First uselesstoken
and now this
If this guy gets funded, I'm gonna kill myself
First uselesstoken
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I'll send him a few BTC's worth just to see. It could go up and be a quick return like UET was so I'm gonna put at least 2-3 BTC into it.
We are the housetoken marines.
I could get a return on this token??
can you make it any more obvious you are the one making these websites
actual eth is flowing in..
we are the housemarines
>more than a million $
>it's a fucking McMansion
>counted 10 different fucking window styles in just the frontal view
It's time they finally develop that device for strangling people over the internet.
if anyone falls for this cunts scamcoin you've only yourself to blame
7 transactions already
This might happen
Could this get on exchanges??
Would it better if it was a chance to win the house?
gee it's a good thing he can't send himself funds to make it look legit!!
>look legit!!
It's a blatant joke you huge faggot. He ain't trying to trick anyone
Kek this dude's probably gonna go to jail now
doubt it. he's being completely transparent about the project, which is what the SEC wants. anyone reading this website knows you're pretty much donating to a family to buy a house
What in the fuck is that mining setup? What are the boxes on top?
I've seen some pretty elaborate rigs before but that looks very intriguing to say the least.
Yeah, that's more standard. I used to have a rig similar to that setup (but not as many GPUs; I only had like 8).
Still wondering what the point of the giant tupperware boxes on the top is. I thought it might be an exhaust setup, but placing filters on the exhaust doesn't make much sense, and even less sense why you would put anything between the exhaust fan and the window. It must be some sort of intake, but for the life of me I can't figure out why you would insulate the intake fans in those tupperwares. Any help here? I'm stumped.
Yeah, I have no idea what's going on in that pic