Why is ok to see the Rising Sun flag around places and even on some merchandise/souvenir shops but the Swastika?
Why is ok to see the Rising Sun flag around places and even on some merchandise/souvenir shops but the Swastika?
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people are uneducated on japanese atrocities
In Asia it's no problem to show the swastika.
In Europe there is no problem to show the rising sun flag.
In Asia there is a problem showing the rising sun flag.
In Europe there is a problem showing the swastika.
reverse in asia, sucka
Western media hegemony. People are far more familiar, and therefore upset, about atrocities in Europe than they are about atrocities in Asia.
The rising sun isn't only associated with Tojo whereas the swastika is associated with Hitler and the Nazis. You can show the German flag and no one bats an eye.
This. The japanese navy still uses that flag.
Rising sun is not equal to Swastika. Swastika is the symbol of Nazis party, while Rising sun is used not only by imperial Japan but numerous companies and groups. It's equal to iron cross which is still used by German military.
By the way, in Asia Swastika means Buddha since more than BC450.
Heavy propaganda campaigns to demonize a universal symbol which is still used by millions of people in Asia to this day. It's part of controlling the narrative.
bullshit. not everything is a jewish conspiracy kid
Well my mmo guild was recently forced to change the flag from rising sun because it was offensive apparently so not everyone thinks it's allowed I guess
It's just a picture I don't see why people are still so butthurt
lol thats totally not bullshit. its not even some crazy conspiracy theory. its openly admitted. your life is bullshit though. kys yourself
a swastika is not only associated with nazis either
the ZOG is the reason your life sucks mate.
That's stupid. Rising Sun flag is still used by Japanese navy. If Rising Sun is offensive, so is Japanese national flag.
The black on white, 45 degree tilted Swastika is.
The Indian Swastika is still present in places, like Indian shops. People have no problem with them.
in the west it is. a westerner sees a swastika they immediately think hitler, nazis, evil, exactly how they have been indoctrinated to think. most people dont even know its an ancient symbol and existed before nazi germany.
This. My best friend's brother got killed in the Phillippines for having a Rising Sun on his backpack. Also he had drugs on him so that might've been why.
Japan did really atrocious things in Philippines.
Because 6 billion jews were killed tortured raped and exterminated, the Japanese only defended their homeland after being forced to bomb pearl harbor. Japan are victims in this, the American flag should be banned for what they did to Japan.
testing if can post
fuck you hiroshimoot
t. Shingeki
Yeah atrocities like liberate them, educate them, build basic infrastructure and a centralized and effective government.
Fucking savages nips
>this is what weeb revisionists actually believe in
top fucking kek
not even stormfags are this delusional
The Filipinos were African-slaved citizens tier under the American administration of philinas.
>when the weeaboos reach maximum delusion saturation
Afrocentrism is more credible than your idiocy.
The Americans wrote a law in 1935 that gives the Philipines their independence after a 10 year transition period.
All Japan really had to do to invade the Philippines was wait 4 more years after the Yanks pull out.
Rising Sun flag is not specific to Japanese imperialism.
Yeh because Americans would've just sat on their hands and clapped as Japs take Philippines.
>wait 4 more year
I wouldn't try walking around most of Asia with that flag. Even in Japan I think its considered a more right wing thing to have
the JMSDF still wear the rising sun flag
>. If Rising Sun is offensive, so is Japanese national flag.
Is it if your are north korean
Rising sun flag is just a military flag, isn't ideological, and predates WW2. Nazi flag is a symbol of a destructive and objectively evil ideology.
The Japanese ground forces still do as well, only the sun is centred and there's a gold fringe
>nazi flag
Pick one. Both are stigmatized by the West when only one should be.
Wasn't the rising sun flag made in the 1800s?
The Rising Sun flag has a history beyond the ultra-militaristic Showa Japan, whereas the Swastika was a completely new symbol to Germany when the nazis introduced it.
like this?
>unit 731
Nigga please xD
it's the burger who do that to us, not the fucking nips, idiot
holy kek go read a book
Wot? Where mate? I've never knew that as a Filipino,
From what I know, rising sun is legal here, the reason he got killed is because of the drugs.
>the black on white swastika