Bitcoin users are planning to dump Bitcoin Cash and make it worthless. Can you believe the arrogance of these cunts?
Bitcoin users are planning to dump Bitcoin Cash and make it worthless. Can you believe the arrogance of these cunts?
I plan to buy BCC at $100 each
Are you people really fucking retarted or what, there will be no exchanges that will give you fiat for bcc, so you have to sell it for BTC, and you know some whales are going to pump that price to get people on board and later dump on them.
I'm already laughing in anticipation at the future BCC bagholders
why the fuck would we want to hold on to Jihan Wu's scam coin? I'm dumping my BCC first chance I get.
What exactly is the better investment option here, buy usdt now or move money from bittrex to some bitcoin wallet?
Yeah, I could see holding some if you get it from the fork... but buying it? You'd have to be retarded as fuck. Therefore, I can only conclude that BCC is useless and you should dump it for whatever amount you can immediately.
How do you plan to dump it ? you are going to sell it for btc, when you go to enter your price and see a buy wall at 1 sat, are you gonna sell it for that ? no, greed will push BCC to at least 100$ in the start
I'm not going to pay a single penny for Bitcoin Cash and I do not think there are people crazy enough to do that.
I think the most I would pay for Bitcoin Cash would be that right there, 1 sat.
BCC is gonna go to $0.01 real fast. Selling wont be worth it.
Bitcoin Cash?
More like Bitcoin Crash.
>Fuck you, Jihan
If i keep my BTC in the Core wallet, will i receive the BCC?
Also, I synced and encrypted my Core Wallet, but for some reason i can open the wallet without typing the Passcode
Anybody hate the name? It reminds me of BBC
It's gonna be worthless on that similarity alone
>Big Chinese Cock
You can't make this shit up
speak for yourself
most ppl love bbc.
It seems that some people here have some sort of delay and do not quite understand how the economy works.
If you value Bitcoin Cash you will be devaluing Bitcoin.
The idea of Bitcoin is simply that it can not create Bitcoin beyond those already established. The fork is as if the Central Bank was printing twice as much money by devaluing the currency causing inflation.
I hope people actually sell the BCC for 1 SAT even to make this coin useless.
Everyone sells BBC
Bitcoin miners buy cheap AF BBC
Crashes bitcoin for realsy dealsy this time
Moves shorted bitcoin funds into BBC
BBC is now top crypto, and the only coin the green whilst the major altcoins all dip down to single digit numbers
did you just out yourself as a cuck
And if this happens for what reason would it have to be BCC?
There are several others that can occupy this place if they resolve to break Bitcoin.
cuckholding is the thinking mans fetish.
there is nothing more emotionally thrilling than watching a woman you love and respect get ravaged by a lesser animal in a way you could never possibly hope to satisfy her.
You guys should think more in the future. Bcc will be a failure in the very long term that's for sure, but it has more capacity than bitcoin, and a huge if not the same user base as it is a fork. Expect it to pick up steam as people struggles with backlogs on btc.
chinese miners continue to mine Bitcoin with 16nm ASIC and unreleased 12nm ASIC, ASIC boost, monopoly on chip production, cheap as fuck miners costing way less than $2400 or whatever they sell them for.
chinese miners dump the easy to mine bitcoin they get for BCC propping up the price
as the price goes up they can point more of their miners to BCC and remain profitable
the subversion of bitcoin commences with an attempted flippening
I'm not selling my BCC because I can see the chinks pulling something like this
they fought segwit for over a year who knows what length they will go to control the entire network.
I put some money into vertcoin and I pulled all my bitcoin off exchanges and put them in my trezor
Typical redditors wanting to dump on the BCC, maybe if it was BBC they would hold.
There's nothing stopping bitmain from pointing 95% miners to bitcoin 5% to BCC
selling x amount of coins to remain profitable and trading x amount of coins to prop up BCC
they spent millions on network spams, forum fud, and fork development already.
The advantage the ASIC chip producers have right now is staggering
Please respond this, I'm so afraid
do you think its safe to hold altcoins like ethereum ?
pls no eth fud ponzi scheme pics
some altcoins are safe I like vertcoin and I've been researching monero more
questions I have about monero are if a light wallet is possible
because if I remember correctly their code requires you to download the whole chain to transact properly
and if it can scale properly without needing huge hardware for nodes
I'm not a fan of eth but if they start getting some practical and functioning DAPPs I'll reconsider
there are hundreds of coins now research ones you think have potential I'm sure there are some I've overlooked
This is going to be funny.
They need to remember who made BTC so valuable. It starts with M and ends with s.
You will, but don't move your coins after the fork using the core wallet. You will have to install a bcc wallet, import the private key with your btc in it, then send the bcc to a new address using the anti replay protection. Once this is done, it is safe to move your btc and bcc around. There will be guides and article coming explaining this to normies for sure don't worry little normi
>There's nothing stopping bitmain from pointing 95% miners to bitcoin 5% to BCC
>selling x amount of coins to remain profitable and trading x amount of coins to prop up BCC
>they spent millions on network spams, forum fud, and fork development already.
>The advantage the ASIC chip producers have right now is staggering
Why don't bitcoin users pool money together to develop an open mining ASIC? They will pay hundreds of millions for stupid ICOs. Just pay a company like texas instruments to design, produce and distribute it on the condition it's sold for a price that reflects production costs.
Who the fuck wants BCC.
It is literally the fork for large miners and nobody else.
I see people talking about "private keys" but I don't have any of this, How to retrieve this?
I just downloaded the wallet, synced it and encrypted.
Also, it is better to make the backup after or before the transactions?
thanks for you aid, user
I have 0.4 BTC. Will I keep my 0.4BTC and get the new split if I move those away from bittrex? How does it work, im newfag to this shit
People who are against BCC are braindead retards that think their twitter friends are 100% right when it comes to who is actually right in the big vs small block argument
Google get private key in bitcoin core, I'm not sure how you do it. And backup before or after transactions don't matter you are just saving the secrets to perform the transactions, they don't change when you send coins
I've thought about this too
I don't have the community reputation or technical know how to organize this myself
I would put up to 20% of my coins towards it, but the uncertainties of trust, quality, profitability would turn a lot of people off this idea.
plus china has extremely cheap labor, electricity, lax manufacturing safety laws
but ideally there would be an open ASIC company
Kindly explain your positions gentlemen.
Make sure you can get acsess to your private key, then you download a wallet for ABC and you should be able to access your coins.
Nigger identified
Btc i locked at bittrex
can the chain be pruned though like in bitcoin core?
it'd suck having to have hundreds of GB hostage in your HDD
As if this wasn't part of the plan. Jihan Wu and his goons plan to scoop up cheap BCC for when they flip the market. The only sane option is to hold both.
I've read about something called a replay attack that means you could inadvertently end up dumping your BTC by accident as well.
What's preventing a new Bitcoin fork every month?
If Bitcoin is durably broken into 2 coins and Ethereum reaches first place then it's over, people will go into Litecoin or Dash or whatever but they won't continue with the same failed coin.
Because they can keep using their mining equipment.
It's not "new money". It will already be priced into the price of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin valued at 2,700 and BCC valued at $5? Bitcoin will drop to 2,695. Ect, ect with each new coin created. You people are retarded. This shit isn't even going to be worth the transfer costs to move into a private wallet.
is BCC /ourcoin/?
yfw xrp is the one currency
yfw in 10 years when people are living it up on xrp the founders finally mass dump on the plebs
this coin will be shilled on biz and newfags will buy them. sad.
afaik nothing, but i think you need people to use it to be relevant
Who are the good and bad guys?
ViaBTC will give fiat for BCC
No one is a good guy or a bad guy. It's just a market.
BCC does perform one important role in that it should force BTC miners to adhere to their Segwit2x 2MB hard fork agreement. If BTC miners defect now, BCC should soar as upset miners switch to what's seen as a viable scaling solution. The very threat of that alone though is healthy for Bitcoin and ensures a viable scaling solution will be put into place no matter what.
I support the original idea of Bitcoin (I think it should keep unregulated and far from personal interests), but I don't know a shit about the recent events and the war of the miners against the others.
The Benny Hill show was great on that coin.
It's not miners vs others it's core, aka blockstream co, who are pushing Bitcoin to become a settlement network. They do this by not allowing a block size increase. With increased demand for block space fees are going up and that is pricing out many people from using BTC on chain. By forcing most people off the chain blockstream will step in as a payment clearing firm thus "fixing" the scaling issue. Blockstreams business model is identical to paypal except it uses Bitcoin to settle transactions instead of the archaic banking system. Core are the ones who started this.
To recap:
>Scaling is an issue that Gavin tries to address by increasing the block size via BitcoinXT
Core pushes Gavin off the team.
>Honk Kong agreement was an agreement between core and prominent miners that segwit will be introduced WITH an uncapped block size.
Core then introduces segwit with 256mb block size limit breaking the agreement.
>Core adds signaling blocks for segwit without a block size increase.
It continues to hover around 40-50% for months as some miners don't agree with it. AKA THERE IS NO CONSENSUS!
>Core than decides to change signaling to USAF bypassing the need for miner support and forcing segwit
Miners respond with BTC unlimited, BCC, and Segwit2x as alternatives before the deadline
Now social media, including Veeky Forums, is being flooded with shit talking on miners, including personal attacks, as well as trashing the alternative forks proposed by miners as if they started this mess. If you told my a few years ago that majority of people would be cheering on being forced off the blockchain and into using a company to clear transactions I would've laughed at you and I would reckon most hodlers would have as well as it goes completely against the ethos of Bitcoin but here we are.
Why do retards keep saying this?
it's actually a minority of people, that's why BCC futures are trading so retardedly high right now.
What you're actually witnessing is a paid anti-BCC shill campaign paid for by blockstream and associates.
If you were browsing /pol/ regularly prior to the election you saw exactly the same thing happening.
well at least someone else is on my level, I feel like i'm going fucking crazy with this retarded shit, its so painfully obvious it hurts.
The conclusion will invariably be the same, blockstream & core will lose their influence either by reneging the 2x part of the agreement which will result in miners moving to BCC or BCC will organically grow because transactions are cheap and fast while BTC is ridiculously slow and expensive.
So if BCC doesn't start on August 1 it will in november, if it doesn't in november that means the 2x went through and blockstream tosses their business plan out the window.
Either way, we win, bigger blocks are inevitable.
Because it is, the wallet has been down for a week- you fucking retard
They locked it briefly after BIP91 activated. It's open again. The notice now is about more required confirmations. Fucking morons.