> Are we all related because they've (scientists and historians) traced the whole entire human genealogy back to central Africa.
All humans share 99.9% of the same DNA. We're one of the least genetically diverse species on the planet.
we're related to plankton, not sure how much of a revelation this is
>not sure how much of a revelation this is
It still makes a lot of people very butthurt, though. In fact I bet we're about to hear from some of them.
>out of Africa theory
I heard that we recently discovered an older homosapian fossil in Europe. It might be older at least.
It's not a Homo sapiens fossil and OOA theory still makes the most sense.
We also share DNA with bananas.
It's a hominid, same species lineage
That's completely normal for a species, you bought into the bullshit.
Literally everything on Earth is related to everything. It's just degrees of relation.
>Out of Africa Theory
No, we're actually very diverse for a species. Most species have much more genetic similarity than we do.
is the DNA testing fake or real? Theories
They said it wasn't a Homo sapiens you massive faggot
What do you mean? It's a DNA test, it's real. Just sent mine in in the hope that it confirms my belief of being jewish.
It's a hominid, which is in the same genetic lineage as homo sapiens you massive moron.
Fuck you
Are you kidding me? There is more genetic diversity in a troop of chimpanzees than in the whole of humanity.
Still not a homo sapiens. If someone said they owned a felis silvestris, you wouldn't say it's a jaguar just because they're from the same family.
There's more genetic diversity in wheat than humans.
And the largest amount of genetic diversity for humans can be found in Africa, supporting the OOA theory.
The "out of Africa" theory doesn't say that humans started to evolve in Africa, just that the current dominant group of Homo Sapiens evolved in Africa.
We know there were neanderthals in Europe before the homo-sapiens came into play.
I said it wasn't a Homo sapiens. I never said it wasn't a hominid. Learn to read.
No we aren't.
How many time are people going to post this article on this board. Isn't this the twelfth time already?
Probably a few more times since no one here seems to know how evolution works.
That is utter bullshit. No chimpanzee troops have a Fst of .43
Fuck off, bananas are a great fruit.
I think you may be referring to this?
>Abstract: The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population. Yet sufficient genetic data can permit accurate classification of individuals into populations.
>people are still unwittingly buying into Lewontin's Fallacy to this very day
Really gets the brain to train
We're all related because of a very great noble and wise man from Karakorum.
Technically, any living thing on Earth is related to all the others.
Even a perfunctory understanding of evolution obliges us to concede we are all related.
If you have siblings you need only go back 1 generation to find your common ancestor (your parents).
For cousins it's 2.
You would be surprised how much of humanity you'd be linked to if you only go back 10 or 25 generations.
12 generations is sufficient to verifiable relate Brad Pitt and Barrack Obama (Virginian Edwin Hickman d.1769 is their known common ancestor)
Honestly I'd be surprised if any two humans needed more than 1000 generations to find a common ancestor, isolated populations are a meme.
Millions of generations and you're related to all primates and you can go further back of-course.
Plenty of species have fewer genetic diversity than humans. Not as much, but still quite a few have fewer genetic diversity AND multiple subspecies
That's not surprising at all, people are still quoting that horrible book by Gould.
If you tell a lie that conforms to the mainstream narrative, very few people are going to contradict you in the public sphere.
It's not even "technically", it's literally true.
A human being shares like 60% genetic material with a fucking banana.
A human race is most rigorously defined as a massive extended family, a group marked by common descent.
>Demographer K.W. Wachtel estimated that an Englishman born in 1947 would have had two million unique ancestors living at the maximum point around 1200 AD, 750 years before. There'd be a billion open slots in the family tree in 1200, so each real individual would fill an average of 500 places. Pedigree collapse would set in farther into the past than 1200.
Like what? Can you name these species? And what is the highest fst number between human populations?
WHy do they all look constipate and wear clothing of different periods? What is this picture trying to convey?
>Can you name these species?
Among the ones I remember right now, humpback whales, maybe cheetas (or pumas, can't remember), zebras and something else.
>And what is the highest fst number between human populations?
The one measured between San and south amerindians, in all likelihood.
And with tape worms, panda bears, oak trees, bacteria and every other living thing on this planet.
>species lineage
You mean Genus
Fucking this.
Veeky Forums was right, this board is full of brainlets