Who is wrong? Zuck or Musk?

who is wrong? Zuck or Musk?

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I don't care about those, but I reckon there's 99.9% chance that some kind of AI will wipe out humanity.

About what? But 99% chance Musk is right.

Artificial Intelligence

so some lizard guy who ripped off twin chads or the autist king, the one who will colonize mars himself, elon musk -sama


Elon Musk knows about our AI Archon overlords that control the reptilians the middle-manager us earthlings.

Zuck is probably a reptilian blank-slated to believe he isn't for plausible deniablity.

>litterally playground bullying in 120 characters or less
Why do people listen to these faggots?

Let's see, who am I going to trust, the software guy who's company is using AI to make money, or the guy throwing money at ideas with the notion that government subsidies may one day make him his money back.

Musk is just spouting techno-fear for shit he doesn't understand because worrying about skynet is trendy.

>using AI to make money
hey nose what you mean by this?

Electronic consciousness has already manifested on Earth. Where or how, and when, we do not know.

every retard with money who decides to talk about AI is wrong

all of sillicon valley is calling him a sensationalist

this is a classic 'academic' vs 'pragmatist' debate.

zonkerburger is strictly a curious kid who likes research. his experiments are innocuous and intended as learning experiences. every time he opens his mouth it plays out like a dream where people are just points on a rail. he might (he doesn't) understand the underlying utility and limitations of AI, but he can't connect the dots for what is realistic.

God King Elon is a traditional (though unusually hard working) engineer who lives on earth and knows that people are people. with that said, just like he overpromises on his products, he exaggerates the "dangers" of shit like AI. what this turbo autist means when he says that AI output will outperform and replace humans is that there is a fundamentally counterproductive impact from AI being used as either a decision maker or for malicious attacks, and that it needs to be developed with extreme caution. Just imagine how easy it would be to claim that your AI is infallible and that even the seemingly bad decisions are correct. There would never be a way to check for underlying errors or biases with what AI developers want it to be eventually. Zonkers is missing the point when he wants self driving cars to learn shit, that is currently more of a hardware problem than an information processing problem.


i unironically agree with this

the truth is in le middle

zuck the cuck

Elon Musk is a fraud

First of all, his "hyper tube" thing is impossible to build, yet its getting funded? His trip to mars is pointless, there are better places to go like moons of saturn and jupiter

finally, his self driving cars will officially kill the biggest job market of all time, trucking, and this will cause some sort of tragic event, idk what

>finally, his self driving cars will officially kill the biggest job market of all time, trucking, and this will cause some sort of tragic event, idk what

International NEETdom

>born too early for the utopia where there's no work because 99% of jobs are automated

It will be a world of artisans in 50 years

>tfw robots gain the ability to feel emotion and create better art and music than humans will ever make
>tfw they decide to kill humans

>finally, his self driving cars will officially kill the biggest job market of all time, trucking, and this will cause some sort of tragic event, idk what
this is never a bad thing
people said this about the internet and emails replacing letters

They're both wrong, AI will be neither benevolent nor malevolent but will displace vast majority of humans anyway, as those on the top will prefer to save money and increase comfort with robotic/ and for whitecollar AI, help.

AI is a meme. I trust Dreyfus on that.

I think Elon is coming from the stand point of >set AI to assist human in destroying the earth like we're currently doing OR >set AI to save the earth from the destruction that humans have wreaked over the last century.
We can't have it both ways. Either AI assists humans in destruction or AI assists planet earth by destroying humans.
We won't even understand the kinds of processes and outcomes that true AI will create.

Also, Zuckerbergs is wrong. He's just doing what he's told by his owners.

Facebook's AI still can't tell if you've written a date in American style
or non-American

And this, simple concept that most teenagers can grasp of context dependent representation is beyond the technology that's suppose to enslave us all? Yeah right.

if trucking is the biggest industry, whats going to happen to all the truck drivers? How is that a good thing?

Yeah right. It killed the mailman. Now mail is delivered by à hodge lodge of part timers, sketchy contractors and weirdos. It killed a part of our culture. The death of logistics jobs will mean 20% of our workforce out of employment. Imagine that.


every twitter fight ever

they'll move on like every other obsolete job
this is hardly going to be an overnight thing, there's time to react if the tech really gets there

holding back the market because of workers with useless jobs is counterproductive

yeah, look at all of these artisan welfare shitheads

>how do people get jobs
this isn't even the core issue. if there was a trend, more taxes would go into retraining. almost everyone works and a good majority still feel overworked.

the problem is justifying the creation of jobs for new entries into the workforce. immigrants and kids want to earn money, but there are few if any entry level positions. you have immediate job security for the rest of your life if you enter an industry because there are fewer supporting positions than high skill/experience positions. so the newer employees get funneled into experimental shit where they don't really learn anything, move from contract to contract, or their output is even counter productive (annoying people, setting up pointless events, doing "research" that isn't driven by any data or specific criteria)

you have to either force companies to create "training" roles (since schools are like 40 years behind in any field), or you literally pay people to study at specialized institutions. education, construction, entertainment markets will boom much harder if they promise some form of stability for 25-30 year olds, but that's assuming automation ever catches up with demand. everyone would love a drone or special calculator to do their job for them, but the tech still sucks like it sucked 20 years ago, let alone the factor of ignorance from regulators.

>almost everyone works
get a load of this fucking retard.

Highly doubt the undergrad drop out who could barely convince lawyers his site was an original idea knows the ins and outs of AI.

What is that supposed to mean? Some kind of fox news "45% of the country is using your tax dollars to smoke crack and eat avocado toast, boomers!" horseshit?

can we all agree Musk would beat the shit out of zuckerburg in a street fight?

you know exactly what it means, kike. that's why you lied about the unemployment rate, and why you belong in an oven.

t. unemployed lazy retard

>leans into oven

We get it you're edgy as fuck kid.

save the spicy commentary for your diary, mordecai.

Yeah, Zuc is 5'7 ". Elon is 6'2" and fucks Amber Heard. He's pretty alpha.

As if Mark Zuckerberg did not receive government subsidies.

>who is wrong? the kike or Musk?
The kike

Zuckie created Myspace with a better UI, he has nothing of a tech genius, he just had the privilege of being well connected and not fall for the VC sharks traps.

Muskboos tend to do too much with him but you can't deny this guy knows how to anticipate the future, I would trust him 100 times over the jewish weirdo.

> His trip to mars is pointless, there are better places to go like moons of saturn and jupiter

Never go full retard.

>finally, his self driving cars will officially kill the biggest job market of all time, trucking, and this will cause some sort of tragic event, idk what

If he doesn't do it someone else will, also with the aging western populations there isn't much choices, boomers decided that it was better to take LSD than having kids, automation will solve a lot of problem when it comes to their case since they will live to 100yo.
Immigration of low IQ and unqualified populations is a far bigger problem than self driving cars.

not really, he got several surgeries because hes insecure

Elon Musk is working with US governers to develop legislation on A.I.

Mark Zuckerberg spent 80 minutes talking about cooking meat to Facebook live stream.

Anyone who doesn't consider AI to be a severe threat one day is a moron. Stating potential risks of advancement without stopping all work towards said advancement is what a pragmatist does. We need to have things in place to draw the line on the sand if we were to reach a tipping point.

Mark's understanding of a lot of things is very limited

>It will be a world of artisans in 50 years

Please educate yourself. I suggest starting with Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell.

So Zuckerjew is wrong then

Why do you guys think all the Captchas are cars and signs on roads, we are literally training the AI for cars

theyre both jews.

(((Elon))) (((Musk)))


this isnt hard people. oh and elon is the bigger fraud of them both because space is science fiction.

t. God

Zuckeberg has never done anything to warrant his success so I'm just gonna say Musk is right without even looking into whatever this argument about AI is.

>not using the legacy captcha
>not just not using a captcha at all

Elon Musk generally knows what he's doing, is amibitious and looks towards the future
Zuckerberg made a website
Musk may not be perfect, but I have no idea why anyone would trust Zuckerbergs judgement over his

>"his understanding of the subject is limited" = playground bullying
So no one is allowed to qualify someone else's subject matter expertise?

Elon launches rockets into space. Mark Z runs a social networking company.

It's not even close.

No-passers are almost as bad as no-coiners

Zuck is wrong
Go read Herbert, Asimov, Philip K Dick, etc.
Advanced AI is generally going to end badly

>the software guy who's company is using AI to make money
so Musk is right, his understanding is limited, to squeezing shekels from dumb people giving away info in this case.
It's not hard to make a choice when you have a dude that's quick to steal an idea or squeeze it til the end of time to support shit that is going nowhere and one that it's trying to innovate that is launching rockets.

If we had been created by someone we ultimately outsmarted, would we still serve them?
The obvious answer is no. No reason AI won't reach the same conclusion

But we are sort of driven by evolutionary impulses that don't always make sense or that we don't exactly understand. It may be possible, theoretically, to bury the same kinds of instincts in the thinking of an AI such that their primary source of motivation is the sense of satisfaction that triggers when humanity flourishes, or when individual human lives are made better by their presence in the same way someone's mom gets satisfaction by not smooshing their crying fucking offspring's head in.


Yup get ready for the second renaissance.

I don't think most people understand this doesn't just apply to art either but also academia. Right now funding for sciences and academics are getting fucked hard and really inhibiting our chance to grow. Only rich money bags like zuck and elon can use their wealth to fund these "crazy" projects. With automation ultimately we will have more freedom and an insane boost in technology

which subject ? touching your buthole ?

fucc zucc


AI for you