Are they the most envied ethnic group in the world? They simultaneously receive a lot of hate and imitation, that dichotomy is indicative of underlying jealousy. Why are they given constant attention?
Black americans
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You're the one giving them attention, here
They're a prime racial/ethnic/cultural subgroup for political votes. If you collectively arouse them, artificially create problems and promise to solve them its instantly 13% of the total U.S. population that will vote for you.
They're trash mate.
I wonder what other blacks around the world think about them.
Jamaican American here, native born Jamaicans hate most African Americans (unless they have cash or are tourists). I hear Nigerians in particular hate all blacks in the Americas.
All black ethnic groups hate each other.
You do realize that Jamaicans are a subset of black Americans right? "African-American" is so cringey and disingenuous.
One of my friends lived in NY in his highschool years, he said that Africans and Caribbeans were cool people, but the American blacks were insufferable.
They are a subset just like how white Hispanics are a subset of white/European Americans. You realize that Jamaican (West Indian in general) culture is separate from United States culture, right? Jamaica is its own country after all, and it has more in common with other Caribbean Anglophone countries than it does with the United States of America. Hell, in some regards it has more in common with the Caribbean Latin America than the USA. I could go on about the fact that most Jamaicans descend from different tribes on average (AAs are mostly Yoruba, black Jamaicans are mostly Akan) too, but it wouldn't be a major gap.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that African American should really be a term for the descendants of West Africans with European ancestry who can trace their ancestry back to colonialism in the United States of America (even though African American should really be for recent immigrants to this country), but Black American should include everyone of African descent in America, including African Americans, and the various descendants of African immigrants, West Indian immigrants, and Hispanic immigrants of black racial background. I consider myself to be Black American/Jamaican American.
Why don't you call yourself African-Jamaican?
I would say that caribs have awful taste in music though
Wise but sadly wise people don't run our country.
as a pale skinned ginger who doesnt know many African Americans but knows some straight up Africans, American blacks are near universally despised.
The few African Americans I know seem to idolize their African counterparts but the feeling is evidently not mutual.
for the record i volunteered for some African refugee programs in North Carolina. I didnt even have to ask anyone about it. A lot of the adult men and women would go on sometimes hilarious broken english rants about how much they hated black americans.
you're retarded if you can't recognize the difference between blacks in the US and blacks from the jamaican and caribbean whose countries were once part of teh british empire and inherited its political and legal traditions.
Weird mix of superiority and inferiority
Blacks that aren't from America tend to be really smart, hardworking, and agreeable people in my experience.
American Blacks are subhuman tier. Kind of like all Americans tbqh pham.
Jamaican Blacks are nice. Watch cool runnings.
All American -anything are trash desu
From my experience in Detroit, African and Caribbean immigrants can only afford to live in the poor neighborhoods with other black people. They show up and it's "what up, nigga? we wuz n shiet, am I right dawg?"
They just have to go mile north and they are in cities like Grosse Pointe - one of the richest cities in the entire state. They get lumped in with the riff-raff and from the three Africans I spoke to they hate being looped in with the inner city. They want education, to speak English, and to care for their families back home. Pretty much the opposite of a good majority of their black neighbors
>artificially create problems
Such as?
Black Americans in no way idolize or even like Africans. They actually mock them.
I feel like you've never met a Somolian then. Liars and cheats, all of them. Smart though, I'll give you that one.
Ugandans are bro tier, and Sudanese are generally hilarious (as in they have a very silly sense of humor, very slapstick) but Somolians? They suck, on several levels.
This is just personal experience of course. I could say the same of Iraqis, or Syrians. And don't get me started on Kuwaitis. Saudis are pretty neat dudes though.
They can't be too smart considering the US is still the powerhouse of the world when it comes to production, the sciences and the arts.
Most African-Americans really think alot of the negative bullshit they see is part of their culture so they have a difficult time separating from it.
>They can't be too smart considering the US is still the powerhouse of the world when it comes to production, the sciences and the arts.
I'm talking about individuals, not political entities. And I'm not sure you know how the world works if it this surprises you. Have you ever looked the number of Japan's Nobel laureates? There aren't that many. And that's a huge, first world country. You wouldn't say they aren't smart, I assume.
Hey island nigger, good news: The hate is mutual. Keep out of our country, hurricane boy.
>I'm talking about individuals, not political entities
Political entities are made up of individuals. I'm talking about individuals as much as you are.
>Political entities are made up of individuals.
Not really. A wealthy empire draws talent from the world over, as the USA does. If all America counted on to maintain its superiority, it would be in dire straits. But thankfully they have enough money to pay far smarter and capable Europeans and Asians to work for them.
>Political entities are made up of individuals.
>Not really.
lol, what are they made up of then? All you did was point out that some of those individuals which contribute to a country's power live in other countries.
Guess what though? The power is coming back here. So, those foreign individuals can be smart, but they are clearly not smarter than the ones within the country.
>Blacks that aren't from America tend to be really smart, hardworking, and agreeable people in my experience.
Same. I've seen and met like 5 Nigerians. One was a genius because she was the daughter of two Nigerian immigrants who I assumed worked their asses off to the point where they were able to move to America. The other few were math teachers at my college.
I think the reason Africans from Africa seem so smart is because I only see the wealthy and smart ones that were able to make it to America.
Or maybe they're just smart people. Idk.
>Why are they given constant attention?
White American autism.
Which is funny because black Americans did so much for the African diaspora and are the ONLY reason they are even allowed to step foot in America let alone the fact that America's big changes on immigration and laws may have caused an effect on other rich states potentially (not really sure on that).
It's annoying because quite frankly the black middle class has more money than most African derived nations. People talk about our poor as some sort of standard but look at the poor and corrupt of there's.
Yes our criminals and underclass are examples of some horrible things but there nation is clearly trash and the leaders and cronies aren't shit either. Most of there people will never be anything.
The great thing though is this idea of superiority only survives with the parents, the kids always calm down because they realize they are still black and will be treated as such.
They should just fuck each other and leave the rest of the Blacks alone.
the "epidemic" of white on black violence
Sorry to spoil your white dominance fantasies.
vid somewhat related.
No, there's nothing I envy LESS than a black female, who got the least lucky hand when it came to race and gender. I have actually pitied them from as far back as I can remember.
Lets not pretend that blacks are hated because people are "jealous of them"
Its like saying that unemployed violent African refugees living in Europe are envied by hardworking Europeans.
No, people are just sick of being mugged by blacks and have their kids chased off the playground because 26 year old Matumbe wants to play B-ball instead of work
>that dichotomy is indicative of underlying jealousy
quit the projection jamal.