Most Muslims fleeing to other countries are fleeing because other Muslims have taken over

>Most Muslims fleeing to other countries are fleeing because other Muslims have taken over
Has there ever been anytime in history when citizens fled because their own religion took over? I can only think of Protestants fleeing Catholicism, but that was on a much smaller scale

People always run away from war and fear of reprisal this is not unique to Islam. It is just the Muddle East is currently the least stable part of the planet.

>least stable part of the planet.
africa is.

Im pretty sure that central africa is even worse

I didn't ask if theres ever been a time people have fled from war or fear of reprisal...

^yes that's right, keep giving them excuses

If only fleeing muslims didn't bring Islam along with them wherever they went...

>huh why are Byzantians running from those Crusader knights? Aren't they the same religion.

yeah about that user...

>flee from Islam
>go into Islam-free nation
>nation is now contaminated with Islam

What I am saying is that people are not running because they are Muslim. I can actually cute many examples of people fleeing from those of the same religion.
>Rwandan Civil War
>Chinese Civil War
>Some Parts of Yugoslavs Wars
>Russian Revolution
>Cuban Revolution
>Spanish Civil War

problem with your i key?
anyways, why are they running then if they aren't running because they're Muslim?
>because they'll be killed
yeah killed because they're the wrong type of Muslim?

>Protestants fleeing Catholicism

You mean Catholics fleeing Protestant tyranny, right?

Albigensian Crusade
Fourth Crusade
The German Wars of Religion
The French wars of Religion
The Monooheiste prosecution

Are those good enough examples.

So is your argument that other religions have never prosecuted killed and forced flight upon members of their religion with whom they disagree besides muslims.

Oh God, you are fucking retarded. Go jerk off about how edgy are you and how you are right about fixing the world meanwhile jews controlled media are lying to you, and then kill yourself for the sake of humanity

>using a handful of examples from awhile ago to combat pre and present "instances" constantly happening throughout the middle east
keep it up i think athiests are at 100 at this point

Have you never heard of the fuckign 30 years war? Or what happened to the Arians and other sects of Christians that were declared herecies?

Well if we don't limit it strictly to religion we can many many wars in which people have been forced to make flight.

at the end of the day ppl fite, rite sprite?
/le thread

There was a substantial exodus from Bohemia when the Swedes came in the 30 years war. Both were predominately Protestant

>Has there ever been anytime in history when citizens fled because their own religion took over?
The Pilgrims

As a Czech: You have no idea what you are talking about

Dude what

Pretty much every conflict in human history has created refugees, WW1 for instance displaced millions along the Franco-German border

dude bro, the question wasn't "which conflicts have created refugees" dude bro


>Smaller scale

You do realize populations were much lower then and the 30 Years War still killed more people than 16 Syrias, or pretty much almost all ears outside of China and the World Wars

The Jews when the Bolsheviks took over.

I'd like to marry a czech girl

Do you consider Westboro Church as proper Christians?

^srsly scrounging at this point


>spanish civil war
Catholics vs Atheists
>Russian civil war
Orthodox vs Jews and Atheists

Learn to use the site

>catholics vs atheists
Yeah, that was the whole point of the war!


Imagine being this retarded

What exactly did he say that made you pull out your "le /pol/ maymay XD"

It's a Shia/Sunni conflict, bit like Protestants and Catholics. You're wrongly assuming that Muslims are a single united entity

Probably the implication that the Spanish civil war was that simple, and citing the Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution and singling them out (despite Jews being on all sides) as the religion?

Nah, the crazy wars and shit have mostly died down in Central Africa

To answer your question OP.. IIRC a number of Polish refugees and asylum seekers had settled in Ottoman Turkey fleeing from occupation of their lands by fellow Europeans. There are probably other examples too but this is the one that comes to mind.

i was xboxposting you gay buttery faggot
you can't efficiently (you) in a timely manner there

>yeah killed because they're the wrong type of Muslim?
Most of them are the same type of Muslim. It's a question of political extremism at that point, where Sunni Muslims are fleeing the Sunni IS because they don't want to submit to its authority.

Communists flee when their religion takes over and lines up the useful idiots against the wall.

They weren't allowed to others, they weren't fleeing shit. Its the old time equivalent of a cult in the desert compound.

The same reason many Christians fled to America after also facing oppression in Europe for their beliefs. Religious secs (that are branded as heresies and such) and ideologies. Shiites hate Sunnis and vice versa. Wahhabism against moderates, etc.

It's not even solely for their beliefs, but also for their ethnicity and culture. This has been seen EVERYWHERE.

>The Americas
>Middle East

Making it a solely Muslim problem is ignoring a crap ton of history. Migrations happen, whether it is because of war, religious oppression or a shitty as fuck economy.

>have religious sects ever gotten violent at eachother before

>flee from Islam
>go into Islam-free nation
>complain that theres no Islam
>nation is now contaminated with Islam