>will never go back in time to save Constantinople and restore the Roman Empire with my leet EU4 skillz
Will never go back in time to save Constantinople and restore the Roman Empire with my leet EU4 skillz
Other urls found in this thread:
Kids, this is what a bait thread looks like.
Do not feed the autist, either.
>ywn give Istanbul to Glorious Leader Stalin during WW2 by baiting Turks into war when they'd lose and waste their unarmoured divisions in the caucasus like in Darkest Hour
why live
>You will never save Persia from her fall to the Arabs
>You will never save Constantinople from her fall to the Turks
>You will never save Rome from her fall to the Germanics
>You will never save Eastern Europe and the Balkans from being Slavified
you can still save western civilization in the present you dumb fucks
the marble emperor will reawaken and reap vengeance on the filthy turk that desecrated our homes, wives, and temples.
just be patient.
>You will never help Julian beat the Persians
>You will never introduce the Romans to modern germ theory and help to ensure that Julian has a long reign
>You will never debate Philosophy and Theology with Julian
>You will never help defeat the Galileans
>You will never help to restore the empire and traditional Hellenic philosophy/religion
>traditional Hellenic philosophy/religion
That's not what Julian advocated though, his little pet project religion was just Christianity with the serial numbers filed off
I think that is a rather unfair assessment of his plans.
I think it would be more accurate to say that he wanted to centralize Hellenic religion/philosophy around a structure that was inspired by that of the early christian church.
>you will never save Carthage
You can still save the new Roman Empire
Of course not, he's here.
but we don't have knowledge of the future in the present
You better have a copy of Ammianus by your bed at all times like I do, wishing of better times.
>Roman Empire
pick one and only one
the fact that Julian's religion crumbled immediately after his death showed how success of the "traditional roman religion" was overly tied to the emperor's favor
I mean look at the Egyptian religion, it was the oldest faith in the world but disappeared almost within a generation once the temples stopped being supported by the ERE. And the ability to read hieroglyphics was unfortunately lost with it.
>Julian's religion crumbled immediately after his death
I don't think that is very fair.
He never really got it off the ground.
If he had been able to crush the Persians, he would have had the political capital needed to really make a go at reforming Hellenic religion.
More like Carthage.
>but disappeared almost within a generation
There were still proponents of the old Egyptian religion in parts of Nubia for like another 400 years
I'll be honest with you guys, this guys death and the death of his family hits me harder than the Romanovs.
Fucking phokas. And by extension, fuck the steppe niggers
In contrast.
>I will never save fatih sultan mehmed from being poisoned by the venetian jew allowing him to conquer italy
>I will never convince suleiman the magnificient to take enough cannons with him for a siege of vienna instead of just enough for a field battle
>I will never help make the ottoman empire the real third rome by helping it conquer europe and from there the rest of the world
If America is Carthage, who is Rome?
>AKA ally Hungary and Poland-Lithuania simulator
>when the afrikakorps steamrolls the allies and takes stalingrad in you axis and allies game
Roman Republic>ERE>WRE>Kingdom
I don't understand Byzaboos
It's history mostly consists of getting rekt by persians, muslims and merchants
oh and don't forget t*rks
China. Russia and the EU superstate will be the Germans and Persians, respectively. North Africa will be the Moors, as before, but everything south of the Sahara will be under their indirect control. So like Arabia and the Caucasus I guess.
>You will never be able to vote for Andrew Jackson
>You will never go to war in Mexico under the order of Polk
>You will never be able to celebrate victory against the Spanish
>You will never get the feeling of victory from winning the second world war
I've missed the best of America
New Veeky Forums Discord:
Will Donaldus Triumphus become the greatest Roman Emperor in history?
>New Veeky Forums Discord:
neck yourself
If anything he'd be the tyrant that the Republic will coalesces against.
He is comparable to Caligula
Childhood is idolizing the Empire of the Greeks
Adulthood is realizing that the Latin Empire made more sense.
suicide pact unless we can build a time machine?
That's fucking stupid, if NATO is the Hellenic League and China is analogous early republican Rome then China would be making a cheap knockoffs of cultural touchstones made by NATO members while also idolizing them by adopting their art and philoso-
Fuck off the traditional roman religion was long gone even before christianity, julian was literally a fedoralord, he was less pagan than he was anti christian.
It's not worth saving
I will never save louis xvi and his family from godless third estate lawyers and merchants who wanted to larp as a new nobility. Fuck freemasons and fuck republics.
Louis xvi and Nicholas II are proof that whem you try to be good and please the people you get fucked.
>Not saving the Romans Empire long before the fall of Constantine please or the Great Schism with your l33t Crusader Kings 2 skills
It's like you want the west to fall.
>he thinks he could beat mehmet ii
you are trash kid
America resembles the
In that it is a loose confederation of 50 states with each individual state being an elector.
>Donaldus Triumphus
I don't new why but I like the sound of that. With tweets it could become the perfect Roman sounding name.
>Orthodox, greek-speaking """"roman"""" empire
In your dreams Cuckopoulos
I would be down for that, senpai.
t. christ-cuck
>Following the Nicene Creed
Why do people only remember the ERE for its failures? It was around for over 1000 years. It has a very long history of ups and downs. The downfall really only began after the 11th century.
If I'm to be pessimistic, I'd say he's like a Julian with ideology instead of religion.
How does germ theory save you from a spear wound in the chest?
Well one would not expect him to receive such a wound if he were to crush the Persians.
My thinking was that introducing germ theory would increase the likelihood of Julian having a long reign.
The sort of reign needed to cement in place his religious reforms.
I think Julian's religious reforms were kind of shit 2bh. He just took a bunch of shit and stuck it together in hopes it'd work. What would have been more interesting from my point of view would have been his federalist policies in regards to governing the empire.
>Nicholas II
>please the people
Nice meme
>I think Julian's religious reforms were kind of shit 2bh
I disagree.
A centralization of the old cults and philosophic schools was need in order to combat the Galilean threat.
>his federalist policies in regards to governing the empire
I would personally have preferred a restoration of the old imperial administration, or at-least a push towards landed feudalism.
But I also would have been eager to see how such federalist reforms would have played out.
I have a special devotion to Emperor St. Constantine XI, but I'm struggling with one aspect of his martyrdom:
>On 21 May, Mehmed sent an ambassador to Constantinople and offered to lift the siege if they gave him the city. He promised he would allow the Emperor and any other inhabitant to leave with their possessions. Moreover, he would recognize the Emperor as governor of the Peloponese. Lastly, he guaranteed the safety of the population that would remain in the city.
Honestly, that seems like a pretty good deal. Wouldn't it have been more Christian to put his people's safety first? Imagine the suffering he caused by refusing these terms.
Just a reminder that Secretary of Defense James Mattis is a Stoic, and carried a copy of Meditations wherever he went.
>doesn't want Slav Balkans
Fuck you, eat my Slavic ass, we will be the last ones standing if the west keeps going where it's going, save the west if you're so smart
It was actually a pretty good idea. He knew that Christian charitable giving and helping the poor was far more popular with the urban poor than just handing out some meat in a festival once in a blue moon.
>You will never save Eastern Europe and the Balkans from being Slavified
Fuck Phocas.
What is Veeky Forums's hardon for byzantine? The proper Roman empire was much cooler
I've asked that question so many times and never gotten an answer that didn't just involve shitposting and lame memes. I assume it is something to do with the image of a Christian Roman Empire fighting Islam (Ottomans) probably the /pol/ overlap
>Trusting a dirty Turkish warlord with an annoyed, hungry army of levys to honor his side of the peace conditions
>Surrendering one of the holiest cities of Christendom to the infidel
Unlike you faggot, Constantine and most of the men who died defending that city had a sense of pride and duty, living on as submissive vassals to the enemy was a fate worse than death. I bet your browsing history is filled with interracial cuck porn.
It's probably because after the "fall of the Roman Empire," there's still about a thousand more years of history left regarding Rome. Of course, plenty of people just can't accept that.
Because they held out the Muslims pretty much on their own for 800 years all the while fighting other invading forces from the North and before that - Persia. I think that's pretty impressive.
There is surely a history of Rome after the fall of Western Empire. But not about some Greeks who lived hundred miles away from Rome city.
Yet the line of emporers was continuous from Augustus to Constantine XI. By your logic, the Roman Empire ended with Hadrian because he preferred his villa to Rome.
Your post is incorrect.
If the U.S still had the Articles that would be true, but instead the U.S Constitution now means that the U.S has a far more powerful central government than most nations in the world, and is incredibly centralised. States' rights are a literal meme and a mere excuse to spend billions of maintaining individual supreme court buildings and school budgets. The U.S is the only developed country with a government so powerful that it can literally force its citizens overseas to pay tax to it, something that nobody else is capable of doing.
Rome was irrelevant even during the late western Roman Empire, the capitals shifted constantly, you can't tell me that just because the western part of the Roman empire fell apart, that the East, that survived, transformed magically into something else.
>literally larped as Romans
>wahhh Rome is not important
>were romans
>continued being Romans after the western part fell
The only people larping as Romans were the HRE and the barbarian kingdoms that were established after the fall in the West.
I see him much more like Crassus. Wealthy land developer who wants to go campaign in Syria.
i would have said Crassus too, but with a dash of Clodius Pulcher
I'd say he's more like Milo in that respect, antifa takes the clodian cake.
>you will never go back in time to pinpoint exactly where rome is to hæsteinn and björn ironside so they'll sack it instead of luna
Christards blown the fuck out XD , can't make that shit up senpai XD
>Will never go back in time to help Russian Empire defeat nips and Germans in WW1, killing all bolshevik commies and ashuring in new Russian Tsardom Golden Age.
Because turk roach filth are willing to do everything in their power to discredit the sons of Rome.
they're not worth saving
>He just took a bunch of shit and stuck it together in hopes it'd work
Sounds like the updated AHCA bill