Your opinion about this guy?
Your opinion about this guy?
A Galician faggot
I was told that the queen of Spain offered a large sum of money to the first person on the ship who spots land, some other guy spotted it first and this guy claimed he did because his the captain and all, so is this true Veeky Forums? And if so then my opinion is his a cunt
he was a massive cunt even the Spanish hated him. he died in jail iirc.
It is true and he was an awful governor.Ovando had to deal with a huge mutiny when Colon was relegated from his ruler position.His son on the other hand was a pretty decent ruler.
One of histories most famous redheads.
lucky hobo in early years, unlucky hobo in endlife
rodrigo de triana is the guy who officialy spotted murica first, but it's true he never got paid the promised shekels. columbus was from genova anyway, expecting him to pay was naive.
random fact, rodrigo was a muslim
Over rated. Why do we even have a day to celebrate him, when he didn't even do the thing that he is celebrated for anyway?
We Europeans celebrate him because by his initiation we kicked started the Spanish Golden Age and an unprecedented era of European dominance around the globe. I don't expect Amerindians or Blacks to celebrate the guy and don't really care what they think of him.
He was a cunt who just wanted money and fame and killed a bunch of people to get to it. Guess that's why Americans love to celebrate him every year
>columbus was from genova
He was from Galicia
>rodrigo was a muslim
No he wasn't.There is an hipothesis that his father was a morisco .Stop lying you mohametian piece of shit
>Americans love to celebrate him every year
They don't. His holiday and legacy is endlessly mocked and derided by Americans. Columbus Day is just kept on the books in some states for the sake of it. When the holiday was established we lived in a much different time less concerned with the feelings of non-Whites and Columbus Day was used to integrate and celebrate Italian-Americans more than anything.
Yes, it's true. The first person to spot land was the sailor and watchman "Rodrigo de Triana", and yes he was fucked over by Columbus who took the credit.
t. descent of Martin Alonso Pinzon.
>he was from Galicia
no he wasnt. if your galician granpa says that it doesnt really count, sorry
>rodrigo wasnt a muslim
what are you, a butthurt spanish from pol?
>no he wasnt. if your galician granpa says that it doesnt really count, sorry
He wasn't a Genovese.He didn't even know how to speak their dialete
>rodrigo wasnt a muslim
He wasn't.There were rumours that his father was a convert but that's literally it.He was a catholic like anyone that wanted to go to the new world
literally all official sources disagree with you, but ok.
he converted to be allowed to join, im not saying he was some jihad sharia warrior. was a muslim before, converted to travel, reconverted to muslim once back. beheading material imho but he's dead anyway
I think he deserves his celebrations.
I mean yeah, he was a psychotic fucking cunt and he didn't even reach the americas on purpose, but still he DID reach them, and bring their existence to the awareness of Europe at large, which is something no earlier discoverers did.
Does the US exist because some snownigger reached Vinland? No.
Does the US exist because some chink (allegedly) landed in California? No.
Does the US exist because some siberians crossed the Bering Strait some 13k years ago? No.
Does the US exist because a megalomaniac italian wanted to find a better way to the Indies? Yes.
I really can't see the argument for not celebrating him. The only acceptable alternative would be to celebrate all the 16th century explorers of the americas rather than him exclusively, but that would still include him.
>literally all official sources disagree with you, but ok.
>he converted to be allowed to join, im not saying he was some jihad sharia warrior. was a muslim before, converted to travel, reconverted to muslim once back. beheading material imho but he's dead anyway
Which source you massive imbecile?
> It is the name given to it in the municipality of Lepe, in the province of Huelva. (1535) and Francisco López de Gómara in General History of the Indies (1552), affirm that this sailor was native of Lepe. From there it is extracted that its nickname "of Triana" was by a transfer and spend great part of its life in the district of Triana, in Seville.
>Rodríguez Bermejo.
> According to this hypothesis, Rodrigo de Triana was the son of a Moorish hidalgo (dedicated to the pottery trade). According to the same, his father was burned at the stake for trading with Jews as he made the journey of the discovery of the New World.
Stop larping you are looking like an idiot
All he wanted was to find a way to get to India without getting attacked by the ottoman empire. It's not his fault he came across a new continent.
>which source you massive imbecile?
there are those buildings around called "libraries" which are filled with books. you should search inside those for the "history" section and then collect all books talking about Columbus, you should find some interesting infos there.
>according to this hypothesis
nice, i just formulated the hypothesis that you are an idiot, let's see how it works out
>I don't have any valid sources as I probably read it from
>I will just say that it is in a random book
Bravo retard. Until you bring any valid source validating your delusion you are just making yourself look like a retarded LARPER
will bite the obvious caps bait, and give you pic related
from "A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, Volume 1" written by Washington Irving
any other book will say same, if you have the alternative theory you should be taking proofs to support it
>beheading material imho
you might as well have said "t. Ahmed"
He dindu nuffin