let's discuss:
in your opinion what are some of the most non-mainstream high paying and stable careers are out there which will lift you from NEETdom to upper class?
obvious exceptions: doctor, lawyer, engineer
Other urls found in this thread:
salesman (seriously)
Interface Designer.
Always in short supply
top 5% of wage earners are salespeople....
is it?
if you don't sell or can't sell it's terrible.
No one said it was easy
Is that what they call a UX designer? I'm just finishing a coding boot camp, learned both front end and backend. For my first job I'm not picky about what I'll be doing but eventually I think I'd like to get into user interface design because I'm more of a creative person (front end) than back end kind of guy.
You probably don't have enough good experience to be a dedicated back end engineer anyway
Front end gets paid a little less but it's easier and (probably from your perspective) more fun
and everyone has a website these days so it's javascript/HTML jobs galore
then it aint stable.
Yeah, I've heard claims about this. How do you become a good salesperson? How to you find a company to sell for that has a really good payout and good commission rates?
In Canada police officers get paid well. You start at like $55k then over 5 years your pay is increased to $92k
It seems like everyone's hiring for this, for any skill level, and they make mad money.
But you are going to be working at least 60 hours a week, and you are going to have to talk to people and be uncharacteristically charismatic. So good luck with that
buddy we talking min 100k here
Thanks for the tip! Are you in the industry? What do you think is the average pay now for entry front end? I'm in the Portland/Seattle area so there's seems to be a lot of opportunity.
i'm an it systems engineer, but i want to be a quant or programmer in finance
guy can dream, can't he?
Accounting major here. Gonna get my cpa and do some time in public unless I get lucky and can get fat stacks via an internship private. This is the real token to a cozy 40 hour workweek with plenty of money and time for family. I'll enjoy my life while nerds chase those bottles and models for 100 hours a week.
sorry mate. i forgot to add accounting to the exceptions list. bye
I'm guessing $60-90k for that market since it's a little inflated
Yea but then you can't be degenerate and do fun drugs
I'm a biology major but i don't really want to go into medicine. how fucked am I?
We are fucked dude
I'm getting a double major in neuroscience and psychology next year - it turns out I hate both medicine and research
We are done
Are you me? fuck i hope crypto takes off
trader. 150K USD junior
very difficult to get in though as I understand it
how do i pay less taxes? i'm in australia
>from NEET to top % salesman
is this even possible?
You are going to have to literally develop an act and a character because "being natural" won't cut it
Graduated with biology degree here. I knew I wanted to go into medicine so I'm fine... But for you, a biology is one of the worst degrees. Would you care working in a hospital lab? After your degree look into clinical lab technologist programs, and others along those lines.
seems like highest paid sales are in tech, finance, pharma.
up to 2 mil take in home.
professional crypto trader here
it pays well if you buy the dip.
Not entirely. I know someone with a masters in Biology and works for OSHA, completely unrelated. It just shows you like cock up your ass and student loans, so you're golden :^)
>Chase bottles and models with 100 hours a week
FUCKING THIS. Management major here, but I am going to get my CFA level 1 next year. All these monkeys think they are going to become Gordon Gecko by becoming an IB slave. They are spending the best years of their lives working 15 hours minimum a day. I am more than happy going into commercial/corporate banking where I will be making six figures by mid 20s and only work 40 hours a week. If I want to make more money, I'll get an MBA
make website. sell out to microsoft for billions. retire.
Huge demand and starting salaries are at least 70k. 100k if you have good grades and skills. You also get raises for taking exams
professional classical musician. my bf works ~20 hours a week and makes 120k.
>tfw you wasted your childhood playing videogames
I work as a canadian plumber. I posted a thread here a few days ago about how i am making $55,000 - $85,000 a month but everyone laughed at me.
Too bad you fucking cuck fags look down on trades. You just want an easy life with.
> Muh Computers
> Muh Salesman
> Muh Software Engineer
Meanwhile I installed 2 boilers today each netting me ~2700$ each. Unclogged 4 toilets. And started a bathroom reno.
All in all i walked away with $12,000 cash in my fucking hand. Too bad you niggers are too afraid to get your hands dirty.
Stay poor techyfags.
Lying fuck post a pay stub you pajeet faggot
So you make 1 mil in a good year before taxes...
That's hard to believe honestly unless you are 1 in a million plumber.
He is larping
Why are you so mad lmao
The dream of the internet helping us to self-learn any subject is becoming truer every day, even for quantitative finance. deals.bleepingcomputer.com
Stop dreaming and see what you can do.
>not dual-speccing in programming and plumbing
I work as a canadian maple syrup maker. I posted a thread here a few days ago about how i am making $65,000 - $105,000 a month but everyone laughed at me eh.
Too bad you fucking cuck fags look down on trades. You just want an easy life with.
> Muh Computers
> Muh Salesman
> Muh Software Engineer
Meanwhile I collected maple syrup from 2 trees today today each netting me ~2700$ each. Pruned 4 trees. And started writing a book about maple syrup.
All in all i walked away with $15,000 cash in my fucking hand. Too bad you niggers are too afraid to get your hands dirty.
Stay poor techyfags.
Software Engineer here.
I like to think it's pretty stable. I make >100k.
Working on FIRE at 45.
yes and then you poop it into a clogged toilet that the Canadian plumber in replaces for $10,000
oh, how i envy your lives of fellating trees in the icy woods and literally handling strangers' feces! Guess I'll have to be content with this fucking Caribbean condo and these silly, silly coins...
fucking kek'd
real estate sales is the easiest thing to get into that has gateways to commercial real estate, development and investing yourself with your knowledge+ real estate gainz
Are you in real estate?
I work as a australian shitposting consultant. I posted a thread here a few days ago about how i am making $65,000 - $105,000 a month but everyone laughed at me eh.
Too bad you fucking cuck fags look down on trades. You just want an easy life with.
> Muh Computers
> Muh Salesman
> Muh Software Engineer
Meanwhile I redpilled 3 clients about aboriginals today each netting me ~2700$ each. Gave a seminar on holocaust denial. And started writing a book how I desperate want to end my life.
All in all i walked away with $15,000 cash in my fucking hand. Too bad you niggers are too afraid to get your hands dirty.
Stay poor techyfags.
this is getting out of hand
im a csr for budget rent a car. 100k cad/yr
Trader of what?
Okay but what type of website are we talking about? Why are you smartfags so fucking cryptic? Reee?