Is ethics the most pretentious field of study?
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Is ethics the most pretentious field of study?
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I think so. Reason being that I'm pretty sure we're way beyond the point of any original ideas in the field. That is just my uninformed opinion tho
It's second to metaphysics.
Practical philosophy is best philosophy. I'd take ethics, action theory, and political philosophy over metaphysics any day.
t.envious brainlets
So I was kicked out of my Socialist club at uni because I happen to oppose abortion (on moral and ethical grounds) and apparently in their words this makes me a "reactionary" and anti-feminist, and thus I can't be a socialist. Even though I pretty much support the entire economic and political philosophy of socialism.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think being against abortion warrants being kicked out of a socialist club? I thought socialism was all about taking care of the weakest and most vulnerable people, including the poor, the sick, the elderly, and even the unborn.
No, at least there shouldn't be an issue.
Problem is nowadays people refuse accept anything but 100% conformity to a group.
Avoid that kind of clubs, they're always for the worse. You're on your own. Good luck.
we already knew the members of a uni socialist club were nutty idealist who would call anyone who opposed any of their ideas names
fuck off christfag
How can be be such a tool that you're religious AND a commy despite the fact that commies hate religion?
They also sent out parties against Arabic-speaking communities ruled under the Roman Empire. Muhammad was believed by the Muslims to be divinely chosen to spread Islam in the world, and Muhammad ultimately permitted warfare as one aspect of this struggle.[1] After initially refusing to accede to requests by his followers to fight the Meccans for continued persecution and provocation, he eventually proclaimed the revelations of the Quran:
"Permission to fight is given to those who are fought against because they have been wronged -truly Allah has the power to come to their support- those who were expelled from their homes without any right, merely for saying, 'Our Lord is Allah'..." (Quran, 22:39-40)"
The unborn are better off not living at all.
However, aborting a kid for non medical reasons should get you a punishment, you're playing with life, the woman didn't want life in the first place and it irresponsible brought one to suffer, only to kill it without making a single effort to redeem herself by not give it a shit life.
What the fuck are contraceptives for then? Why not stop fucking basing your whole society in dick-inside-vagina mentality and start to promote abstinence instead? Big fucking deal to have a wank instead of bringing more worthless suffering into this world. Onaholes, oh the horror to the common pleb.
Commie reporting in.
Absolutely avoid socialist groups set in unis: most of these guys will one day cringe at the thought of how they've treated you and countless pther comrades. Almost everyone change their mind and learn to pick their battles eventually, but this won't happen when they're spoiled bourgeoisie pretentious kids who think they know anything about socialism and about the real world more in general. I'd say that 90% of them will eventually this LARPing-like trait in their mid '20s.
You've happened to meet the most obnoxious and volatile chunk of this demographic, I'm soery.
Most people look back at their college years laughing about how stupid they were.
But the problem is that the non-college educated ones never figure it out
>Being Communists/Socialists
Fuck off to /Leftypol/ please.
So I was kicked out of the Enlightenment club at the university because I happen to oppose /Liberté/, /égalité/, /fraternité/ (on immoral and aesthetic grounds) and apparently in their words this makes me a "reactionary" and anti-progressive, and thus I can't be Enlightened. Even though I'm pretty rationalist enough to support the irrational foundations of all rationality.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think being against egalitarianism warrants being kicked out of an Enlightenment club? I thought Enlightenment was all about protecting the strong from the weakest and most vulnerable people, including the poor, the sick, the elderly, and even the Germans?
>joining a political club ever
Kys you fucking fedora nigger
Comrade, liberals should be fucking with neo nazis. They are literally ruining the left with this petty bullshit
cool memes, /pol/
You can always join the ᶰᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃᶫ socialist club lad
>because I happen to oppose abortion
But like everything, there's a sense of scale to be considered.
If this is an issue you harp on incessantly, people won't like you for it. If this is an issue that you can't help injecting into every political discussion, people will think that you are dragging down the discourse with a pet issue and ask you to leave.
It would be one thing if it were a flock of uber-liberal harpies descending ravenously on anyone who mildly disagrees with them, but it's another thing entirely when it's a bible-thumper who refuses to put the issue aside and wastes everybody's time with his bullshit because he won't drop it. Until we can get an honest assessment of everyone involved with the meeting, we have no way of knowing which anecdote is closer to the truth, or if this all isn't just b8 being deliberately repeated in order to stoke divisions within the left
You get faggots in every political movement. That's one of the earliest lessons you learn about politics in college, and that's something blue collar morons never seem to grasp, which is why they gravitate towards hero-worship and any other retarded reason to vote for someone instead of critical assessment..
why are all commies groupthink tanks? They are 10 steps away from mao's stoning of village elders .
how do you make txt do that?
being a commie is as stupid as being a fascist
if it's ethics in law it's okay
anything not based in applied application is just mental masturbation though
>commie calling out other people as larpers
>complaining about people not knowing how the world works
Nice one
he made an argument you have only spewed rhetorical devices
who is the one to laugh at
The commie.
at them in a Scottish accent
bit classist of you
Mostly, they think just because they are "helping" people they are invincible to any criticism.
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perhaps, but so is accusing anyone with a left-wing opinion of being some sheltered upper-middle class college sophomore with their head up their ass
Maybe if we start calling them out they won't be so froggy about toting out the 'le clueless college student' meme.
but that is true at least for the visible ones
colleges are full of the fags, perhaps "you" and "your side" should be telling them to fuck off a bit more and not let them usurp "your" image
just my two cents though you're probably a fag yourself
Stop posting your gay circlejerk in every thread.
my two cents is that you get fags in every political movement, but the difference is in how more ruthlessly one stereotype is promoted over the other.
In fact, there's an entire cottage industry of plutocrat funded grifters whose job is to convince people that the intelligensia is out to get them, but they're a paper tiger filled with squealing out of touch "liberals" who make education stupid and not worth pursuing.
Do you vote Christian democrat? It's mostly like socdem, but pro-life (no abortion, no death penalty, no eutanásia).