there's two issues with this: ethnic germans were removed from east prussia and no one cares. 2: there was already an established jewish community in Palestine since the late 1800s. there wasn't a sudden burst in jewish population between 1945 and 1948. in fact Britain worked hard to restrict jewish immigration because of growing tensions
Israel is nice and badass, Palestine and Jerusalem are the rightful Jewish clay. Arabs get out.
>fair or equitable
Pick one
>got way more land
Yeah, nah.
Jews should've been sent to Madagascar or Somaliland and given some 100-200k sq. km. there. Instead, the current clusterfuck of a conflict is practically unsolvable.
i still dont get how they could defend from the immediate arab attack
i get it the jews from other armies got there but how could they arrange everything to make an effective defence?
>t. schlomo shekelstein
none of those on the maps lost any soil beside those that were already located in israel area
Hard to imagine a more motivated army than Israel in 1948.
There were several jewish pre-1948 paramilitary units like Palmach and Irgun that had around 20-30,000 armed members and had the ability to manufacture arms and ammo that pooled to form the IDF. Also, arab armies were very small at the time, since they were also new countries. Arabs never had more than 50,000 men engaged in the 1948 war. And they were a clusterfuck of round 2/3 egyptians/transjordanian arab legion and 1/3 various iraqis/syrians/whatever.
oh that quite explains it then, thought arabs had way bigger forces. did they even try? their human pool was way higher than that
>did they even try? their human pool was way higher than that
Well, they had the manpower pool, but since they used to be colonies, the armed forces that used to occupy them were anglo/french and they had minimal amount of native trained forces. The war was ~9 months long and they generally had no time to arm and train any meaningful amount of new forces. On top of that, most arabs were used to not being conscripted and , for example, Egypt found that 80% of the male pop was unfit for service. The only forces Jordan had was the Arab Legion, which was made of 4 regiment-sized brigades for a total of 10,000 men that had to man ~200km of front against Israel. The whole war was basically a series of skirmishes and small-scale offensives. There weren't any engagements with anything bigger than a brigade.
None of it is theirs. Its Jewish soil and the middle east would be better off if they controlled more land.
i see, thanks for detailed answer!
He might be referring to the Jews taking the land of absentee landlords, but absentee landlords are a cancer on society anyways so it's not a good argument.
Because Israel only exists due to the allotment of a state to a stateless people based solely on the idea of fairness.
>absentee landlords are bad
>but taking other peoples properties and condoning outright theft is totally good
False equivalency
a coaliation of many arbian nations declaring war on a single country that just got its independence granted from the ruler of the region doesn't look fair or equitable at all. The arabs got away way too easily
>Why did the Arabs refuse this completely fair and equal deal? It's not like the plan involved confiscating Palestinian lands and giving them to Israelis
Think whatever you want about the modern conflict but the Arab reaction to the partition and creation of Israel was justified.
>british colony evenly divided between Jews and Arabs
>Jews getting anything at all is 'confiscation'
before 1948 there was no confiscation by any Jews of any land owned by anyone. They didn't have the power to do anything but buy it.
"""""""Palestinian"""""""" national identity is in no meaningful way separate from Jordanian, Lebanese, or for that matter Syrian and Iraqi identity.
the Arab revolutionaries who opposed British and French imperialism and Zionism before 1948 were fighting to create a Greater Syria.
When the Egyptian Yasser Arafat came up with the idea of the Arabs in that region calling themselves "Palestinians" he cleverly switched the western mindset from a territorial dispute between Jews and Levantine Arabs which resulted in Levantine Arabs getting the lion's share of the land even if Israel took control of every dunam of the former British mandate to one between the Jews and a hitherto non-existent nation called the Palestinians who had gotten very little.
The Arabs have literally every other country in the vicinity. "Palestinian" is a meme nationality that only exists so the Arabs can "viably" bitch about losing a tiny span of Mediterranean coast. Arabs are the true Jews when it comes to land grubbing.
No it's not. Palestinians dont exist, they're just Arabs pretending because they want more land.
the southern desert is mainly arab too.
Israel should just be reduced to Tel aviv, some coastal areas and maybe half of Jerusalem desu
>Brits promisses arab to get their independence if they helped them fight the T*rk
>arabs help them
>occupy the land instead of granting them independence
>let thousands of foreigner (which are fanatics that think they have more right to the land then you) move to your country
>these migrants start to comit terrorist acts
>Brits finally grants you independence but let the fanatic terrorists have half the land(mostly the good parts too)
>these terrorists force your people to move and confiscates their possesion
>you get mad and fight back but they get support from the west and wins
>then they act like they are some victims
yeah i wonder why palis are mad
there are over a billion muslims and 14 million jews
Oy Vey, the Arabs think they have a right to the land that they lived in before we kicked them out! It's like the shoah all ova again!
there was not a single """"terrorist act""""" by any Jew in Palestine against any Arab before the Arabs started the war.
>implying there is only one arab people
The Arabs clearly don't have any more right to that land than the Jews. Never have and never will. Neither really originated there and the people who did are long extinct. Jews have 1 tiny ass country in the one place outside of Iran where their people have had a reasonable presence and it doesn't even have a large resource pool. Arabs have a fuckton of oil rich land that's made nations stuck in the 800s outlandishly rich despite providing nothing for anyone. And most of it isn't even traditionally Arab. It's a shame the Mongols never got the chance to finish their work on you faggots. Go back to the desert where you belong Mohammed.
>1937–1939The Irgun conducted a campaign of violence against Palestinian Arab civilians resulting in the deaths of at least 250.[39][40]
>July 25, 1938*The Irgun threw a bomb into the melon market in Haifa resulting in 49 deaths.[42]
Who the fuck gives a shit about the stupid fucking mudslimes? There's a reason why Israel is the only decent middle eastern country.
how is it decent?
>m-muh democracy goyim
the violence went both ways buddy
yeah but the arabs weren't the ones that came like good for nothing rapefugees
Having the most advanced infrastructure, most advanced medical services, most diverse economy that Wont completely collapse without oil, having actual public education, not importing slaves from Pakistan, having a modern judicial system, etc. etc. etc. it's better than almost every Muslim nation in every single way.
>implying Israel would be a thing of the Jews had to rely on pure military strength instead of propaganda and lobbying
>implying that lobbying and propaganda isn't a part of a sensible grand strategy by every state in every conflict
>Before 1948
>But everything after 1948 doesn't count
Then they evicted all the civilians, intentionally bulldozed their dwellings making them homeless, and sent their swarms of Hasidic and ultraOrthodox Jews with their 7 children to colonize what was once Arabic land.
that the jews came en masse after WWII is a myth. Jews immigrated to Palestine since the late 1800s. after WWII there was a huge number of Jews who TRIED to immigrate to Palestine, but were stopped by British authorities because Palestine was becoming a clusterfuck. there was steady, legal immigration from 1918 to 1939. no Palestinians were kicked off their land at this time. Jews bought land from Palestinian landowners. during the 1948 independence war Israel refused to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. this is where the Jews were in the wrong, not settling in palestine from the beginning.
"The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven or sixty-nine Jews on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were planning to seize control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem"
>The Temple Mount remains, under the terms of the 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty, under Jordanian custodianship.
Palestinian Arabs, slaughtering people in the name of lunatic conspiracy theories since 1929
>not arabia
>once arabic land
History general, new server : Come debate us
>Then they evicted all the civilians
A lie
Jews were Europeans far closer aligned to Western ideals of supremacy and considered better potential allies than the Arabs. The Brits knew it wasn't fair, but didn't let that bother them.
>Then they evicted all the civilians, intentionally bulldozed their dwellings making them homeless
source? a large percentage of Israeli citizens are Palestinian.
two things about the west bank (and abandoned gaza strip) settlements:
1. they don't involved kicking palestinians out of their homes. they are newly built settlements, often made with the help of paid Palestinian laborers
2. they are only an issue in regards to Palestinian statehood and where to draw the borders. Israel controls the land thanks to Jordan and Egypt, so there is nothing illegal about them. the issue lies not in any harm done directly to Palestinians, but in how the hell the Palestinian state will ever be formed with these dots of Israeli citizens throughout the land.
He's either lying or knows jackshit about the history of the conflict.
The British didn't draw those borders dumbass.
>You're allowed to take things from people if you're going to "put it to better use"
The Jews have literally no connection to the Palestine.
its got a lot to do with strategic depth in case of war, when the jordanians controlled the west bank tel aviv was less then 30 miles from a hostile power
even should we not count ancient israel, there has been a jewish community living there since the late 1800s. now they are a majority of the population (though that may change in the next few decades). they have just as much of a claim to the land they currently occupy as americans do to America. I'm not about to give up my home to the indians and neither are the Jews
>they don't involved kicking palestinians out of their homes.
Exactly. There are some settlements also where the land had been previously purchased by Jews prior to 1948 and once Jordan invaded they labeled the privately owned Jewish land as "enemy territory." If land is owned by Jews prior to Israel being created and the land is taken from them, you can't say they are stealing it from the "Palestinians" who didn't even exist when the land was purchased.
well offcourse they do when Amerikkkans and their Saudi and Zionazi masters ruins it everytime a middle eastern country is trying to get it shits together
>be Arab
>ruin the entire middle east
>ruin North Africa
>destroy 28,000 of the oldest churches
>slaughter, rape and enslave indigenous populations
>displace non-arab ethnic groups who are too uppity from their ancient homes
>force christians and jews to be dhimmis
>routinely slaughter them en masse
>build mosques on top of other religions holy sites
>pretend you ever treated non-muslims as equal citizens
>pretend you are the original inhabitants of the land you conquered brutally
I would maybe respect it more if they were honest. The amount of times i've heard "We've let Christians and Jews live in peace with us forever" from them is ridiculous.
Arabs chimped out and got BTFO by one of the smallest nations on earth. Israel won that land.
>be Arab
>ruin India
>slaughter 80,000,000 hindus
>destroy the most ancient temples
>rape, enslave everyone you can
>kill 90,000 Hindus in one day
>carve up Indian land and create Pakistan
I feel no sympathy. Fuck them. Atleast the Jews had a historical precedent to being in that land.
only people in the arabian peninsuela are real arabs. the rest are the same people as the pre-islamic era except that they have been culturally arabized
>the rest are the same people as the pre-islamic era except that they have been culturally arabized
Not true whatsoever. If that were true Palestinians would be closer to Samaritans or Palestinian Jews than other Arab groups. There are distinctions between them, but Arabs really did take over these lands genetically.
>The Husaynis migrated to Palestine in the 12th century after Saladin drove out the Crusaders from the city and much of the Levant.
I'm not saying this is the case for all Palestinians, but they have always claimed to be descendants of people who came during the Arab conquests. They never claimed otherwise until Israel happened and then they went all WE WUZ CANAANITES N SHIT
arabs, mohammedans, muslims. same thing.
They spoke Arabic, therefore were Arabs.
No they didn't they spoke Persian, and later gifted the Hindus the language Urdu which they horribly mutiliated into "Hindi".
No, they're not. At least not arabs and the latter two.
Pajeet, learn your history please. There is no such thing as Indian land. Pubjabi, Sindhis, Pashtuns still exist and the land always belonged to them.
What is now India had grown weak and divided by its own fault post-Gupta period, it's methods of warfare were stagnant at best and comical at worst, the Afghans, Turks, Mughals only did what any othe rational conquering people would do, conquer. It's only when Indians outside of cuck Rajputs got their head around warfare like the Sikhs and Marathas you saw any change.
I can't stand the poos but I'm pretty sure those are just muslim indian non-countries (not that india isn't a memecountry itself).
Neither was having Arabs decimate entire cultures and make almost every other semitic language go extinct except for the oppressed minorities who they silence.
It's fair, Arabs are backwards savages and would never do anything with the land.
>tfw no country will ever speak Aramaic and there will never be new Aramaic music and there will never be a country or culture that forms speaking the language Jesus spoke all because of Islam
Holy fuck (((she))) is based
>The jews got way more land.
The Jews also have contributed way more to the world than Arabs or Muslims, even with having such a small population. The fact that 0.2% of the population contributes way more to the world than a group that is 24% of the world's population. That should speak for itself.
of course their mixed but your dumb if you think modern jews are less mixed with foreigners
only ashkenazis really contributed and they are a minority in Israel
The moment an Arab country gets nukes, Israel is finished.
A nuke on tel aviv, a nuke on Haifa, 80% of israel's population is gone.
Scared yet, kikes?
the moment an arab country gets nukes, the entire middle east is finished. Israel already has nukes. fire at Israel and you'll get fired back at.
There's 450 million Arabs, and 6 million Israeli Jews. Whatever casualties there are, arabs will survive, but Israel won't.
>implying israel has enough nukes to cover MENA
that's 15 million jews too many.
t.jew loving burger
oh, so you think that all the other arab countries are going to be fine with their competition having nukes? here's the real reason Iran getting nukes is an issue: once Iran gets them, everyone in the middle east is going to arm themselves. not only that, but they are more likely to use them than the US and USSR were. none of them are going to be able to have a significant enough stockpile to be able to have mutually assured destruction, and inversely have plenty of land to hide launch sites. destroy israel and the tinder box that is the middle east with light up as everyone scrambles for that sweet sweet land. perhaps once millions of arabs have killed eachother they will have the borders they sought in 1948, which is still sans palestine