Continuing from .
Help fill this up at once, Veeky Forums. This might be the last thread we'll use for this.
Reminder that the coordinates goes (x,y). Also try not to use taken slots.
Continuing from .
Help fill this up at once, Veeky Forums. This might be the last thread we'll use for this.
Reminder that the coordinates goes (x,y). Also try not to use taken slots.
Almost done, can't wait.
Wait, Franz Joseph x2?
45 and 70 deserved
85 suffering
Crassus @ 75 deserved, 80 suffering
>Watch your son's head paraded on a stick
>Lose command of your troops
>Get killed after being humiliated
>But this was because you were a greedy cunt
Peter III of Russia at 65,55
>be Tsar of All Russias
>barely speak Russian
>alienate your nobility by being all on Frederick's jock
>generally be an ineffectual doofus
>get offed by your wife
That spot's taken.
the fuck did snorri sturlasson do wrong?
maybe put poland in 55, 90
Poland has been doing mostly fine.
Joseph Mengele, 45 Suffering, 80 Deserved
Replace Wikipedia placehodlers with images already.
My bad.
Already there.
I don't know. I'm focusing on making the profiles the most identifiable possible. Besides, the ones without historical despictions are usually too obscure.
There was some complaints about Gengis Khan distorting the chart too much with his current position, so I moved him a bit to the right. If anyone has a better placing for him, I'll use that.
45, 80 Next to Che
Abu Mussad Al Zarqawi, leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq and responsible for why its still such a shithole. Even Bin-Laden thought he was too extreme. Got a lot of US Troops killed. Didnt suffer too much, he was killed in airstrike but he sure as hell deserved it and more.
>le reddit memeyball meme
way to ruin the chart m8
>I don't know. I'm focusing on making the profiles the most identifiable possible. Besides, the ones without historical despictions are usually too obscure.
There's a ton of pictures that are close to impossible to identify already. Make an accompanying list of names if you have to, don't put names on the chart.
What is Ben Shapiro doing on this chart? Not sure why he deserves so much suffering or even register on the chart at all
Id replace him with this jew
Why is Marcus aurelius at 0,80? How did he suffer so much?
Also who is 100,100. I swear I've seen this before but I don't know where.
Mohammed should be in X100 Y0 desu, the entirety of the levant and north african "countries" would be as peaceful as the northern counterparts of the mediterranean, perhaps limited by their genetics but still peaceful
>deserving any suffering
There's no place for anything lower.
Of course wasting any place for countries is bad.
Where's hannibal?
Muhammed, L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y did nothing wrong.
>a pedophile inbred terrorist who spread a delusional and primitive ideology did nothing wrong
First of all, Aisha was 19, you can find that in ibn kathir's book the sirah
second of all, all religions are "delusional and primitive" and oddly enough the OP who put jesus is X0 Y100 seems to be a christfag
Third, historically speaking the only people muhammed's army fought were the pagans who tried to persecute the early muslims and the romans who tried to get their hands on arabia during their war against the sassanid
Read a book, you dumb frogposter, we're on a fucking history board, next time provide citations for your shit.
>yes goy trust the pro-islamist terrorists book
>a-all religions are delusional and primitive, that's why christians are blowing themselves up when faced with criticism goy
>mohammed did nothing wrong goy, he literally defended himself with expansional force outwards, the 6 gorillion merchantmen who were massacred literally never happened
Way to fucking reduce the board quality, redditor.
>that's why christians are blowing themselves up when faced with criticism goy
LRA, Antibalaka and the IRA would like to have a word.
>tfw robespierre did nothing wrong and lived his whole life for the ideals of the revolution and the republic but will always be remembered as a monster because plebs today only listen to propaganda
80,60 Moshe Dayan
95,65 David Ben Gurion
>In March 2013, President Bozizé (a Christian) was overthrown in the Central African Republic Civil War by a mostly-Muslim rebel coalition known as Séléka. The leader of the Séléka, Michel Djotodia, then became the first Muslim president of the country.[8] With the disbanding of the army by Djotodia, many army members joined the group, boosting their numbers and helping train them.
>defending your own lands
>conflict doesn't exist anymore
>see LRA
not an argument, redditor
Antibalaka legit massacred civilians, dipshit.
And LRA is still fighting.
As for the IRA, appealing to time is a logical fallacy just because it doesn't exist anymore doesn't mean it didn't happen
and conveniently enough, these terrorist organizatins weren't created and funded by the CIA and the Saudis, that's why they were gone in such a small time.
The "it's not true because everything I don't like is the enemy propaganda" argument is got to be the lowest of the low.
>d-dey massacre de islamic terrorists who took over their lan- i mean civilians goyy
That jew is already on there.
Ah, more goalpost moving
First, we were talking about muhammed's life, then you changed it to islam, then you changed it to 21st century muslims
Second, see the link in the bottom your pic, now go check out the number of people polled and compare it to 1.6 billion, bet you feel retarded now.
This is not a thread about islam!
Get back on topic. Think of more figures to fill out the chart
Bet you feel retarded when they have already calculated the potential error in the statistics by +-5 for 29 thousand sampled over 30+ countries if I remember correctly in their complete PDF study
Carolus Rex (70, 30) deserves more suffering. Pic related. Put him at 60 or 80 on Y.
Also, as you have already surrendered without giving an argument in "muhammad's life" and "islam" it's already dusted, way to attempt to move the goalpost, aren't you supposed to explode now
Add hulaco, genghis khan and some of the founding fathers, maybe andrew jackson and washington, also lincoln
and try some civil war figures, like sherman
check the number of people polled and post it here; do it now.
I accept your surrender
>moortugal below the balkans
Some memes make themselves
OP last night I submitted HErod and John Wesley Hardin
You have them reversed
Hardin was supposed to be 45 suffering and deserving 80.
Herod was 70 suffering deserving 90.
Like c'mon dude.
Ok, calculating the numbers in your pic the total of polled people is about 26000
now compare that to 1.6 billion people
26000 is 0.001 percent of 1.6 billion
This poll basically took 0.001 of the population and projected it onto 1.6 billion people
if you take this seriously you're a retard
this is why statistics are such a joke
>he doesn't know about the likelyhood of sample sizes
>calls mathematics a joke
who's the retard now, pleb
Statistic aren't mathematics, double pleb, now give an argument of stfu
>statistics isn't math
Feel free to post an argument, dodging frogposter
Billy the Kid? Suffered 50 but deserved 75? Meh debatable but we're nearing the end.
.. / .- -.-. -.-. . .--. - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... ..- .-. .-. . -. -.. . .-. --..-- / .-. . -.. -.. .. - --- .-.
Sample sizes aren't a thing when you're only polling 0.1% of your total subjects, that's called outright speculation
Dodge harder
i'm out
>somehow reddit
This is the gayest thing I've seen on Veeky Forums all day.
I'll make a alternative labeled version like /tv/ did. Don't worry.
Did I do it right?
Here's how the labeled Veeky Forums chart will be like. Though I'm still working on it.
fucking Moot is on the chart man, have a little fun
use any sample size calculator
1.6 billion mudslimes
99% confidence
1% margin of error
16 thousand muslims needed
O y vey
Dude see Fix pls or get rid of the two because they're horribly misplaced.
>Doesn't even know what confidence level is
It's practically fucking speculation
>d-doesn't even know what x is
math is practically fucking speculation
Ishii deserved worse
I don't like the labels.
19th century paraguay, 75,100:
>declared war on brazil
>argentina and uruguay join brazil
>failed in conventional warfare
>long and disastrous guerrilla campaign until president is killed in battle
>60% of population dead
>occupied for 6 years after war ended
Aye. It looks better without them.
Sorry for forgetting you, user.
You gotta post a good image for it or a actual entry.
Well shit. I've got no better way to list all those people in the chart and I'm already pretty far on it. But I guess I'll just drop it as it is and keep working on the normal one.
Is Sejanus already on this chart somewhere? If not, put him at 100 (how much he deserved it) and 70 (how much he suffered). Dude is one of the biggest scumbag's I've ever read about.
Also, a lot of the guys with text over their picture really don't need it, while plenty of guys without text identifying them really do need it. Too many to list out here.
Saladin, Deserved it 70, Suffering 30
(70,30) Belisarius
soz mate
OP why are you ignoring me. The misplacement here is retarded and only happened because you didn't understand the x/y axis posting.
If you need me to spell it out:
move 70 suffering, 45 deserved to 45 suffering 70 deserved
90 suffering, 70 deserved to 70 suffering, 90 deserved
And to compensate to Al Zarqawi move him 50 suffering 75 deserved.
I'd do it myself but the file becomes too large for Veeky Forums.
Salazar needs to suffer way more, fuck you
Sorry. Good thing that you kept replying.
Sorry man, no more space.
Keep posting, guys. We're pretty damn close now.
Emperor Leopold I of the HRE, 70 Suffering, 45 Deserved
Shit I meant Hardin goes 45 suffering, 80 deserved. If you can tweak him and Zarqwahi to switch that would be perfect,
>Spend years in a French prison
>Also have to wear a cage on your face
>Forgotten by your real name
>Not even the guards know who you are
Trips of truth
(85,80) Sultan Ibrahim of the Ottoman Empire
Ooh, good one.
He means 45, 70 I guess.
Yeah, I figured he was fairly central in the chart since it isn't clear as to who he is or what he was imprisoned for
Pope Boniface VIII
Suffered 65
Deserved 80
Holy shit I see a leader from my country at 75, 65
>Jesus at 0
How the hell is noble martyr and lifelong republican, Marcus Cato, more guilty than Assad?
Switch Montezuma and Huemac
Also, assuming you do the labels as seen in , either the label for Montezuma or the image needs to be changed, as Montezuma's image is actually Montezuma II, not Montezuma I. Personally, I think for where he's located, Montezuma II makes more sense anyways, the first Monty was more of an asshole.
How much he deserved, Veeky Forums?
How did Aurelius suffer?
>Bush, Churchill, Mandela, Freud, Roosevelt and other scum in the middle/left
>Francisco Solano Lopez, Franco, Hernan Cortes, Tomas Moro and others in the right
The person who did this bullshit is a fucking retard. I suppose that person is a libtard, since he put the communist scum in the left.
>only deserved 60
Switch Nazi Germany to normal and generic Germany
>Huey Long
>Deserving to suffer more the Putin
Explain that one to me.
Move Assad to (80, 65)?
That's as much as I could fit him.
That space has just been taken. Sorry.
Yep, I fucked up in the labeled one. It's Montezuma II.
Gonna need a explanation first. That's a big jump.
You guys sure you don't want me to do a labeled version for the historically illiterate? Also, only 9 spaces to go.
Is Béla Kun in the chart?
Does this chart work on how much net suffering a person endured, or how much they suffered relative to how much they deserved it?
Like, a completely pure, innocent person wouldn't deserve even a little suffering. So would that little bit of suffering place them high on the suffering axis, or low on the axis because they're suffering was little regardless of their innocence?
Where is erich honecker? He dindu nuffin
We already went over this. It's painfully obvious the chart is supposed to be about how much suffering a person had in their life vs. how much they actually deserved for their actions. You know full well in your heart that a chart where the deserved axis which is meant to represent accuracy in morality would be retarded.
was (20, 100) someone exposed to radiation?
Or what is the story on him?
It depends. The ones where they didn't suffer too much but got high on suffering anyway merely because of their purity and innocence are usually somewhat meme choices.
Can you switch Huemac and Montezuma's spots?
>So would that little bit of suffering place them high on the suffering axis, or low on the axis because they're suffering was little regardless of their innocence?
I assume the latter