Why do white people try to claim the Roman Empire as their own work when Roman weren't white?
Why do white people try to claim the Roman Empire as their own work when Roman weren't white?
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Italians are Romans.
Italians aren't white either, therefore they can claim it
>Romans weren't Whit-
Only Americans use the term "white people", in an attempt to appropiate the accomplishments of Northern Europeans for themselves.
why do non roman people try to claim the roman empire?
it's not even about whiteness
Holy fuck you're retarded. Stop shitposting every thread and hang yourself.
Ameriblubber spotted. No you aren't English, German or Irish, you're a rootless mongrel with niggers in your ancestry.
At least we are relevant. :^)
>literally we
Relevant in cuckoldry and school shootings
>Why do white people try to claim the Roman Empire as their own work when Roman weren't white?
Because "white" is a modern social construct, and the primary component of "whiteness" is colonialist appropriation.
100 years ago Italians in America were discriminated against, dismissed as wops, guineas, and greasers, and not considered "white". They were stereotyped as being shifty thugs and gangsters with no future, and they were murderously suspicious of their strange, foreign religion with unfamiliar rituals. Now that they have been absorbed into the dominant conformist culture, they too try to pass off their heritage as "true whiteness".
Earlier glorifications of the Romans was pure LARPing by british anglos blatantly promoting a protestant agenda and trying to separate themselves from the dominant Catholic hegemony.
>Because "white" is a modern social construct, and the primary component of "whiteness" is colonialist appropriation.
>100 years ago Italians in America were discriminated against, dismissed as wops, guineas, and greasers, and not considered "white". They were stereotyped as being shifty thugs and gangsters with no future, and they were murderously suspicious of their strange, foreign religion with unfamiliar rituals. Now that they have been absorbed into the dominant conformist culture, they too try to pass off their heritage as "true whiteness".
>Earlier glorifications of the Romans was pure LARPing by british anglos blatantly promoting a protestant agenda and trying to separate themselves from the dominant Catholic hegemony.
t. anti white faggot
kill yourself, leftypol subhuman
is that what you tell yourself as the nigger blood seethes in you?
Wow, such a logical and well thought out response! I sure am glad to see that the right-wingers are still firing on all cylinders in this thread and not just blindly posting memes in a desperate bid at hiding their shame for having no response to someone who dismantles their shitty, ill-informed worldview.
you have to go back
Wow solid argument!
it's true that italians were (are) discriminated in many foreign places tho
Well kinda. Northern Italians were seen as White. Southern Italians weren't. idk about central Italians but they probably were seen as White. This being said, excluding Southern Italians from being White would also exclude Greeks sense the two are indistinguishable.
Are the people in this video White? I guess ymmv since White is such an arbitrary term. But the Anglos literally disputed Irish Whiteness so they obvious had issues.
Yeah but they were never considered non-white.
>Well kinda. Northern Italians were seen as White. Southern Italians weren't. idk about central Italians but they probably were seen as White. This being said, excluding Southern Italians from being White would also exclude Greeks sense the two are indistinguishable.
My grandfather was Northern Italian, and when he tells the story of trying to join a golf club in the 1960's and being told "the only way you're getting into this club is if you're busing tables". For a long time the stereotype of an Italian was that they were working class shlubs doing grounds-keeping and washing dishes, jobs they often abandoned in the interest of pursuing a career in organized crime, similar to the way that they currently stereotype Mexicans.
But it is true that Northern Italians look down on southern Italians. Shit rolls downhill, and southern Italians are poor even by the standards of other Italians
dunno about that, whiteness is a pol meme
until not too much ago most people worked outside for a great portion of their life getting tanned for that so i dunno if whiteness was a thing (at a level where you could make differences from an italian to a tanned german, niggers of course were too black to get that)
>/pol/ invented whiteness
Are you even able to debate anything without realizing the world existed before imageboards? Millennial faggot.
>implying people checked each other nipples to verify if people were white or not
If Northern Italy was its own country they would be richer than Switzerland, calling them poor by any stretch is literally bizarro world.
You're the only person to nention nipples.
not him, and while it is true that they didn't "invent" whiteness, they are the ones "carrying the torch through the wasteland", which for the rest of us means that they're being stubborn cunts and clinging to dying antique traditions which were founded on pseudoscience and appeals to intuition.
nobody important ever defended prejudice as being an argument founded on factual truth.
You said that southern Italians are poor *even by* the standards of other Italians, heavily implying northern Italians are poor. They are one of the richest regions in Europe.
Why would I need to give a logic response when all you posted was anti white leftypol propaganda?
stop samefagging btw
>inb4 a shitty edited screenshot
I realise now that the world would have been better if burgerland was never discovered
because they are able to maintain philosophical social structures from Romans
This is not gospel. Plenty have people have disputed those findings and my personal DNA results had no Sub-Saharan admixture despite being as Southern Italian as they come. I had 15% West Asian DNA though which about confirms it.
Because I was describing an American pecking order, not an Italian one.
If the American northern Italians were the working class guineas, the southern Italians were the ratchet ones.
Because rather than make conversation all you are doing is posting memes and probably about to regurgitate the same anti-intellectualist assault on academia when I point out that all of my views are considered "main-stream science" and the only one here actually memeing is you.
those are pol's standards to determine whiteness and that is nonsense. anything above pure sandnigger is considered white by most normal racists
>implying an unironically retarded comment can only get you one (You)
>the Anti white SJW calling anyone else anti intellectual
kill yourself
cool meme, bro. Thanks for proving my point, please feel free to leave Veeky Forums forever cursing about "muh leftypol" and never come back.
You won't be missed
>cool meme, bro. Thanks for proving my point, please feel free to leave Veeky Forums forever cursing about "muh leftypol" and never come back.
>You won't be missed
Why do you anti white SJWs think /is/ is you white guilt safe space?
It's not. If you have a careful, well thought out rebuttal, I'm all ears.
But what I'm not going to let you do is turn it into your little /pol/tard hugbox where anyone who disagrees with you is ridiculed into leaving.
you are looking pretty retarded tbqhwy
>inb4 samefag
you cant spam autistic screeching endlessly
Why do living people try to claim ancient achievements as their own work when ancient people aren't alive?
Why do you ant white SJWs think Veeky Forums is your safespace?
>anti white
>white guilt
You really need to go back .
Alternatively, go outside a bit more, Amerifat mongrel.
They don't. They take pride in the fact that they are the posterity of accomplished people and try to maintain their ancestors legacy.
>they try to maintain their ancestors legacy.
by shitposting mainly
Why are you SJWs so triggered that people reject anti white propaganda?
Why do you keep mindlessly regurgitating memes instead of actually participating in the conversation?
Is it to hide the vacuity of your arguments?
The only triggered one here is you, who doesn't have anything of substance to say, and is just buttfrustrated that everyone isn't falling into line with your political opinions thinly veiled as an interest in history
that's how shitposting works, it's actually funny but there are dedicated boards for that
guess his baits were too weak and got ignored, so he's coming to the empty places for some attention
you don't have any coherent beliefs to that needs to be argued with SJW.
>I'm not triggered, you are!
another great argument form the leftypol shill
>I don't need to justify myself with facts to you!
>moar memes is what you need!
You have to go back
>Only Europeans would be happy being Muhammad's bitch
>a shill calling out other shills
Alright, time to go back. I'm sure you can have wonderful discussions about pink nipples or X being white back in /pol/.
And memory.
>Alright, time to go back.
not your safespace, SJW
>anything that not my leftypol propaganda is memes
this is what the average leftist actually beeves
I was on the fence, but these great arguments have truly convinced me! DOWN WITH THE COULOUREDS, WHITE GENOCIDE IS ONGOING
>romans waz negro n shiiet
leftists "arguments"