Is it possible to stop the axis of evil?
Is it possible to stop the axis of evil?
only through atheism
it's the only real good *sighs*
Yes, by removing israel or the sandpeople
care to entertain me with posting the allegiance of goodness?
t. 17 year old brainlet socialist
The true evil isn't any one collection of nations
It's... humanity itself
Take it to /pol/ faggot.
Wow what are you an anti semite?
Russia, China, the EU and San Marino
>no Russia
>no Germany
What did he mean by this
When amreica's ecomomy hits the shitter it'll collapse on its own. The USA carries the other three militarly and economically, they're all pretty much fucked without daddy 'merica.
Litteral bitch of the axis of evil.
"Muh immigrants" are just the result of those 4 countries
It's not 1980 any more
>t. triggered /pol/tard snowflake
The US is pretty much the bitch of all the other three nations at this point. They own the whole government.
Replace Turkey with pic related, they're evil but not that relevant
EU did nuffin
Turkey is much more important than the whole European Union right now.
Gollum and his precious Turkey could drag all of NATO into war with Russia if he plays his cards right, which would either mean WWIII or a divorce between the US and Western Europe (and at that point the EU would start becoming actually relevant).
>defending Turks, Saudis and Israel
I'm pretty sure /pol/ considers at least 3 of those 4 countries as the axis of evil aswell
Yeah, but he got triggered at the inclusion of the apparently sacrosanct united states, which can never ever do wrong.
Why them?
and burgers are evil too
no...unless you can somehow start a civil war in the United States.
>stormcucks honestly belive this
>china denying education from its people
>paying its people a nickel an hour so the white man can sell that product for 200 dollars.
>cheaping out on infrastructure and watch buildings collapse on your own people
their government has potential but are just as corrupt as the US
t. vladimir