Tell me about boomers, Veeky Forums
Tell me about boomers, Veeky Forums
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They've doomed America and the west.
Old people who destroyed tge world and are now bitching about their pension and how the new generation doesn't want to work to pay them
What's their end game?
the generation that may or may not have destroyed the modern world with their entitlement issues
The last generation that had the concept of constant growth and they didn't look forward and see consider that the population wouldn't keep expanding so things like social security need reform now.
>highest divorce rate in history
>highest abortion rate in history
self-centered cunts.
They never had an endgame, and that is why we despise them so much.
They were the first and arguably most destructive generation centered entirely around sustaining their own pleasures.
>muh pension
>muh medicare
>muh medicaid
I've known "the greatest generation" vets and baby boomer vets, those old WW2 guys? Humble, appreciative and don't expect handouts.
Their kids? Spoiled brats.
Does anybody actually like them?
They certainly like themselves.
>focused on growth
>sold our industry to china
>financially emslaved future generations with social security
>pushed hippie/early liberal movement in the 70s, leading to 3rd wave femenism, destruction of the family unit, and degeneracy in general
go away, apologetic generation-traitor
the last generation to have an improved economic standing than that of the previous generation.
They're almost as bad as Gen X
A generation to whom much was given, most was squandered, and more was demanded.
One of my history teachers in high school, who was a boomer, would slap his knee and laugh whenever the topic of boomers and the future was discussed, and that the best thing we could all do was put that generation all on an ice floe somewhere.
Lounging around doing nothing like the Hippie faggot they are
Untermensch: the generation
>this whole post
how can we prevent this from happening again
s t r a w m o u s e
> hippie/early liberal movement in the 70s, leading to 3rd wave femenism, destruction of the family unit, and degeneracy in general
Totally a strawman to call you /pol/
im not that other guy, thats an opinion i could just as easily hear from an elder, its fkn retarded, pol this pol that i see (u) in bevery thread ted
and you dont argue with him or disprove anything, (u) just cheer everytime you call someone poltard like ur some kinda winner with sum dinner
Generation that grew up in unprecedented prosperity and destroyed it the minute they stepped into power.
left me a sweet ass trust fund, a car, a house, no student debts
overall brettygud
t. useless millenial with liberal arts degree
The sold industry to china meme is total bullshit. Trade is good the working class always gets fucked over. The U.S. has wealth inequality problems because of their idolization of the american revolution or the cold war propaganda giving them an over zealous opposition to wealth redistribution.
>social security
I agreed that it needs to be changed
>focused on growth
Like I said originally the boomers were the last generation to boom and now we have a different dynamic with population replacement needing to be partly immigration (how much of a good or bad thing that is I can't say)
>muh 3rd wave feminism
Saying that feminism is a direct cause of boomers is fucking retarded. Feminism started because of the post-industrial revolution society allowed it to.
>destruction of the family unit
Over-blowing it by saying the destruction but there is a point about single parenthood being more than you would want it to but I don't see how it's directly the cause of boomers. Birth control furthered the "liberation" of women I see it as more just an inevitability of post industrial society.
>degeneracy in general
Meaningless buzzword doesn't get a response.
Anyway heres an image for you next time you get triggered by someone calling out that you are just throwing a bunch of /pol/ talking points together into something of a non-argument.
spot the butthurt boomer
^you pretty much agree with him on everything, and on the things you dont agree you blame on vague things like society allowing it to happen,
guess wut fuggo society is made up of men, the current men were boomers amirite?
I don't think any other generation will have the opportunity, in any reasonable time, to squander the world like they did
60-70s hippies were proto sjws in europe and completely destroyed a lot of conservative institutions and were the prime target of soviet subversion. Full of marxist trash hell my english teacher talked about how it was cool at her time to read Maos red little book.
Boomers are proof that old people don't deserve pensions and their driver's licenses and bikes should be taken away.
Forgot to add: they should also have no access to medical aid the right to vote should also be taken away.
>hurr you little millenial shits if you want to change your situation go vote
>meanwhile old farts make the majority of the popularion and all political parties pander to old people just to get extra votes
It's a vicious circle that can be only escaped if we limit old people rights.
>children are the future
>don't have children
>only cater to old people's interests
Wew lads.
>laws limiting the entitlements of old people get passed when the baby boomer voting bloc finally starts dying off
>We cuck ourselves out of the benefits after a life time of financial slavery to baby boomer scum
When Baby-Boomers were children the entire globe had been coated in a very fine lead dust, whose cause was additives in gasoline being burned for motor fuel.
So you get 5, 6, 7 year old children thumbing a ride on the side of the road, coughing and hacking as cars fly past and blanket the area with lead fumes like a fucked up bizarro world version of Chemtrails where it's not a government plot in the sky, but a bunch of idiots on the ground inundating their children with just enough lead poisoning to make them fucking crazy, which gets worse and worse as they age.
Use of lead additives in gasoline declines after ivory tower intellectuals grab their balls and fight back against the oil industry, and as soon as you get children who didn't grow up swimming in a miasma of lead fumes, rates of violent youth crime begin dropping precipitously.
>dude lead in paint is bad
>lets put it in our fuel instead lmao
Marketing was a mistake
Making sure you learn to appreciate westerns, mafia movies and James Bond
the reason I don't hate boomers is because it's so fashionable. I don't trust it. I should hate boomers because I'm poor and have no future but it doesn't feel right. I feel like there's a happy merchant.jpg rubbing their hands in the background
>yesss goyim blame the old people, take away their benefits, yess!!
are the bogfanoffs boomers?
i need a quick rundown on tge bogfanoff-boomer connection
more of a gen x thing
No they are semi-immortal
My dad is a boomer and he worked hard his whole life, brought up me and my brother as best he could, and didn't fall for memes like the hippie movement or neoconservatism
You can't generalize an entire generation
The trash generation who destroy western culture, everything is going down hill from there
>worked hard his whole life
I think you mean "took two years of college and almost instantaneously landed an above-average, stable career"
Your dad may still be a cool guy, but you have to admit that he was dealt an amazing hand just by being born a boomer
looks more like ww1 did it
>that stache on 1930s man
Nice touch
I wouldn't call it stable. He's been self-employed as a tilesetter for the last thirty years and at 69 has no plans to retire.
Yeah we currently live in pretty bad social and material conditions and you could say that boomers and 60s/70s counterculture started the downward spiral. But most Gen Xers and millenials are/were just as stupid and nihilistic, and being resentful towards some old folks' poor decision-making is not a mindset that's conducive to trying to improve things
who gives a shit. he had that amazing hand by circumstance. what is a boomer? a baby born after WW2? maybe we're have an incredible war in the middle east soon and steal a bunch of their shit, creating more prosperity, and have a bunch of kids because of it.
do you want people talking shit about your future kids? no? then shut the hell up.
>1920s and 30s she's showing her ankle
>1940s it's about to return to normal
>after 1950s it's over
fucking whores, man.
Was listening to their women the greatest mistake the boomers ever made?
>His argument is literally "think of the imaginary children"
Holy shit, seriously?
Not just boomers...
Second wave feminism was actually okay, though. They're the only generation for whom listening to the women didn't end in complete and utter disaster.
Nigger first gen was a mistake
>Be man
>Get right to vote in exchange for possibility of being conscripted and forced to die horribly
>Be woman
>jump in front of horses and complain until you also get this right
>implying women didn't sacrifice at least as much with pregnancies
>Nigger first gen was a mistake
I agree. In fact, I stated as much in the post you're replying to. First wave feminism destabilized a system in which women had significant but not highly visible power. Second wave feminism picked up the pieces and made the best of what was left, and gave us a society with near-parity between genders. Third wave feminism is about oppressing men to make up for a hundred thousand years of imaginary male domination that never actually happened.
Got one of the best world ever from their parents, gave their kids one of the must fucked world ever.
Will die late with all expenses being paid by their kids.
Won't have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
I think this sum it up.
I want to trade my right to be executed if I don't want to starve in mud while it rain steel for pregnancies I won't have because our part of the world is broke and having kids here is a nightmare.
Fuck,even trusting someone in a way needed to create a family can turn your life into so much trouble you will consider sucide. What the fuck, seriously.
delet this
I've read that boomers will actually enjoy longer lives than their children and other generations.
they are bulwark to white genocide.
To crash America with no survivors.
>destroyed a lot of conservative institutions
Why do conservatards keep defending their garbage institutions? Hippies are retarded but they were a reaction to the fuckery in previous decades.
They're still in power and thus continuously vote Republican. They want to defund social nets for others, but still want to keep their own.
Fucking retarded.
just lol