Favorite historical entity? Mine is definitely Angevin empire
Favorite historical entity? Mine is definitely Angevin empire
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> The French-ruled England, even Richard the Lionheart was Acquitanian, basically French.
GB from 1707 - 1815
Venetian republic to be quite tbqh
whom are you quoting
France looks like a holy roman empire but not
>an empire
-pick 4.
The "French" didn't rule England, the Normans did - they also ruled vast swathes of France :^) and the Sicily, southern Italy, the Levant and the Balkans.
This sort of statement always shits up hundred years war threads.
It always turns into a shit flinging contest between the "WELL ACKSHUALLY" people who quantify whether England was French based on the language spoken by the king and those who quantify that the king of England was titled the king of England and ruled England while at war with the king of France.
>French" didn't rule England
Still in denial Nigel ?
Your sourced are hitting control f and typing french on the wikipedia page for the Bayeux tapestry?
Pretty ironic to twist Voltaire's words and reverse the fact that they were adressed to the Not-Holy, Not-Roman, Not-Empire :^)
Also pretty ironic, since the King of England had to swear pledge alliegance to the King of France over his title of Duke of Normandy and Gascony.
And still, with France restricted to the royal holdings + the duke of Toulouse managed to hold England at bay and kick them out later.
Also your so called "Angevin empire" got it's name from France, was ruled by a French speaking King who resided in his French possetions of Gascony and hated England, which he only used to squeeze out money for the crusades.
It's just the eternal anglo's shame and denial of it's own history, Dieu et mon droit, Honni soit qui mal y pense aren't the english crown's motto for no reason :^)
The Normands are culturally French with Norse ancestry, denying this is retarded desu, just look at their names, Guillaume de Normandie, Bohémond de Taranto etc...
>Not French
Here we go again
Basic bitch answer but definitely the Roman Republic
A city-state centered hegemony ruled by a large aristocratic class who vied for power through conquest one individually by senator? Two, count em two, executives who occasionally declare themselves dictator? Marian reforms? Yes please. It's just so crazy unique compared to the plain jain single autocrat entities that came after, I love it.
And not to mention it had the best wars, namely the Punic Wars
Republican period best period.
forgot muh pic
>Empire fags will never understand.
For real, why do they love it so much?
Empire was only cool for 200 years anyway, the republic was cool for 500
Napoleonic France, no one daring to oppose Nappy except the eternal anglo and suicidal Russia in fear of getting Austerlitzed, then litteraly everyone gangs up to crush what remains of his army after the Russian winter, he retreats to France and beats back the Prussians with an army made up of teenagers and old men. His last campaign after Leipzig was truely his best.
I'm not denying the Norman conquest or the subsequent cultural impact, England being more entwined with France rather than insular or Scandinavian.
The french and french lovers on this board pulling a "WE WUZ" because the Normans settled in France, assimilated (a bit) and went on to invade England (with papal sanction) and defeated Harold, days after Harold had seen off an enormous Scandinavian invasion force is annoying but more importantly either disingenuous or ignorant.
Most facets of both national identities draw from events after the Plantagenets, this is especially true for France.
>Also your so called "Angevin empire"
literally no brits care about this empire. We don't have to go back 800 years to find something to be proud of.
was ruled by a French speaking King who resided in his French possetions of Gascony and hated England
How will I ever recover...
We should go back to the days of English kings that only ever spoke English and lived in England like Edward the Conf-
>Dieu et mon droit, Honni soit qui mal y pense
oh my god, more french! ᚱᚫᚫ!
All the Norman invasion did was embroil England in continental affairs and lo and behold that tiny irrelevant backwater would eclipse all the major powers of Europe. kek, how humiliating for us. The shame is too much!
Because bigger = better to most of them. There were only a couple of emperors that were competent, and the others were mostly shit
Kek, england only became relevant after it stopped poking it's nose in european affairs
if you say so
>Implying Britain won at waterloo, kek
Wellington was getting his Irish ass smacked until Blucher came in and tipped the balance
So much potential, but so little delivered.
This was the last time France was truly a driver of world events.
No, that was 1940, and even then it remained a major political power.
It could from this point onward never again rise to such levels of threat, it has been more docile ever since.
Maybe, on the other hand Britain never was a military threat to begin with compared to the other european powers.
Who would've thought, another Anglo revisionist post.
Well, not sure how your fantasy relates to the subject at hand.
This. No nation in history comes equal to Rome.
>Believing the vastly superior tactic superiority as well as skill of the british army over it's european counterpars meme.
It was an ok army, just much smaller.
The Royal Navy on the other hand, really did rule the waves.
imperial rome of course was not really a country, it was beyond simple nationhood
>be me, Napoleon
>crown myself Emperor of the French
>apparently never lose to the English
>surrender to the English
>surrender to the English again
>tfw people think I shouldn't be the Emperor of the French
Thanks for the anglos for never really daring to fight Napoleon on land, if they did they would've been crushed like the rest and maybe shared Prussia's hate of Napoleon. Napoleon only surrendered to the Brits because he knew they wouldn't behead him like Blücher planned to do.
No, Napolean exhibited the quintessential french trait: When the going gets tough they surrender.
Richard the Lionheart spoke Occitan?
You're literally bitching about England being a superior naval power and taking advantage of that fact.
Gotta love how this thread starts out with a frog trying to bantz Anglos and winds up being massively asshurt over Napoleon.
The English in government were entirely displaced, French was the language of the court and to all the magnets.
A bastardized language evolved through lords communicating with English serfs. The only English left in the lands were farmers et cetera. Most Anglo-Saxons became mercenaries, many ended up in the service of the Byzantines.
Today the only area with a large ethnically English population is Yorkshire.
I forgot, this as this was a disputed territory under the Norman rule, many English fled to the North to put up resistance against the Normans.
William ethnically cleansed large areas of the North which left a dearth of organizational structures, which today results in a lack of population centers in the north.
>not knowing how corrupt the late republic was
>not realising that the emperor was needed to stop the republic from killing it itself
This is what happens when people consider themselves capable of assessing a civilisation that lasted a thousand years from watching an episode of Extra History.
>He thinks the bit of England that suffered frequent Scottish invasions, spent centuries under danish rule and was ethnically cleansed by Normans is the most anglo-saxon bit!
Rashidun Caliphate is the patrician answer
>Not knowing how corrupt the late republic was
Made it more interesting
>not realizing that the emperor was needed to stop the republic from killing it itself
Man who is kinda related to last emperor gets assassinated by his corrupt guard or wife or mother, crown passes on to another shitbag who can't do anything right. Mix in succession wars, and gaining then losing territory to germans.
And I never thought I was "assessing" anything, I just find the republic 100x more interesting than the empire aka monarchy 2.0
/int/ posting should be a bannable offence
The funny thing is, the Norman Conquest and the subsequent Plantagenet succession after the Anarchy is what formed England and France from the Middle Ages to modern times. The years of wars between 1066 to 1453 is what cemented England and France as powerful monarchies.
I think old Switzerland is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills kings and doesnt afraid of anything
my man
Shame Napoleon cucked them into eternal neutrality
Hundred years war decimated the English nobility which was further stressed by poor home rule.
That actually wasn't Napoléon, but François Ier.
Thanks for trying and better luck next time.
thanks for the (you)
that time rio de janero became the capital of the portugese empire:
A complete union and integration of colonies into dejure parts of the mother country is the best end game for any colonialism, especially if one manages to keep said colony made up 100% composed of the ethnic stock of the mother country (not that portugal did, except for maybe the azores)
Not as much as the War of the Roses. That affected the Anglo-Norman nobility than anything else. Not even the Black Death or the HYW caused as much death amongst its ranks.
>Ruled by King
Pick one.
>Euronigs get passed around whenever their lords marry/exchange lands/succeeds to a throne or title somewhere.
How did they fucking made sense of themselves?
>Henri, are we still Kingdom of England?
>No Jacques, that was yesterday, the count's cousin died and his son from his mistress who was also his cousin is a liegeman to the King of France.
Al-Andalus was pretty cool, especially when still actually Umayyad
Angevin was pretty cool, the marriage ties and vassalage was all over the place.
Personally, I'm a big fan of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Russian Empire.
Holy Roman Empire
Population was so heavily rural that most people just had loyalties to their family clan or village. A new king and their new title was just a changing of the guard for who to pay taxes to in hopes of not getting slaughtered by foreign kings.
>Own all of England, half of France and Ireland
>still lose the HYW
For some reason I find the borders of that vertically bisected France very satisfying.
The Hanseatic league. I just find the idea of a North Sea trade league on par with the Italian merchant republics to be very interesting.
>Not Abbasid
It's literally flawless, except for Turkey being included
>Al-Andalus was pretty cool, especially when still actually Umayyad
Al -Andalus never ezisted you massive pleb. This is how I know that you are a LARPER or a clueless kid
>North Sea trade league on par with the Italian merchant republics to be very interesting.
But it wasn't
>mfw the Visogothic kingdom never fell
>mfw mexicans are the descendants of germanics
Too good for this sinful world.
Plantagenets were not normans :^)
looking comfy desu
Napoleon surrendered to the english because he didn't consider them to be his real ennemies and rival.
just like the germans rushed to the west to surrender to the americans instead of surrendering to the soviets.
Those horse riding rapists made the best empire out there for the whole 5 minutes it lasted.
Can you name any period were "Al Andalus" was a political entity.You have all the day to find it.
Pre-Imperial Japan.
Also, Pre-Civil War USA.
>being so butthurt you have to make shit up
KEK! Napoleon considered England to be his primary adversary for his entire career.
What do you think the continental system was about?
He was the master of the continent but a prisoner there, blockaded by the royal navy and with the UK subsidizing dozens of nations in a coalition against him.
>when you sell a portion of America the size of Europe to the USA and spend literally all the proceeds on funding an invasion of the UK but the USA borrows the money to buy the land from a UK bank at interest so all you do is further enrich your primary rival and it doesn't matter anyway because you call off the invasion due to an entirely understandable fear of being ignominiously eviscerated by a people you childishly mock in your bulletins yet still have the temerity to call the English cowards & "a nation of shopkeepers" even though they cease the initiative several times and invade your dominions, in TWO instances leading to you begging for them to accept your surrender.
You're right that the UK being more civilized than Prussia and Russia effected his decision to surrender to them though.
More like
>England wasn't going to execute him for ravaging across Europe
Even your analogy is shit. The Germans fled west because the Americans weren't going to Gulag them.
Yes. He wrote a few troubadour songs. Some may be written in Anglo Norman, but he knew the tradition and thus had some access to the language.
Meant to reply to this
>Richard the Lionheart was Acquitanian
Platagenets are a branch of the House of Chateaudun
BTW the south was always ruled by a French nobility
>Normands are culturally French with Norse ancestry
Normands are French conquered by a Northmen*
Ethnic replacement didn't happen
>Al-Andalus refers to a political entity
That's not something that existed, please learn how feudal European kingdoms worked
Al Andalus is what plebs use to reffer a very heterogeneous period of time that lasted over 800 years.You probably know jack shit about what happened other than memes that your imam has told you
>tfw this part of the world will never be Hellenistic again
Richard was born in Acquitaine ( Southern France, around Bordeaux ), was raised and lived here, spoke Occitan ( Local language, basically latin with French and Spanish influences ), Latin and Old French.
>when it hits you that the Hundred Years' War was a French Civil War
It never was Hellenistic. If anything, the Greek administrators turned Oriental during their stay.
Fuck it, even the Byzantine Empire was half Persian, with all the incense, slippers, silk, earrings, perfume baths and so on.
Asia end at the Haemus.
The Courts (Kingdom) of Arborea.