Does society favor extroverts?
Does society favor extroverts?
Obviously, and for good reasons.
Now ask if society favors women.
Is introversion a genetic defect then?
no actually, since extroverts are retards and ultimately they all end up being normie wageslaves
society unfortunately favours sick jewish sociopaths who are anything but extroverted
This doesn't follow at all, introverts fill many vital functions within society but of course society is going to favor the pro-social extraverts.
if you don't have the intelligence to compensate it is
That certainly depends on what kind of extrovert.
Idiots that can't shut up aren't favored, for instance.
If you're asking if the game is rigged against introverts, then there's an obvious reason for that: People who don't have the balls to show their talent and claim what's theirs, don't get what they want. All as it should be.
here we can see all the extroverts doing the normal thing, "going with the flow", doing what everyone does and basically being typical good people doing whatever they are supposed to
meanwhile the eternal evil introvert is exploiting them without anyone even noticing, walking among his slaves with a visibly jewish grin on his face
In what way is Mark Zuckerberg an introvert?
The man blasts out manifesto after manifesto and tells the whole world whenever his girlfriend farts.
Zuckerberg is a total extrovert you moron
no he isn't, you can see when someone is naturally extroverted or just trained to be so.
clearly not, he is an asocial nerd who succeeded, and no matter the amount of speeches he gets to read, he will stay that person deep down
his ugly gf is just further proof he is ultimately an introvert
this also works for hitler who was deeply shy and introverted and sensitive behind the appearances he deliberately put on, probably stalin as well
in fact i would argue only an introvert is able to put on such an appearance, because it's clearly not a natural way to act, actual extroverts have personalities and not calculated moves
No, its a mutation that is beneficial to humanity as a whole. While only select few may have introversion genes, the gains carryover to the rest of the humanity because introversion gene is literally the intelligence gene.
>having balls to show
Thats actually a extrovert outlook. Having balls and being stupid is same thing to different people.
You have no idea what extroverted/introverted means.
>genetic defect
>built culture and civilization
It's an
> I self-diagnosed as introverted so now I project that trait unto every remarkable person in history
Society favors skill, nepotism and training.
Extroversion doesn't even make it to that list, which should tell you that its outranked
Extroversion have strong nepotism skill though.
Name one.
>Extroversion have strong nepotism skill though
Why would it be? If you can't argue the case, you shouldn't post.
Nepotism is favoritism based on familiarity.
Extroverts naturally familiarizes himself with everyone around him. Thus connections are everywhere. Nepotism is the extrovert domain.
diagnosing people as either extroverts or introverts retroactively is a pointless exercise, since the terms themselves are only placeholder terms existing until psychology comes up with a more meaningful nomenclature.
But history is full of sociable people who also had a lot of impact.
> establishing trust is a negative trait now
Where are you on the spectrum?
Introverts were better farmers
Your words, not mine. Establishing trust is positive. Nepotism is anti-merit/anti-fair, thus a net negative in work/education/etc.
Thats some extreme faulty 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 thinking ya got there.
The first statement isn't true, so the second statement isn't true. And then the last statement is unrelated.
Extroversion isn't network building, you should look up what the word means.
>hurr durr
Extroversion is literally someone who seeks external emotional stimuli. They REQUIRE themselves to talk to other people to function. Talking to people builds relations and connections. Not sure why this is such a ground shaking revelation.
Obviously. And for good reasons
Talking isn't networking. Networking is something else user.
The biggest example of a extrovert is a person who talks to strangers, but builds no connections.
Extroverts can build dozens to hundreds of friends easily. Networking comes from socializing. Fraternizing.
You need to reevaluate your definition. If your definition of networking is very limited that only introverts can get in, then there is some personal issue.
You are confusing a good quality in extroversion, with the balance of quality in extrovert.
You are also confusing a social skill with meeting people, when the overlap in the venn diagram is barely existing.
> hundreds of friends
Social studies has shown a hard cap being little over 100.
Nevermind that the stronger the traits of the extrovert, the negative traits will show up.
Just like how introversion is fine so long the traits are weak.
You are also showcasing the flaw where you subscribe trained skills(speech, behavior, body language, culture) to extrovertion, instead of the definition(being unable to entertain one self)
> a lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people
Says nothing about being unable to entertain oneself.
It do.
You are confusing strong extrovert with weak extrovert traits.
Strongly extroverts don't do well in life.
> I literally give you the textbook definition.
> No, see, according to my ass, you're wrong.
What do you think "who enjoys being with other people" means? If its a strong trait, user?
Do you really fail literacy that bad?
I see your point regarding extreme extroverts. But very few people are extremely extroverted. The discourse in this thread seems to indicate that people who are slightly extroverted are some sort of idiots while all achievements ever have been accomplished by basement-dwelling loners. None of which is substantiated.
>Introversion Gene
You can't just make shit up and expect everyone to believe you
Women find sociality and social status attractive therefore yes, in a sense extraversion is genetically better.
Yeah this is true. But there are other domains of female attraction like usefulness or creativity which introverts seem more adapted to.
> introverts are more useful and creative
Says who?
Its only a matter of time before its discovered.
The difference between introvert and extrovert are already shown in brain scans where strong introverts show much more developed prefrontal cortex. Thats the part of the brain thats most active when making decisions, planning, thinking, etc.
[citation needed]
>tfw extovert brainlets will be the new marginalized people once human DNA is decoded into its general functions
The discourse in this thread is that very few is willing to admit that in the intro/extra split, there is gigantic differences between the stronger and weaker traits.
The OP's question is of such a nature. He is taking all the traits of extroversion, and asking if society favor them.
The reality is that society favors some of the extro traits, and some of the intro traits. Just like it discourages a lot of them.
In general, society dislike the stronger traits. Such as isolation, inability to cope with lack of social contact, and the extremes in ability to communicate without training.
Is introversion more skilled?
Or is introversion a trait that forces the induvidual to grow their hobbies due isolation?
extroverts favor society
Introverts have strong affinity with mental mapping, so its probably why they are more skilled in certain technical tasks like being a scientist, mathematician, philosopher, etc. Meanwhile extroverts have strong affinity with socializing which leads them towards skillset that revolve around communicating with people. Telemarketers, nurses, retailers, etc
So extroverts are worse people than introverts.
Neither of those statements is true. Even more so when markeding is a by the book job in most cases. And university education can be passed on excessive social banter.
It is possible they are not inherently introverts and more an effect of them being able to enjoy other sources of amusement that you typically do alone like reading.
idk, is a tomato a worse vegetable than a cucumber, or are chicken and bauxite equaly bad as clothing material?
>The vast majority of them also come packaged with the assumption the reader understands the basic concept of introversion, and already has a pretty clear idea of whether he or she is an introvert or an extrovert
rocks are worse vegetables than tomatoes.
Tomatoes are worse construction material than rocks.
There's a clear difference between strong introverts and extroverts. Conflating the two to appease your inner mind is intellectual dishonesty. You should stop posting if this is the case.
Extrovert utilize society more just by their nature.
Introverts do what they have to in society to get by.
This however is a very vulgar generalization.
Society favours the socially skilled.
Extroverts are more likely to develop social skills, but are not inherently favoured. Remember, the awkward cringey fool that hovers about groups of people but can't get in is an extrovert too.
Extroverts are more likely to develop social skills because they will naturally socialize more. This is their inherent advantage.
As they, as a group, talk with people more often than introverts, as a group, this leads them to develop their social skills being more developed than introverts.
Extroverts that fail to develop their social skills are in same rarity as introverts who develop their social skills.
>Extroverts that fail to develop their social skills are in same rarity as introverts who develop their social skills.
So extremely common then.
What about extovert ppl that dont like ppl and only hang with one person witch happens to be his partner (hetero) but hate society
But knows how to get by. 4 example would get out off a tiket coz social skills. Forgive my english
Yes the society does favour extroverts a lot more than introverts , if you want answers read this book named ( quiet - The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking by Susan Cain)
What is an extrovert in your mind? What is an introvert?
Humans are social animals so of course.
No, introverts are humans who lack the socialization instinct.
You can actually make clothes out of chicken leather and aluminum and there are ways to find which is objectively better for your needs.
We can make similar judgments about extroverts and introverts. To be an extrovert you must be popular and to be popular you must support society and all its bullshit if not participate in it.
You are right to be suspicious of the reason for someone's unpopularity, it could be that they are haters, however it is possible for an introvert to be a good person who is unpopular because they stand up for their principles while it is not possible for an extravert to be a good person.
You guys need to keep in mind that people aren't just either extroverts or introverts.
Those fall at opposite ends of the spectrum. The majority have traits of both
I don't think so...
Not at all...fear and anxiety is the problem. And just because you're not a social person, doesn't automatically mean you're under the influence of fear and anxiety.
Some people would rather sit and be quiet in a remote area while they observe a scenic environment. Some people want to hear music or enjoy a room full of company. Some enjoy both.
But the "Defect" element only applies when fear/anxiety is involved. Fear and anxiety act like a barricade relative to communication. A suffocation and darkness where the individual can't see past the fear and therefore is left in unknown and in the dark so he can't proceed forward to communicate. The path is blocked off so they put their head down, turn their head away etc etc All because they don't see where to go. Those are the people who are painfully shy etc etc
If introverts are humans who lack the socialization instinct, does that mean extroverts are humans who lack the intelligence instinct?
Really makes you think, or maybe socialize
Many extroverts are intelligent, socializing with people is pure instinct not intelligence thats why idiots can form massive social circles.
Yes, a society is based on people interacting with each other. They meet, get together and reproduce. Its the only way civilization can carry on.
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Lets asume i know the diference. Know lets say A is popular and has alot of social life and friends then he meets B witch is a normie B always calls A to hang early before A is call by others, A starts to develop feels for B, B & A start to get sexual when alchol involved so almost twice a week. A moves far away gets new friends but dont become as popular, still talk with B. A used to do a lot of house partys back in firts scenario.
A puts some money and moves back to 1st scenario, but to a shared house where he cant bring people. B takes care of A when A dosent have a place to sleep. A discover how valuavle B is against the rest of friends. A gets depress and tinks he was so popular cuz of house partys and constantly probiding alcohol an weed. The A & B get close A keeps having amazing social skills. Then they bouth A & B move together far away the get popular prety fast with the neightbors and go to partys with new people. But A and B dont want to get personal with no body cuz of the last experience with shity needy friends.
Im donde txting sorry I didnt greentext. So my goal was to proof that some one with high social skills can hate people and be a hipocrat like sells people with their clients. U can be verry social human being and hate the average human being
introverts win if they make something useful with their lonely time
too bad anime and video games keeps them busy
Do you think people still count as introverts even when they chat/shitpost a lot on the Internet (and seem natural about it)? You know, like communicating, desperately seeking attentions, and so on. What is the single most defining trait for each personality?
Name one genius extrovert
There are many ways to define introversion and extroversion.
If they're desperately seeking attention, then they're extrovert regardless of whether they're online or offline.
One way you can define introversion/extroversion is whether or not they gain/lose energy by being around social situations. Introvert will be drained the longer they are around people. Extroverts will be charged up. Ofcourse not infinitely, but as long as their physical bodies can carry through.
Another way to define introversion/extroversion is whether or not they seek external social stimuli. Extroverts seek external social stimuli. Introverts do not.
Yet another is checking how they communicate with others. Introverts will have a more restricted speech pattern, extroverts have a much looser speech.
Extroverts enjoy being sheep while introverts naturally sense something wrong.
At the top of the social ladder natural introverts get ahead because they arent deluded with the need to connect with or impress people outside of their close circle.
Nepotism is introverted at its heart because it means people generally rely on whoever has been fortunate enough to be close to them without having to be introduced by purely social reasons.
Overwhelmingly so
Is Veeky Forums just /r9k/ playing pretend?
I'm an extrovert but I have social anxiety and this is killing me, I'm 26 and already tried to kill myself once when I was younger.
I crave for attention, the ones I want anyway, but I can't get them.
Also known as failed normies.
I just want somebody to love me
/r9k/ is my second most frequented board
just bee yourself :^)
American society does
Societies like Japan and Eastern Europe are slanted towards introversion.
Heroin. Shoot yourself up.
And look how far ahead and dominant America is compared to those countries.
>tfw you can tell
>tfw you are the same