Has there ever been a more treacherous, evil, retarded bunch of fucks in history?
Has there ever been a more treacherous, evil, retarded bunch of fucks in history?
The Papal State during the War of the League of Cambrai.
If there really was a God, he would've struck perfidious Venice from the earth centuries ago.
>forgetting that venice outcucked everybody
does your mother count??
Venice unironically did nothing wrong on that war, the Pope was the backstabber.
Fuck off turkroach
treachery and retardation are mutually exclusive. They were just pure evil.
Venice was always a thorn in the side of Europe. The Pope did the right thing no matter how hard he backstabbed them.
Maybe not as retarded but definitely as treacherous and evil.
Venice did nothing wrong
Venice literally did nothing wrong
It just warms me heart to see such poison yet after all these decades of our being rendered functionally irrelevant.
Please tell me one of you is a French.
>Pope calls for a Crusade
>only Frankniggers answer
>I dunno it doesn't look like you can really do anything
>Venice shuts down their economy for a year
>Frankniggers show up with like 50 guys and an old horse
>The fuck is this?
>Venice needs to recoup costs
>fuck it take Zara
>Pope gets pissed
>Fuck off
>Fuck off
>Oy vey, ya gotta help me get da throne back
>I dunno
>Oh if it's shekels you want then I'll pay ya all I got dis ain't no bubbe meise
>Yeah, sure, okay
>Get to Byzantium
>Retake the city
>Where's the money
>Wha?! I didn't promise ya nothin' 'n besides I'm broke!
>Yeah, you go ahead and get him Tyrone of Honhon
>Frankniggers proceed to rape and burn and smash everything in sight
>Dandolo keeps his men from behaving like savages
>God, fuck this, we're fucked just take what we can get and let's go
>Tyrone of Honhon gets killed
>Venice is the bad guy in all of this
*elects doge*
*rebels against byzantines*
*forms republican government*
*engages in convoluted politics and backstabbing*
*steals the body of st. mark from the copts*
*sacks constantinople*
*steals byzantine leftovers before turks can get to them*
*gets btfo by turks*
*gets conquered by french*
fuck off with your sophomoric history memes.
>muh fourth crusade
Tyrone of Honhon
The Athenians.
Alcibiades is kind of too comically evil for me to hate. He's like a chaotic neutral bard in real life.
You're confusing your memes, it's a Byzaboo.
it is true, much byzantine gold still adorns numerous churches throughout the country
they were a sick empire though collapse was inevitable, it is better to have them than to see them despoiled by the turk no?
>it is better to have them than to see them despoiled by the turk no?
Is getting backstabbed by your "ally" really a better fate than falling to your enemy?
American (WASP) that studied history. Not even a stormfag. From the moment you became Englishmen you were treacherous, from the treachery of the longknives to David Cameron and Theresa May. Facts are facts.
You're not stupid or ineffectual, you're just perfidious.
why are sea powers so fucking annoying?
Because they think they can get away with anything, and they're not exactly wrong.
Never did a state work so hard, under such blindly selfish leadership, to destroy the European and world orders that had been carefully and painfully created since Napoleon.
they're sea powers because they relied on sea commerce. success on commerce involves opportunism and this transfers well into geopolitics
The eternal kraut
Quite bitching Nigel Pierre Jadoskowskwicz
t. enrico dandalo
Kuomingtang was much worse.
Why would Nigel care about Prussia?
Alcibiades literally did nothing wrong, not meme literally, he actually was right about everything and was completely backstabbed by the other leaders of Athens. He was in charge of Athens whenever they were in any way successful against Sparta, cucked the king of Sparta, and then tried to help Athens out even when they had exiled him. Alcibiades' exile is absolutely the most foolish thing a state has done to one of their leaders.
Nazi Germany
inb4 /pol/tards
Alcibiades is legitimately one of the coolest people to ever live. Like Julius Caesar level. Even his death was great considering it involved him running out in only a bed sheet to take on a small army.
The Byzantines backstabbed and betrayed each other even more
>Athens was winning the War after their most important subjects revolted and they got so BTFO in Thrace that they had to sign the Peace of Nicias
>Implying I'm talking about Cleon
I posted that half-sarcastically. my memory of the peloponnesian war is fuzzy cause i read about it a while ago.
>he actually was right about everything and was completely backstabbed by the other leaders of Athens.
can you elaborate
>Alcibiades' exile is absolutely the most foolish thing a state has done to one of their leaders.
didn't he flee before they even exiled him?
I know you're talking about Alcibiades, but Athens was a lot worse off after Cleon's death than they were after Pylos.
That's kind of basis politics though. There was no guarantee Thatcher could win a fourth term, especially given the rioting over the poll tax, as well Labours rising electability under Kinnock. The Tories needed a scapegoat in order to win that next election.
What did May/Cameron do?
Basically what happened was that the more peace oriented leaders of Athens felt like Alcibiades was weilding too much power and that he was a threat to their power so when a bunch of statues had their dicks broken off (yes I'm serious) they framed Alcibiades for it, this was right before the Sicilian expedition which was Alcibiades' idea and he was tasked with leading the operation and getting Syracus' fleet on their side, The trial was postponed til after he finished the operation but then they immediately changed their mind after he was gone and convicted him, Alcibiades got the news after getting to Sicily and defected to Sparta basically to survive (leaving the Sicilian expedition with less competent rules whose miserable failure resulted in a shift of power from slightly favoring Athens to slightly favoring Sparta), while in Sparta he cucked the king of Sparta and got chased out of their court as well, after that he chilled in Persia for a bit and helped out their emperor, Athens would eventually beg for him to come back which he did, when back he was given command of armies that had relative success in convincing Spartan held territory to shift allegiance, eventually he is called back to Athens itself for a meeting and left his second in command in charge of the navy, he told the guy to not confront the Spartan navy and the guy did the exact opposite and got his ass kicked by a based Spartan naval commander, Alcibiades' opponents blamed this on Alcibiades and exiled him again. Eventually there was a battle where Alcibiades knew that the Athenians would lose if they didn't reposition and sent a message to the Athenian leaders not to fight there but his advice was ignored as traitorous and that battle ensured Spartan victory. Imagine if he was left in charge of the Sicilian expedition instead of having ridiculous heresy charges brought on him? Or if he wasn't blamed for the guy directly going against his orders? Or if his final advice was followed?
Brexit u knobend, I wasn't even following the thread and that much is obvious
>Tyrone of Honhon
oh, I see, you're just a thick cunt then
>Tyrone of Honhon
You got me.
Honestly the Delian League got fucked because of Athens' allies too.
How the FUCK has this not been posted yet?
>ever winning after Pericles died
t.Alexander VI Boria
Later XXth century and XXIst century America can really be despicable.
>claims it wants """""""alllies"""""""
>shits all over France when France behaves like an ally and not a vassal
>literally has technology built into South Korea and Japan so it can shut it down on a whim
>spies on everyone they call a close friend
>keep ISIS alive in the name of a fucking pipeline so it can screw over Russia
>cries about caring for most of the expenses of NATO when it knows the minute they shut it down, the EU just gets to building an army of their own
Something about world power really got to them.
Thats the wrong one, you absolut braindead retarded burger eating faggot-
>Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo de Borja was Pope from 11 August 1492 until his death.
Alexander was a good pope though. You're thinking of Julius II the Sodomite.
>brit telling anyone else theyre irrelevant
You are literaly a US puppet state
Germans are the absolute worst
They ruin literaly everything
>sack rome and set humanity back 1000 years
>destroy the Catholic church, furthering the dark ages by 100 years
>start ww1 and destroy europe
>start ww2 and plunge europe into the cold war
Then they have the balls to blame it on the anglos. Literaly dindu tier.
Germant needs to be destroyed for the good of humanity
Stormcuck detected
Yea it was the Germans' fault that the Catholic church was corrupt as fuck
>set humanity back 1000 years
If G*rman luther had just waited some time all the problems he found in the Church would have been handled at the council of trent.
RIP Rome, betrayed by your vassal
>American talking about others being perfidious
Oh I'm fucking laughing.
You could argue that the British Empire is merely an extension of the Venetian Empire
But that is not the Byzantine flag.
Broke truce with Soviets
See: Every single step of their military operations
> implying the Byzantines didn't invite the Hungarians to raid Western Europe.
>not knowing how hard Britain tried to stay out of WW1.
You should read more, they were totally unprepared and basically banked on Germany not being retarded enough to attack Belgium.
It was as follows:
>Shit is hitting the fan in Europe, we have a pact with Belgium, it's fine, they wont attack Belgium
>*Germany spergs out*
>Ok we can still contain this
>*German autistic screeching*
>Well they're not playing nice but it's ok, the French can deal with that, we don't have to do anything unless they attack Belgium which isn't going to happen
>*Germany screeches even louder and unleashes the full fury of their aspergers syndrome*
>Well, fuck
They raided the Byzantines as well.
And doesn't change the fact that the Venetians betrayed the ERE.
so according to this greentext the pope is a faggot, venetians are cheating bankers, the french are their retarded henchmen, and the byzantine ruler tried to outcheat venice, then venice in retaliation told french retards to loot the whole place. why is history so cartoonish roflmao
If they let Alcibiades do his thing in Sicily then yes, they absolutely would've won. If they let him stay after they brought him back then they possibly could've brought it to a standstill again too.
I mean, just because the pot is black doesn't mean he can't tell the kettle that they are too.
>sheeiitt dem germans dindu nuffin dey was gud boiz dem mutha fukkin anhlos be holdin us back
GIDF right on time. What next, the good guys lost ww2? Go back to /pol/
>also may have supported pol pot
>not teaching Latin Americans to elect good men
lol shut up dweeb
Definitely this. Ukrainian peasants in general and Cossacks in particular were absolutely retarded bunch of backstabbers, and they still didn't changed.
My favorite little story from the Fourth Crusade is from Robert de Clari's "The Conquest of Constantinople" regarding his brother, Aleaume (or Aleaumes) who was a literal fucking battle priest and was the first to breach the walls of Constantinople. Dude is pretty badass.
>Yet did they hack away at that postern gate with axes and good swords, with timbers and bars and picks, until at last they made a great breach therein. And when this postern was pierced through, then looked they through it and saw so many folk, both of high and of low estate, that it seemed that half the world were there; wherefore they durst not venture to enter there.
>But when Aleaume the Clerk saw that none dare enter there, he sprang forward and said that he would go in. Now there was present a knight, his brother, Robert of Clari by name, who forbade him and said that he should by no means go in. And the clerk said that he would do so, and he gat himself in on his hands and feet. And when his brother saw this, he took him by the foot and began to drag him toward himself; but at last, despite his brother, whether his brother would or would not, the clerk went in. And when he was within, a multitude of the Greeks fell upon him, and they that were upon the walls began to cast down great stones at him. When the clerk saw this, he drew his knife and rushed upon them and made them to flee before him like cattle.
>Then cried he to them that were without, to my Lord Peter and his people, “Sirs, enter boldly! For I see that they are utterly confounded and are fleeing away.”
Well done.
Maybe they would've won, mostly because Alcibiades wouldn't betray Athens, but would argue that Athens still would've fell sooner or later because of political turmoil. There is a reason why Thucydides says that after Pericles Athens was governed by not so good leaders.
>tries to backstab all its allies
>used chemical weapons on civilians and sent their jews to the German camps
>so retarded it can't fight for shit
Fuck off you disgusting roach
Yeah, totally! Just look at what they did!
>Bandera was a good boi! His band shot, drowned, burned alive, raped, beheaded, crucified, nailed, ripped apart, boiled, hanged, gutted, strangled and stomped Polish kids cuz they occupied Upainu
Why the fuck were they so autistic about
Venetian lebensraum
Even if Athens won the Greeks would be back at each other's throats in a decade or two, they were a fucking mess
good lord my sides
American here, you are completely irrelevant. Least important ally in both World Wars. Canada was unironically more important
The soviets were worse and you know it