The Mesopotamians haven't really made any major contribution to modern society
Discuss my objectivly correct post.
The Mesopotamians haven't really made any major contribution to modern society
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Best youtuber thread?
You stand on Mesopotamian shoulders when you live in ANY society.
>good in any way
t.southern Iraqi
yeah except inventing civilization
Persians copy mesopotamians Greeks copy Persians roman copy Greeks we all copy Romans. Simple.
Yeah people underrate Greek society far more then people think
>not white
Written language and society
Not a good thing
>Greeks copied Persians
Good one
not a good thing?
what's it like posting on a chinese anime board you fucking hypocrit.
You are objectively retarded, OP.
>Greeks copied Persians
>Good one
After Alexander? fuck yes they did, and once Alexander was dead they copied the administration, traditions and culture of whatever piece of the empire they got.
Nice Wewuzisim.
that's sad, I saw that image and immediately thought of Carl Benjamin
If I'm not mistaken, saintly halos are from ancient Assyria.
They still were the first building blocks for future civilizations, you cant take that way from them
New Veeky Forums Discord:
You are retarded.
How come? They invented the Babylonian religion, of which genus Judaism is a species, of which Christianity is a subsect.
I know agriculture is not important for the average basement dweller, but damn.
You are not Mesopotamian you sperg
You mean Sumerians who originated in India
>they copied the administration
They didn't copy the administration unless you considered the office of 'satrap' as being one, which is flawed because the concept of having provincial governors wasn't a revolutionary thing, and the Persians didn't invent it. Major Greek powers already knew about installing Governors in subjugated territory, away from their respective capital, to manage the affairs in the land for the interest of their affiliated state. >traditions and culture
...such as?
I am not claiming to be a Mesopotamian you piss-ant mongoloid. What I do find funny is how defensive you get when called out trying to LARP Mesopotamians as being "white".
You know there was more to the Persian administration then just territorial governors right?
Generally considered a bad move.
Can you fucking STOP shilling your shitty chinese botnet hosted server all over the board you pieces of shit?
Fuck off mehmet Mesopotamians were white you stillborn mongrel
Still not following you on this.
>Mesopotamians were white
Pretty sure I am whiter than you, bud.
>arguing about the pigment of your skin
>when it would darken in less than 2 generations even without interbreeding if you moved to a sunny region
I only asked that retard why he kept claiming "Mesopotamians", who aren't even a unified ethnicity or single people, why they are "white" supposedly.
Their astronomy obsession led to the identification of several major constellations which were used by later civilizations in navigation.
What are you doing outside of /pol/, Sargon?
Isn't our entire system of measuring time from Mesopotamians? The whole 60-60-24 shebang?
Arumba is pretty good
Well just off the top my head the facet that time is in intervals of 60 is a Mesopotamian invention
Does anyone here other than delusional stromfags unironically believe that Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Persians, etc were all genocided and replaced or is that just a forced meme? honestly wondering.
like whats the rationale here? is it " I want to like MEsopotamians cuz le edgy youtube fedora larps as one but I don't like brown people
Beer? Writing? Vehicles? Social Structure? Literature? Come on man, at least try. Whether they were brown or white or beige or purple for christ's sake, they are one of perhaps four cultures where civilization originates. The only reason you're alive is because of them, and unless you're planning on arguiong that it would be better for mankind to have endlessly toiled in a dangerous life without medicine, vaccines or any period of true security, wandering as gatherers forevermore that to have ascended to the heights of this day and age.
Mesopotamians? Its a region but all the "language isolate" people like the Sumerians I feel were likely assimilated and absorbed by the waves of Semitic speakers in the late Bronze and early Iron Ages. Iranians? Definitely a /pol/ aka /stormfront/ meme of them being altered considering both halpologroups and autosomal results show most of them like the Persians remaining the same as their Iron Age ancestors, a few tens of thousands of Arabs or Turks didn't alter them. Can't say about the Egyptians because I don't know much about them but I heard the Christian Copts and then Muslim Egyptian Arabic speakers are still "close" to their ancestors.
Akkadian is Semitic and from Mesopotamia. I'm pretty sure Akkadian speakers are still considered Mesopotamians. Aramaic may have been from areas west of Mesopotamia, but Eastern Aramaic also inherited much from Akkadian.
About Christians being closer, they practice endogamy currently and probably have for a while. I don't know much about Egypt's case either, but in Assyria/Kurdistan they segregate, thus preserving the most Akkadian-influenced dialect of Aramaic. Although the town that retained the most influence was one of the biggest takeovers by I. S., so it's endangered.
That's the guy from YouTube wtf
Nice try grel
>being this delusional and mad
I don't think you even know the words you're spouting.
How many degrees are there in a circle, faggot? How many second in a minute, how many minutes in an hour, how many hours in a day, how many months in a year? What are wheel? What is wheat, domesticated cattle and horses? Who is Noah, and for that matter 90% of the Old Myth in the Bible? Who is Herakles? What is bronze, what are laws, and how does commerce work?
You're retarded
Oldest wheel was in Europe dumb darkcuck try again though
I know (You) are retarded, user. I'm still waiting for that explanation and proof Mesopotamia was all "white".
The people actually replying to this ridiculously airborne level obvious bait thread should be gathered up and slammed against boulders.
I never said that the other user baited you and you fell for it bad
>I never said that
Yeah sure thing buddy.
t. roach
t.chink roach
Nothing really except IT WAS NUMBER 1 in civilization. Everything that the Mesopotamia did, Assyria and Persia did better.
It's a part of Mesopotamia.
I guess but they were influenced heavily by Mesopotamia.
I fucked up
I was referring to Sumer
That's what you are.
They are both part of Mesopotamia anyways.
>Written laws of measured punishment specific to crime
Thanks Hammurabi
Guess again you dumb faggot.
t.angry chink Roach
The most advanced wheel was found in slovania in 3300 bc far more advanced then the Sumerian stop and turn which was used as lids the slovanian one had the capicity to transport.
For the second time now try again stupid shithead
>most advanced
Guess what you dumb prick, before you can develop an advanced wheel, you have to have a basic wheel. Guess where the basic wheel was developed, you cretinous spasticated submoron?
Both wheels were created literally around the same time a lot of people including stormfaggots fell for "euro mud hut" meme it may be true for Norwegians but it's not for some central and Southern Europeans
For the last time try again full bred chimp you absolute schizoid dipshit.
This,you're all monstrously subhuman
>good youtuber
Lol he's probably the worst YouTuber without a doubt
Its not working, cockroach.
>without a doubt
Why is everyone so fucking jittery ITT?
Historia Civilis?
I hate that fat quadroon cuck for appropriating the name and likeness of a great historical figure.
hes ok I suppose but it's still garbage content.
>read sources
>make laziest little animations possible
>regurgitate sources
If he did it for less well known shit it would be worth watching, but so far he's just focused on the big flashy events that everyone already knows about. I'm sure his Alesia video was very interesting for someone who hasn't also read Caesar's diaries, but it's very intro-level.
His animations are actually more interesting in the context of roman political life, I got a real feel for the room when he would break down the events with an animation, brought the mob aspect of roman politics to life.
I hope he starts to do less known stories and battles, then his format would actually be informative.
Civilization spread
Phoenicians > Greece (after dark age) > rest of Mediterranian/Europe
Where do you think that trade-obsessed semitic tribe got the manners, hm? You sure it wasn't in Mesopoatmia?
t.mongol Roach
Because Asians are roaches
He looks like him
Is this guy everywhere
Its not working, dude.
t.roach Mongol
Most of what's popularly attributed to Mesopotamia are memes and bullshit. Our writing comes from Egypt and has nothing to do with cuneiform, things like the wheel, the plough and sails were invented several times in different places like Southeast Europe and Egypt, agriculture comes from the Levant and Anatolia, and cities and civilization arose independently in Egypt, Greece and elsewhere. Civilization as we know it is mostly derived from the eastern Mediterranean (Egypt, Greece, Canaan), and though Mesopotamia did play a big role in shaping those cultures it was not the 'mother culture' for any of them.
We do owe stuff to Mesopotamia though, the most important probably being cattle (though I think these were domesticated in India too), but that was long before Mesopotamian civilization actually existed. We also owe them a lot of mathematical and astronomical knowledge that they passed down to the Greeks. Also Greek painting was originally derived from various eastern traditions, including Mesopotamian ones, which is hugely important because naturalistic painting ultimately goes back to them.
Mesopotamia was a hugely important civilization, I'm just sick of people acting like all civilization west of China derives from them.
This.whats with the meme that Greece "copied"the Sumerians even stormfaggots believe and that's saying a lot when they're super white-centric
Its still not working.
t.mongrel roach
>Our writing comes from Egypt
no. phoenicia, and phoenicians moved west from guess where? hint: Meso something
>agriculture comes
agriculture independent even in PNG being early
> Civilization as we know it is mostly derived from the eastern Mediterranean (Egypt, Greece, Canaan)
greece wasnt a player until after phoenicia
mesopotamia is where the earliest formalization of a system known as civilization, with the same formula being copies by greece, rome, china etc..
ah the Levant isn't Mesopotamai you utterly retarded fuck, Phoenician alphabet comes from protosinaitic which comes from Egyptian
>with the same formula being copies by greece, rome, china etc..
Greek civilization wasn't copied from Mesopotamia, are you fucked in the head?
Neither was Chinese which was completely different and doesn't share anything with ancient Mesopotamia
>phoenicia, and phoenicians moved west from guess where? hint: Meso something
It doesn't matter where the Phoenicians came from (though they weren't from Mesopotamia), their writing system derives ultimately from Egypt.
>agriculture independent even in PNG being early
I don't know what you're saying, but most Eurasian agriculture west of China is derived from the Levant, Anatolia and the Zagros, not Mesopotamia.
>greece wasnt a player until after phoenicia
The Mycenaeans did exist, but never mind that, it's beside the point. Phoenicia was a part of Canaan and was a part of the Eastern Mediterranean more than the Mesopotamian world, though it was influenced by both. Their greatest accomplishments were trying together the Eastern Mediterranean (and thus allowing Greece to reemerge) and creating an alphabetical script derived from Egypt.
>mesopotamia is where the earliest formalization of a system known as civilization, with the same formula being copies by greece, rome, china etc..
The rise of civilization in Greece, Rome, China and elsewhere was the result of social and economic circumstances such as agricultural intensification, population growth, warfare, economic stimulation through trade, and a degree of cultural diffusion. Even though some civilizations were heavily influenced by others, such as Rome and Greece or Greece and Phoenicia, it was never a matter of copying some 'formulation' of civilization. And Mesopotamia was not the most significant influence on any of these cultures (or an influence at all in the case of China). They influenced aspects of Greek civilization like mathematics and painting, but they did not have anything to do with the rise of Greek city states or their adoption of literacy.
They didn't need to. No civilisation wakes up one morning and decides they'll contribute something deliberately with the intention of making whatever civilisation that replaces them better for it.
Greek civilization copied the Mycenaeans who copied the Minoans who copied the Mesopotamians
Good post.
Minoans didn't copy the Mesopotamians, maybe they took from Egyptians but not much anyway.
They copied the Caanans who copied the Mesopotamians
OP stumped
beginnings of:
agriculture and irrigation
government and laws
writing and literature