Why the fuck are there african-muslims when most arabs treat them like shit and think of them in the same manner as animal's?
Why the fuck are there african-muslims when most arabs treat them like shit and think of them in the same manner as...
Same reason there is African christians
Nice strawman faggot. Christians also ended slavery and gave blacks equal rights and even insane things like interracial marriage.
Islam never had movements centering around even abolishing slavery.
Africa has a rich history with Islam. I know we've been brainwashed into thinking all forms of cultural diffusion, inequality and imperialism is bad but in fact Africa benefited from Islam in a social, spiritual, economic and cultural sense.
Yeah but when they benefited it was on the blacks own accord not the Arabs the Arabs to this day hate blacks almost as much as Jews and white people
There isn't a sharp ethnic distinction between black and Arab in the parts of the world where they overlap.
Black christians WAY predate the outlawing of slavery you dumb fuck. They exist BECAUSE of slavery.
>even insane things like interracial marriage
That "insane thing" has always existed, dumb /pol/cuck.
>Why the fuck are there african-muslims when most arabs treat them like shit and think of them in the same manner as animal's?
lel where do you live where this is the case?
Sudan wants a word with you
both religions are also the reasons why there's a huge aids epedemic in africa right now.
Sudani conflicts have been based on religion, not so much ethnicity. It was white people from america who pushed the notion of a racial divide in a Black country like Sudan. It's about pushing the enternal narrative of black victimhood, deep down it is about pushing yet another false narrative that denies blacks agency, some real psyoptic stuff.
>both religions
You mean Protestants
Didn't even knew you had african-muslims over there desu
any religoin to be honest.
all they told people in africa to stop aids was to not have sex and that contreception does not work.
that single fucking dumb piece of advice fucked over so many parents/children, and its all on the hands of those who exploited africans for rel.igous power.
its a total disgrace that nobody seems to care about
No. It's specifically a Protestant/Animist problem. AIDs in Africa is heavily correlated with non-Catholic and non-Muslim populations, as in people who either have no reason to listen to the Pope or an imam.
Frankly the people who are really exploiting Africa religiously at the moment are American Evangelicals.
Islam is not an Arab-only religion dude.
you're right.
that's probably the reason why if you look at all the religous channels you see the same format that the americans use.
but this whole connection needs to be blown right open.
I mean, there are christian and muslim women, even if both religions shit on them.
The only African Muslims are northern cucks who sold their own people into slavery
It's a religion made by Arabs to enslave other people yes
There are gay Christians and Muslims too.
Look up what a strawman is.
The point is that negroes are inherently servile and just do what the boss man says to
Then why are they so criminally inclined?
Cause the boss man says it's alright, he'll even house you and feed you after you're done raping his woman.
It's true the Arabs did bad things to them during the slave trade but that's not really connected to their religion.