What was the worst war for PoWs?
What was the worst war for PoWs?
WWII on the Eastern Front maybe, concentration camps and gulags and all.
I heard the Swedes were pretty brutal during the Northern Wars as well.
It's probably been a lot worse in other wars though and we just don't have records.
WW2 on the Eastern Front. Some 60-70% of Soviet POWs taken by the Germans were killed. keep in mind that the death rate of American prisoners taken by the Japanese in the Pacific was only 27%.
>Some 60-70% of Soviet POWs taken by the Germans were killed.
Jewish Lies.
The Allies bombed our Supply routes to feed them. They died due to diseases and other Assorted Manner.
Wow. You are a fucking grade-A retard. Millions of Soviet POWs died long before the Allied bombing campaign had gotten going.
>our Supply routes
t. American with """Prussian heritage"""
I'd say ww2 on Pacific front. Japanese were brutal. Read "as if somebody gave a damn" I think that's the name. I don't know if it's popular but it's a book I got for my birthday Its by a captain during the war. Haven't had the time to read it yet though
Pacific Theater for allied soldiers. WWII eastern front. American civil war also had some appalling conditions for pows.
>All these WWII answers
Oh sure, not in medieval wars where there was no Geneva conventions to speak of, and people either outright took no prisoners or just killed prisoners whenever convenient.
Not to mention that post war, 100,000's of soviet POWs got sent straight into gulags because the government considered them to be cowards and suspected that the allies may have inserted spies into their ranks. Imagine being a patriotic, devoted USSR soldier, having the misfortune of being overrun by the Germans (most likely because of incompetence in the upper ranks), sent to a camp, enduring years of malnourishment and humiliation, only to be betrayed by your own motherland and shipped to an even worse camp after the war is won.
>It is estimated that at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million. This figure represents a total of 57% of all Soviet POWs and may be contrasted with 8,300 out of 231,000 British and U.S. prisoners, or 3.6%. About 5% of the Soviet prisoners who died were of Jewish ethnicity.[5]
>The most deaths took place between June 1941 and January 1942, when the Germans killed an estimated 2.8 million Soviet POWs primarily through deliberate starvation,[6] exposure, and summary execution, in what has been called, along with the Rwandan Genocide, an instance of "the most concentrated mass killing in human history (...) eclipsing the most exterminatory months of the Jewish Holocaust".[7] By September 1941, the mortality rate among Soviet POWs was in the order of 1% per day.[8]
>According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), by the winter of 1941, "starvation and disease resulted in mass death of unimaginable proportions".[9] This deliberate starvation, leading many desperate prisoners to resort to acts of cannibalism,[7] was Nazi policy in spite of food being available,[10] in accordance to the Hunger Plan developed by the Reich Minister of Food Herbert Backe. For the Germans, Soviet POWs were expendable: they consumed calories needed by others and, unlike Western POWs, were considered to be subhuman.[11]
god damn, Stalin really was a fucking monster
>and people either outright took no prisoners or just killed prisoners whenever convenient.
>worst time to be a prisoner of war
>"outright took no prisoners"
Hey user, you can't be a prisoner of war if people don't take you prisoner, use your damn brain. The people who were taken prisoners were usually aristocrats, treated relatively well and swiftly ransomed.
>medieval wars
Killing of prisoners was pretty rare when ransoms could be sought, peasants and mercenaries excluded.
Bosnian war.
>pow execution so brutal people call it genocide
WW2 Eastern Front for both Soviets and Germans
WW2 Pacific Front for the Americans
starvation and malnutrition is the shit
>betrayed by your own motherland and shipped to an even worse camp after the war is won.
i wouldn't say it was worse.
Definitely a step up from a german stalag or concentration camp
One thing that made the Wars of the Roses so weird is that nobles explicitly wanted to kill other nobles to get their lands/titles and whatnot.
While the wars weren't particularly large, this vicious aspect of the war made them seem larger and nastier than they were.
>Hunger Plan
>le vague greentext
Germans were under no obligation to treat Soviet pows humanely because Soviet government had not signed the Geneva convention and they knew damn well russians werent gonna give germans pows any mercy either. Westerns pows who had signed the Geneva convention were treated according to the convention.
The Germans were still obliged to treat all Soviet POWs humanely even if the Soviets didn't sign the Geneva Conventions, the Germans did sign the GC so they are still obliged to treat Soviet prisoners within accordance to the Geneva Convention. The only reason why Soviet POWs were treated harshly was because of the Nazi view that the Eastern Front was a race war, a war of extermination.
>well russians werent gonna give germans pows any mercy either
While the USSR's treatment of German POW's wasn't really good, it still wasn't as nearly bad as how Germans treated Soviet POW's. At very least, German POW's were never gassed as Soviets were at Auschwitz.