Two world wars would have been avoided if this piece of shit had not meddled in Austro-Hungarian affairs...

Two world wars would have been avoided if this piece of shit had not meddled in Austro-Hungarian affairs. The Serbs were deffending a terrorist, they brought it upon themselves, but this cunt had nothing to do with it.

He deserved to have his whole family murdered very well.

>our imperialists were totally justified but the other guys were evil

A world war was inevitable.

t. kraut, at least someone finished what he started

He didn't kill civilians though

>Someone who kills a civil headfigure, causing panic, uncertainty, and potentially a world war isn't a terrorist

>Austro-Hungarian affairs
>Implying the Austrians chimping at the Serbs because one guy shot their gay duke is "Austro-Hungarian affairs"

all Germans, Austrians and Magyars should die

>muh pan-slavic nationalism

>be Anglo-German
>larp as a slav
what did he mean by this?

Kys. Literally, you commie.

>Muh Tsar Nicolas deserved it.

well fuck you too butthurt subhuman


>I have no understanding of Geo-Politics, grand strategy and alliance systems

t. you

How about he just replied to Willy's telegram and that stops the German generals from ordering full mobilisation

>He deserved to have his whole family murdered
When you say things like that, you get your opinions disregarded.

>implying Willy wasn't gunning for war

Why are there so many shills on Veeky Forums now? wasn't like this before.


A lot of Russian shills on this site hailing him as a hero and use his family's death as a form of propaganda.

Cos Germaboos are ten times as annoying.

Sides were silly though.
Germans, Austrians and Russians vs French, English and Ottomans shouldve been the course

Why would Russia fight alongside the Austrians when they were both vying for dominance over the Balkans? That makes zero sense.

Depends on how the deal about Bosnia goes and what Britain does in 1905/Central Asia

No. He didn't do it to cause terror. It was a political assassination. You're viewing history through a decidedly modern lens.

Not every assassination is an act of terrorism.

The Serbs weren't defending him, you imbecile. The Serbian government had nothing to do with the assassination, and conceded to every point but the last one, which would have revoked Serbia's sovereignty.

The Serbian govt. was clearly willing to cooperate and get to the bottom of this, especially since it was in their interest as well - the generals supporting Princip and Young Bosnia had staged a coup in Belgrade a few years and killed the Serbian king. The Black Hand was NOT popular among the Serbian government or aristocracy, which is obvious considering they executed all of them mid-WWI.