Why do normies have such a misunderstanding of accounting?
>muh soul crushing job
>yuh should have majored in something you're passionate about
>durr you must be crazy good at math
>glug I failed financial accounting so it must be hard
>doh the most boring job ever
I even get shit from social media communications majors
Why do normies have such a misunderstanding of accounting?
but they are right retard
I had a friend that was an accountant. He's dead now because of cocaine... his life was so fucking boring he needed booger sugar to liven it up.
>muh soul crushing job
I dont get this. I have a major in finance, controlling and accounting and I love my job.
>yuh should have majored in something you're passionate about
I did. I love earning a shitload of money while handling balance sheets, costing methods, presentations where I break down the stuff in it etc.
>durr you must be crazy good at math
More than a student in marketing, way less than a programer.
>glug I failed financial accounting so it must be hard
How can anyone fail in something fundamental?
>doh the most boring job ever
Nope. I love it.
>programmers need to be good at math
Lol mate
My Mom is an accounting manager and she dealt with depression for about 20 years
I did an inernship at her office and it was the most boring fucking thing, everyone seemed like zombies
She makes 6 figs but its not worth
Actuary here.
OP accounting was a mistake.
Then you should know how much accounting sucks. Controlling at least has some added value to it.
(PE associate here)
Do go on, user
You don't need a degree to be an accountant, retard. Good job on wasting shitloads of money
>waiting for user green text story time
>Lol mate
Most fellow students with a major in something related to IT were always entangled in some strange kind of math I never understood (and I am far away from being terrible at it).
Might have something to do with the fact that I graduated in germany.
Pure accounting is a bit boring, yes. But who does only accounting anyways? The accountants I know also have to do taxing or work together with auditors. Not my dreamjob, but far away from deadly boring.
accounting is a normie career though. if that shit isn't boring for you, maybe you're just easily entertained
All the accountants I know are miserable and hate their jobs.
A-are you seriously implying that diffrent people have diffrent Preferences and taste in general?
Holy shit, mindblown
It'll be replaced by AI as a field within the next 10 years.
>It'll be replaced by AI as a field within the next 10 years.
Hardly possible.
How would you deal with choices?
they're right but you dont need to be good at math
accounting is a boring ass job though it is good to know how to do your own taxes
Neural networks
you think you can look at a spread sheet and derive a better conclusion than a computer? They are replacing radiologists as we speak, they interpret images.
I have several cases in my mind which needs the decision of a human being, as some factors are simply not quantifiable.
Also it would need the implementation of a network for the neural network to get the information in the first place (I think you underestimate the amount of information needed) or because the amount of informations needs the anticipation of future events which are not in the network in the first place.
German law, can be different in IFRS ofc.
But we are several decades away from a total automation of accounting. For basic accounting records I agree with you, but we dont need neural networks for this. Because this is already the case for about 75% of the entries.
Did you graduate yet?
I took the accounting pill because I thought it would be a middle of the road field that would guarantee me an easy 50k/year white collar job out of school with little stress.
That's a meme though. You have two options.
1. Get into a CPA firm: Proceed to work 80 hour high stress weeks for 50k, where in the end on an hour per hour basis your pay almost comes out to what you would make at McDonalds. On top of the crazy hours you gotta study for one of the most intense and stressful tests out there, and deal with some of the worst people you will ever work with.
2. Work a shitty AP/AR job with no room for advancement making $12 an hour.
I did both...it's just terrible. The money isn't good, the jobs aren't there anymore, it's just not what it used to be. Sure you could rough it out at a CPA firm for a few years and eventually get your CPA and become a controller at a company, but although the pay is better (most of the time) you are still working a lot of high stress hours. Also, kiss taking a week vacation goodbye for the rest of your life.
I want to learn it both for a job and my own curiousity. I'm 24 and a good majority of the people I've met are financially retarded. I find financial literacy interesting. Learning new concepts and learning more and more. I should be doing finance instead of accounting but I've been told accounting majors can get finance jobs.
A real case which needs a decision which cannot be calculated:
If you need to decide if you evaluate your inventories with lifo or fifo, it is a delicate decision, as e.g. in german law you need real real good reasons to change it. It can fuck you up, if you chose the wrong method.
accountant, eh? sounds like you are the fucking normie.
know lots of people in big 4 accounting
lots of 1st year work is now done in India
even accountants being replaced
Yeah, even getting those shitty CPA jobs are a dice roll now. You gotta be the top of your class and a valued member of all the acocunting clubs and fraternities on campus. Just be be treated like shit and work long hours for mediocre pay. It's not a good career path in my opinion, but what is nowadays. Still, if you are just looking for something easy with decent pay I'd go computer sciences.
Well I know next to nothing about accounting but I just assumed a neural network could extract the right decisions given enough sampling from real accountants and "the rule of the game", as in, what it should to to be rewarded as much as possible with little to no risk.
It basically CAN make decisions without calculations, and this is why neural networks are powerful, it would act based on the best probable outcome of what real accountants would do.
Of course it's probably still far from being done properly but I don't see many cases in which this wouldn't work.
Then again, I'm no accountant, so I don't know.
Computer science master race here just stopping in from /g and /sci to decide what to spend on my fat ass cs check and also to remind you that yes we will be replacing your jobs as well hahahha
my brother worked 80 hrs weeks for 55k a year
he as a 4.0 grad in accounting
>tfw cs majors are dumb enough that they will also automate themselves out of work
What makes you think a machine can't do what Indians can for $5 an hour?
Lack of abstract thinking, for example: creating something without a target purpose.
Machines could replicate and use different strategies learned from samples, but I believe it could never come up with a completely original ideia; it would be like thinking of a new color.
Lmao because I right quality software panther level engineers are jr level lmao
Riddle me this why is my paycheck so large the hahah
Because you are larping?
How about you leave him the fuck alone fucking asshole. Give me your fucking address. I'll be there in an hour to put a bullet in your bitch ass. Don't ever let me catch you insulting my fucking husband ever fucking again. You wanna larp? I'll bury your faggot self alive and you can roleplay suffocating to death.
>I'm gonna throw buzzwords around