what are some games/movies that can feed my alternative history boner
also is alternative history allowed to be discussed here ? sorry I'm kinda new
what are some games/movies that can feed my alternative history boner
also is alternative history allowed to be discussed here ? sorry I'm kinda new
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I personally play:
Mount and Blade 1257 AD and Brytenwalda mods
Viking Invasion
Crusader Kings 2 HIP mod
Medieval II Total War
I'm basically convinced that alternate history is a waste of time because it is so rarely done well and actual history is plenty interesting by itself.
Kaiserreich is pretty fun
Kaiserreich is fun as hell, but the American event chains and the British Revolution (plus Germany somehow swallowing nearly all of the British Empire, a logistical nightmare almost as absurd as turning half of China into a pseudo-colony) are pretty implausible, even if they make the game more balanced.
If the Central Powers won World War I (Brest Litovsk+Belgian puppet state+status quo ante bellum in Africa/Asia), Germany would be in a good position to be a dominant world power in the 20th century, but the tension in Austria and Turkey could turn out to be albatrosses. France would have revanchist goals but would be in a much weaker position than Nazi Germany due to a lack of industry and a smaller population. Britain would likely be more likely to cooperate with Germany, and the US would be isolationist for longer.
>implying direct rule from Atlanta isn't superior
>that image
Jesus, Commies will do/say anything to dissasociate themselves from "fascists" and thus, in there minds, disproving the horseshoe theory once and for all.
Get a grip, you pathetic leftists, what is Ba'athism, what is Strasserism, who was Rivera, if you truly want to defeat the powers of (((international finance))) once and for all you need to stop allowing yourself to be lured into their divide and conquer game.
chill out user it's a meme from kaiserreich
>le i know kr because i play hoi4
You're part of the problem.
the worldwar books are a lot of fun imo
the basic premise is that aliens probed earth in the 12th century and show up in 1942 to conquer earth but are shocked by the speed of humanity's technological advancement. Despite not having a large enough invasion force or enough weapons to steamroll earth the aliens decide to invade anyway, causing the allies and axis to join together out of desperation.
the kaiserreich mod for hoi iv is better than vanilla hoi iv desu
this guy gets it
Could someone explain the Every man a king meme? I see it a lot but haven't a clue what it's about.
it was huey longs slogan in the 1930's
>plus Germany somehow swallowing nearly all of the British Empire, a logistical nightmare almost as absurd as turning half of China into a pseudo-colony
Kek, as much as I like Kaiserreich, this is probably my biggest problem with it. I always want to just let the Japanese take over Asia and be bros with them, but I already have all these gay colonies there and I hate giving up land. France, I think, would be in a likely position to fall into communism considering how prominent it was there, but I doubt Britain would. I doubt France would ever be able to challenge Germany again if the Germans got their way. But, implausibilities aside, I really do enjoy the mod.
you mean besides the last 2 wolfenstein games?
Yeah but for every event in history, it's fun to speculate what the world would be like if it all went the other way
>Huey Long
>Not Louisiana
>hasn't taken the long boy pill
IIRC, the Germans were being opportunistic little shits and struck when the Empire was already tearing itself apart, and then were only able to occupy some key strategic points like Gibraltar, Malta, Suez, and Singapore. Not all the way German Cape to Cairo level bullshit.
The days when you could be obviously sloshed on television
Kaiserreich for HOI IV should have never been attempted. HOI IV is so shit and Darkest Hour is so great. Why even bother diverting the resources into making it.
Who here /directrulefromkabul/
Victoria 2 or any GSG
This tbch
>that canada
Unless I remember totally wrong, Germany is in a pretty tenuous spot BECAUSE it swallowed the British Empire.
Its position in Asia is extremely weak and Japan has its eyes on their Pacific colonies and Chinese underlings, Mittleafrika is a corrupt shithole and its hard pressed to support its Mittleuropa allies and satellites.
who else D I R E C T R U L E F R O M L O N D O N?
The timeline is better than you give it credit in my view. Germany does not swallow nearly all of the British Empire, it literally seizes a few major strongpoints (the important stuff) like Singapore, the Suez and the Mediterranean islands and overstretches itself. The only major imperialist stuff that they even seem capable of doing in the interwar period is intervening in China, restoring the Qing emperor and setting up a puppet East India Company style puppet in the south. I'm not sure why that idea would be so outlandish.
I do think the Second American Civil War events are not satisfactory when it comes to justification for it. The game fails to flag up that in this timeline the U.S never intervened in WW1 and essentially stagnated after a stock market crash for over a decade. The rise of far left and far right in that context makes more sense, but the way the mod elaborates on it is incredibly immature and undeveloped. The whole thing needs a bit of rewrite if you ask me.
Allah willing the cursed leaf will be removed.
Okay, taking a few strongpoints from Britain is reasonable (even though I think a communist Britain is much less plausible than a communist France). But the China thing is a much bigger stretch when they'd struggle to even hold down Indochina.
you gotta love the kingfish, need more politicians like this
Nat France is more fun than Canada in KR.
>Canada is safe and cozy protected by daddy america
>fairly easy to retake UK since it;s an island so won't be getting any support by commune of France
>have to release UK and hand over alliance leadership to them, lose a lot of tech teams that go back to UK
meanwhile in Nat France
>once you liberate UK, game is pretty much over.
>have to strategically time your landings in southern France, too early and Commune of France will crush your few divisions, too late and Germany will get too much land in France
>can retake France without having to release it
>have to eventually face Germany if Commune does fall to assert complete dominance over the rest of France
>internal conflict between the colonials and French