Historical Photographs

Historical Photograph thread

Post any interesting/cool historical photos



























French infantry after the recapture of Fort Douaumont, 1916



French cuirassiers in the very early days of WW1, before realizing that war, war had changed

Is funny how a documentary about WWI made now already has colored footage, I remember when I first saw WWI in color it was such a big deal some years ago.


Austro-Hungarian POWs in a Russian camp in Karelia, 1915

Monastery from the Solarium, Tver, 1910.



Franco and the senpai

Petrozavodsk on the Murmansk railway along Lake Onega near Petrozavodsk in 1910

Basically pictures taken by Serge Prokudin-Gorsky










Holy shit is that real-life Richard Harrow?


Pretty much.

I'd like a WWII and non-WWII editions to be honest.

















I have some but they don't have good titles like yours OP

Btw if someone knows more about the subject is it true that this is the closest we get to the photo of actual signing?



This one is from the Franco-Prussian war




No worries, post em anyway

Soviet airplane detection before radar



Polynesian(?) tribal armor made from shells and whatnot


Soviet troops run through a trench during the Battle of Stalingrad




Great War German cavalry





Elefant or Nashorn guarding a mountain pass


British soldiers supported by a French armoured car during the battle of the Yser, 1918

Soccer hooligans




Finnish soldier during the winter war
