Im looking for any effective ways to earn cash on the side. I have a job that pays shit and im looking for more unique ways to earn money
Bump. I'm thinking about doing marketing on social media. Looking to start my own business.
I tried to do this on instagram, it was a pain in the ass. People want you to upload frequently if not they just unfollow. Although some pages have literally 3-5 pics, and they have over 100k followers.
buy some knee pads
>be me
>feel the same
>buy FB page at 50k likes
>grow it to 150k
>build a website for it
We are launching in 15 days and I will try to post news/politics on it and drive trafic to it via my FB account
Wish me luck faggots, if I do this right I should earn some 700-1000 USD/m
You can make a lot through affiliate marketing apparently. Yeah, just upload absolute crap, loads of pages do it. Check out some gym pages.
I need a report from you few weeks/ month later
How much would a page with 50k likes go for?
I have no idea but it was all american and i bought it for $475, maybe i overpaid like 50 bucks but im a noob.
ye and i need a report from somebody that is 1-2 months ahead of me to give me proper insights on what i should watch out for.
We are posting mainly politics and shit and our audience is mainly grannies, 92% american, 5 % leafs, the rest are germans, poojeets and britfags.
Website gonna cost me some 200 bucks.
dont ruin your page if you are not into a niche where you can spam this garbage, if you are in some political hugbox you will probably drive people away from your page this way
btw when the income starts coming I plan to post daily/weekly in this vietnamese basket knitting forum because I am fucking SICK of cryptofaggots spamming nonsense all day long. Love the memes, hate the (((cryptoshekel))) bullshit