I'm ready for Elysium
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I'm ready for magnets to be outlawed in the U.K.
Let's be honest: if the 1% starts messing around with genetic engineering, we should just start killing them.
No procrastination, no trust: we all know it's the first step towards a neo-feudal society. Any attempt at that is basically an attack on our human condition, and as such the only acceptable reaponse would be lynching.
The same will applie for corporations who want to have a monopoly on an automated sector: if that hapoens I think it's only fair to kill everyone involved in it, and socialize those fully automated means of production. I guess we can give them a reparation, if they're willing to step put voluntarily, but that's it.
Not a commie, but once genetic engineering and full automation comes into the game, the old working paradygms of capitalism stop working.
you won't do anything pleb, now get back in line. Here, have some more free pornography and cheap gmo sugered food
>the old working paradygms of capitalism stop working.
>implying increased bioengineering doesn't lead to further advances in bioengineering
And 25 year rule, christ.
Depends on what comes after.
Anti-monopoly capitalism, until every relevant aspect of production ia automated. At that point there will be no reason not to transition into a form of socialism with a strong emphasis on personal property, and which still allows for small and medium sized businesses.
You are worse than a commie, you are a bio-luddite.
The elite will have genetically engineered immunity to disease, high IQs, huge dicks and infinite life span.
The poor will still struggle to afford healthcare.
Literally this.
a neo feudal cyber punk dystopia is too much of a risk; the moment this shit starts happening we need to start going full Bolshevik on the top 1%. Red Terror tier brutality.
It's not just with gene cybernetics, but also AI and advanced computing. Government surveillance will become far, far easier and we need to figure out a way to stop this. In addition, there is also the matter of AI. I hear people say "but muh better jobs becuz of AI" but there will come a point where only 1% of the population actually has a job if we keep on replacing people with robots.
Current events belong there.
Look, I think you're overreacting by a fair margin. Nothing justifies murder.
On the other hand, I pretty much agree with you. Once the genie's out of the bottle it can't be put back in.
Then the elite will start to perform increasingly bold and extravagant changes, like tails, blue skin, night vision, etc. The real X-men will not be the social outcasts, like in the comic book, but the super rich.
this will be the case for americans only
and then we kill all of them with their own robots
I'm ready to waste my days as a pleb playing vr loli dating sim games.
The first true race war between Sapiens and Neo-Sapiens. Count me in.
If you didn't have the reading comprehension of a drooling retard you would notice that if anything he is advocating for a more widespread use of the technology.
I've said for years that providing there are no major wars the defining feature of the 21st century will be the struggle for access to gene therapy and genetic engineering. If the poor don't understand that their access to these things is crucial for the wellbeing of their descendants in perpetuity, they'll be fucked, forever.
If genetic technology isn't made available universally, within a generation or two society will be stratified inescapably.
What a stupid load of utter shit. New technologies are always for the rich... until they aren't. The first people to get this new genefixing tech will be the wealthy, but it won't be long before the treatments are cheap enough for everyone.
Who here part of the gene modified khanesque upper class of super men? Lowly Morlock plebs need not apply.
>genetic engineering
As a Genetic Engineer I can say that the stuff that is possible will no way in hell be available to the public OR the 1%. Only the top 50 billionaires at most.
It doesn't matter. The chinese will def do it and its a race to the bottom after that.
I'd rather kill neo-luddites like you.
autists might not like this post but I would fight hard for these ideals if automation and technical immortality become real.
Father of nuclear physics thought Nuclear energy was a meme that won't be usable for centuries.
A decade later manhattan project got started.
Almost all of the technology we have started as "prohibitively expensive/impossible" and unavailable for mass market.
Amen brother.
>poor try to rise up against elite due to genetic engineering
>elite develops a 100% lethal bioweapon
>vaccinate themselves against it and release it
>all the poor die
By the time the technological disparity reaches the point where it causes social unrest, it will already be too late to fight back at all.
I'd rather live in a dystopian future than get killed by super-Ebola or some shit like that.
Agree with most of the points here but you are all missing the other side of the coin.
As AI and automation get better, returns on capital will make up more and more of the economy. Imagine owning an AI that does the work of 40 paralegals.
Bowley's Law was a well established fact. No matter how inequal an economy gets, labor gets 75% of income, capital investment gets the rest. This was true in the Gilded Age through the 1970s.
With globalization and the IT revolution this changed. Every year capital makes up more of the income in developed countries and labor, including skilled labor such as engineers and doctors, make less and less.
The future rich will make themselves genetically superior and will own all the AI....
>we may live to see AI be considered human and own/BE companies or even become a state's entire governing body and beureaucracy
>Mr. Noseberg et al will be outjewed by his own creation
I, for one, welcome the rulership of Pepsi-Cola Bot.
Then genetic engieering and 3D printing become cheap and accessible, OP dies of choking on genetically engineered tentacle cocks.
>le technology can never have negative consequences xD upvotes to the left
Go back to /r/futurology
I guess we shoulda done that when they got cars?
Genetic engineering may start at the top 1% (although most likely, first tested on the bottom 1%), but eventually the price will come down and, in a bid for more efficient work force, if nothing else, the rest of humanity will get it.
Granted, they may get it whether they want it or not. The Chinese are ahead of us in CRISPR technology, and an airborne virus that turns everyone Chinese would be... Well, actually, that'd just be weird.
If a virus turns us all Chinese NBA Playoffs and March Madness is going to suck.
>high class people are most of the time taller, stronger and healthier because of access to good food
>also exercise and sport because so much free time
>access to better education
>access to more fertile women/men with better genes
Literally nothing wrong with gene editing.
That's why it's necessary for Marxism to take hold before wealth disparity leads to the demise of our race
>With rapid improvements in biotechnology and bioengineering, we may
>reach a point where, for the first time in history, it becomes possible to translate economic inequality into biological inequality.
What was the Industrial Revolution?
>However, such treatments are likely to be expensive, and available only to the upper crust of society.
Just like in any other region dealing with economics.
>Humankind might consequently split into biological castes.
What are social classes and ghettos?
>There is one more possible step on the road to previously unimaginable inequality. In the short-term, authority might shift from the masses to a small elite that owns and controls the master algorithms and the data which feed them.
So, now?
In the longer term, however, authority could shift completely from humans to algorithms.
So, the current trend? Wall Street is just networks outbidding themselves.
>Once AI is smarter even than the human elite, all humanity could become redundant.
As we are.
>/pol/ and /leftypol/, finding they have more in common than not, start to merge into an autistic morass like when hiro merged the board with /mlp/
You're retarded.
>cure all disease
>live for 200 years
>end mass animal agriculture by growing meat in a lab
>manufacture replacement organs
>manufacture anything
and this is bad why? because of your feelings? Fuck off
He is right on some level. When gene modification and full-course automation become mainstream in the next 20 to 60 years, they should be made available to the general populace. The 0.0001% basically needs the average plebs to produce the goods and provide protection. When goods manufacturing becomes mostly human-free and the defence becomes dronified by ~2100, the plebs suddenly become a burden. I expect either an airborne engineered virus with delayed effects to wipe out most of humanity, while the WHO pretends to be retarded or for an engineered WW3 to do the same through the WMD triad.
This is true. If the proles don't rise in the next 50 years, it will become impossible.
I dont care about your predictions for the future. People love to be critical of technology but they're all talk. Just because technology has bad consequences doesn't mean we shouldn't, or won't, pursue it. In fact, pursuit if new technology will happen regardless of any potential consequences. So if you're "against" gene editing, it doesn't fucking matter, coz it's gonna happen. Adapt and survive, or shut up.
Even if it means massive starvation for the plebs? Are you really this happy to see humanity die off because they simply can't compete with bioengineering and its evolution?
>doesn't mean we shouldn't, or won't, pursue it
I'm not saying we shouldn't pursue it (can you read), just that on its present course, it will lead to our death. The access to the tech should just be istributed to everybody to guard us from elite total takeover.
I feel like this with biological immortality, death is one of the few great equalizers in life, no matter how rich and powerful they are, someone it doomed to die one day. Post human shit like this is fucked
you know there's an inbetween solution that isn't just "stop all technological progress" and "do everything even if its a bad idea".
its called regulatory bodies and international agreements. we've already done it to nuclear technology, which is why there's only a handful of states that have nukes
My personal moral evaluation of the situation doesn't change the facts. Am I "happy" that people suffer and die? No. It still happens.
>on its present course, it will lead to our death
So will doing nothing. I can be reasonably certain that, like with other technological innovations in the past, the market will distribute the technology to consumers. It might not be 100% equal distribution, but that's fine. I wouldn't want gang members, for instance, to be able to engineer super-speed for themselves or whatever.
Luddites like you will always hold us back. We should be striving towards a future where every baby is a genetically engineered 7ft tall superman with an IQ of 199. That's the only way we'll ever get off this rock.
>regulatory bodies
Yeah, that will work. Especially since crispr cas9(which will be the obvious way to edit embryo dna) can basically be done in a meth lab. Gene editing will turn into the new pre-1973 illegal abortions where couples will fly to China on "holidays" and return pregnant with a +160IQ 6'3 ubermenschen.
Why would I want to stop that? The end of humanity would be a good thing.
Here we go with the memehilism,,,
The real problem that will arise from GE human embryos isn't some kind of leftist fear-mongering Brave New World bullshit, but is rather the introduction of unintended mutations which will inevitably occur in the early days of the technology. Even when correcting for some kind of abnormality, altering gene structure might cause other, unintended mutations, which might be harmless to the individual, but if that individual procreates, those mutations enter the gene pool.
And then you just edit them out. Big whoop.
Well that just creates a cascading effect until you can do every edit without causing any mutations.
Not much different from regular reproduction then. There's plenty of people alive today carrying genetic abnormalities that they will pass down to their children.
I guess their feelings really are hurt... they're willing to commit murder because they can't stand the thought of others having it significantly better than them, even though if you live in the first world and are a healthy adult, you have everything you need to join the top 1%.
Cont... well, you need intelligence too.
As long as the elite can supply me with robot waifus I'll let them add extra penises and eyes onto themselves for all I care.
Marxism is literally the dogma of the inferior.
Death wouldn't go away, though, unfortunately. Even if the super-rich became biologically immortal, they would still be vulnerable to dying from accidents or violence.
I don't think being 7ft tall is actually optimal... it's probably rougher on the body than being short is.