AD 117 borders, best borders?
How do we restore Rome?
AD 117 borders, best borders?
How do we restore Rome?
Why do you guys say Italians aren't Romans?
Never said that. Im just saying we need to restore the Roman Empire.
What the fuck are all these inland lakes doing in North Africa?
this board just gets more autistic by the day
You guys do realize the Roman Empire's borders surpassed the previous peak under Trajan in 1862, right,?
Annoy the Argonauts.
>Roman Empire
wait what
>I want to restore Rome to its size that its literally impossible to logistically to support with Trajan's nonsensical expansion into Mesopotamia
America is Rome bruh
>roman empire
>without rome
you're like the byzanboos, delusional and pathetic
It would require the United States and Israel working with France, Spain, and Britain to reconquer the Balkans, North Africa, and Mesopotamia. Sounds glorious desu
Early Republic >> "Height" of the "Roman" Empire
European uNION
I know I was just hijacking your thread to get my own question answered instead of making a new tjre
Make adoptive succession to a man over 30 with no children and experience in administration the law
Augustus > Rome after 2nd punic war > 200-100 ad bollocks > early republic > civil war > seven kings of rome
In terms of power, it's:
Nerva-Antonines > Julio-Claudians > Late Republic > Mid Republic > Diocletian > Constantinians > Crisis of the 3rd Century > Late 4th Century/5th Century> Early Republic > Roman Kingdom
Friendly reminder
>citizens continued to refer to their empire as the Roman Empire
Everyone called Byzzies "Romans", until the sack in 1204. They were then simply referred to as "The Greeks"
I think Byzantine history is a sad decline, but they were fucking romans
>they were fucking romans
>Name after a city hundred of miles away from Constantinople
They literally were.
Fuck the city Rome, it lost its importance and prestige long after the west fell.
>but muh memes tell me otherwise
Fuck off
>Fuck the city Rome
But that's what made them Roman
Mate, Roman Citizenship (and thus Roman) extends well beyond the city of Rome by the time of the western empires collapse
Rome was called Rome because it was centered around, you guessed it, the city of Rome.
Byzanz had shitall to do with rome, and just taking half of her empire dosn't change that.
Really Byzanboos are the most delusional posters on this board.
>Remember Latin Empire is true Roman Empire Byzancucks.
The ottomans almost did but then Mehmed II got poisoned by his venetian doctor.