Why do white people try and take credit for the Roman Empire?
Why do white people try and take credit for the Roman Empire?
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Bait harder next time bro.
wtf I'm woke now
Veeky Forums is a mistake
How could they have conquered and built do much if they weren't white? There had to have been a good number of Nordics and Germanics leading those Italians to greatness.
They don't want to admit that they were still living in caves while colored people were creating civilization
Ha snownigger
Beating each other up with sticks is not civilization
Meanwhile Chang and gang were making China great
And the Romans were...roman-ing
special secret History discord
How is it a mistake?
Say it with me now
We had this thread earlier today and it got deleted.
Because they created and sustained it.
Veeky Forums is 20% decent discussion, 30% religious shitposting and 50% /pol/tards shitposting.
20% is pretty good for a boar of this speed.
People will make illogical claims to make themselves feel better.
White people didn't create Rome because "white" is a social category not applicable to an ancient conquest. The Romans did not share any sense of European or white kinship with the tribes of Germany, and instead identified with the more developed Near Eastern peoples with whom they interacted more extensively.
White people did not exist until colonization, when the Spaniards and Portuguese established moral hierarchies to justify their position of power over the now-Christianized African and indigenous populations, and to also subordinate the American planter class (many of whom were not of full European descent) beneath the Old World Peninsulares.
Proper Romans from Rome despised Easterners like Cretans, Syrians and Phrygians and considered them to be effeminate untrustworthy crooks. I guess a Roman in Antioch say around 300-400 AD would feel closer affinity to a German 'barbarian' rather then Levantine 'civilised' person.
Many Roman Emperors were white
>50% butthurt redditors obsessed with /pol/
This. Though the number should be like 70%
Because we are their cultural descendants. Decadents like Baudrillard even criticise us for our all-too Roman displays of violence (both political and cultural).