Mom buys me a gym membership

>mom buys me a gym membership
>tfw do GOMAD and eat at 2000 calories surplus
>tfw get fat and do starter strength for 3 weeks
>mom tells me im getting fatter and now shes getting worried that shes wasted money on the membership and im not going
>threatens to cancel gym membership
>forces my dad to coach me
>now i have to do meme dad machine lifts

Serves you right. At least you now know that "getting big" is a shitty bodybuilder meme

>falling for the SS+gomad meme

>buying gym memberships instead of buying the next 100x

This is why poor people stay poor.

You do realize that this is Veeky Forums right?

Is this still biz? I feel so at home on this board now.

Also you're a bitch for not speaking up and telling them exactly what happened

>o--k-k-kk d-d-ad anything you -s-s-ay

I really hope you're not doing 2000 caloric surplus

what was i suppose to say


"dad I'm trying to get strong enough to protect my waifu's smile and surpass you"

this isnt

Do your meme machine lifts and cardio for a little bit, then you'll get your independence back

my advice tho, go beast mode and do your whatever GOMAD exercises are on top of your meme dad lifts. With the calories you eat and if you drink enough coffee you'll have enough energy to do it. You'll be ripped as fuck

What does this have to do with memecoins?

GOMAD is the worst advice in the world.

wrong blue board
keep doing mad milk though, you're gonna make it

mad milk

It's not bad if you're severely underweight to begin with. It's the skinnyfat people that give it a bad name

>tfw never fell for the SS+GOMAD meme
>tfw have better body than 90% of Veeky Forums just from fucking around with dumbbells at home
>tfw only 3.3 btc

guys ive been lifitng for 1.5 year and still DYEL statuts
should I eat more? I dont wanna lose my abs though

>tfw when shitty genetics

SS+GOMAD is like the Bitbean of Veeky Forums for those of you that dont know