Was he really the son of God? Did he actually perform miracles? Should I seriously live my life in accordance with his teachings?
Yes to all three.
No to all three.
If you think it'll help
Penta7, that's cool. 7's supposed to be a holy number
Actually there's been at least triple 7s for each interactor
Yes, yes, yes
The first two questions don't actually matter.
Yes to the third.
Why's that? To both statements
Being concerned about the physical certainty of a spiritual story is dumb. What matters is the path to enlightenment itself. Belief becomes a feeling, not a known fact.
Or rather I should say then a known fact.
no, no, yes
The story's written in physical terms, though. And can't enlightenment be found without Jesus?
Yes Yes and Yes
>And can't enlightenment be found without Jesus?
No we are dead in our sins.
So was enlightenment never reached by anyone existing before Jesus?
>written in physical terms
So? The lesson is still spiritual.
>can't enlightenment be found without Jesus?
You can argue that, though Jesus would seem the most evident and the highest enlightenment, in the west at least. But OP was just asking if specifically Jesus is worth following.
Even if you dont believe in all the magical bullshit (and you shouldnt, or theres something wrong with your brain), if you look at it from a 100 percent pragmatic point of view, living your life by Jesus' teachings is just about the best manual for living as a human among other humans.
Knowing the unsavory predilections that humanity is prone to, the teachings of Jesus lay out the absolute best means to living a happy and prosperous life as free from troubles as is statistically possible.
-Cultivate love in your heart to counter our natural proclivity towards hating each other. This will bring your conflicts with others to an absolute minimum near zero. Of course, you cant help what others do, but you can control how you react to their actions, and if you do so out of love (or if you dont feel the love, simply go through the motions; positive re-enforcement will eventually wear down your ill-manner) you will find that 9 times out of 10 conflict can be resolved most deftly.
-Don't judge people. That alone will keep you stress-free. When your heart is filled with love, you begin to recognize yourself in others and are more forgiving of them because you see your own mistakes in theirs
-Love your neighbor as yourself. Thats a no brainer
If everyone did their best to live by this creed, the world would be infinetely better.
Pretty much what this guy is saying. But the 'magical bullshit' actually works, just saying.
>magical bullshit works
Well OP, you should follow Christ, IMO.
You also shouldn't take everything in the Bible literally, as it completely destroys the message of Jesus. In fact, most of the religious people I know don't take tge Bible literally. I was in church on yesterday, and I was talking to a guy who didn't think it be appropriate to mention the word 'God', as it denoted something that was simply too vague for anyone to comprehend.
So yeah, don't listen to any fundies on here. They're very loud, but still a minority.
Are you really going to deny religious healing power?
Be as smug as you want but you're the idiot here for denying that crazy stuff has happened under spiritual conditions.
Maybe to all three
>Was he really the son of God?
What do you mean under this term?
>Did he actually perform miracles?
Maybe. I believe He did.
>Should I seriously live my life in accordance with his teachings?
Which teachings? "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor"? That's a great ideal. But if you can't, just "Do all the commandments - honor your parents etc.". Also don't be a hipocryte, because Jesus really had a problem with that (and rightfully so). And at last - don't be a dick while trying to be good.
fuckin christ man how can people be this daft...
even if every single crazy inexplicable thing really did happen, it's shear absurdity to assume it was caused by a particular supernatural force.
>under spiritual conditions
man if you can't see the stupid there's just nothing for you. this isn't to insult or dismiss your personal experience. the confidence you attach to what you are speaking of is legitimately brainwashed into you or outright pathological. it is not a conclusion skeptically reached from a point of understood ignorance.
Was he really the son of God?
There are no gods.
Did he actually perform miracles?
Should I seriously live my life in accordance with his teachings?
No you idiot.
>Was he the son of God?
He is God according to Trinity.
>Did he perform miracles?
I don't know.
>Should I follow his teachings?
Sure. They are very good for a moral and loving life.
Yes to all three
Alright nigs I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a debate against those protestants on Saturday since they are all coming. They are the kind of protestants who thrive in Latin America, those who listen nothing but shitty christian music all day.
I'm not even religious but I used to be catholic until I became "to smart for going to mass". Still I prefer catholicism because of the whole "faith is subjugated to reason".
How can I talk to them and guide them to the true path?
These are their main beliefs
>You can pray and God will grant do miracles
>predestination (hope that fucking calvino poster doesn't show up)
>they always say "God will provide" and do stupid shit like wasting their money in shit clothes
>tattoos and alcohol despite they claim to follow the bible almost literally
>the bible IS the word of God (they treat it as the Quran)
>"dude lmao it's not that we follow the bible literally, we are against theological legalism"
>proceeds to mention several verses of the Bible to say something is wrong
>Jesus isn't exactly the son of Mary, Mary was a vessel
Do I have to read Summa Theologica?
Catholics pls help, their music is unbearable.
Also, their main guy said a fucking butterfly flew from a flower that was in his nose in some christian camp so he knew it was God.
What kind of bullshit is this? He probably believes he is at the same level of a saint. At least they don't speak in tongues.
You can't do anything m8, you can't fix stupid. Any attempts to badger them into being smart will just lead to them doubling down; you are, after all, the evil Satanic atheist papist attempting to lead them astray.
>Pretty much accurate
Pretty sure I just need the right bible verses to speak to them. I will keep reading the Bible and some wikipedia articles
>tfw should have stayed catholic and studied philosophy and theology
The best ethical base of living with others is the deontological ethic, religious ethic is bullshit through being flexible with a human's basic rights
This is Dragon Rouge.
They are wizards.
In Dragon Rouge, to ascend in the hierarchy, you must prove that you can do magic and have success.
Question: How can they do this if magic doesn't exist? Checkmate, atheists.
Yes. Also He is God.
Yes, but it's not what people think. Walking on water is a magic trick. Forgiving others is a miracle.
Yes. In fact, you already live in a moral universe created by Him.
>How can they do this if magic doesn't exist?
They have very low standards regarding proof. Think six year olds.
Proof of said low standards?
>Inb4 my butt
Regardless whether the story is literally true, there isn't a person on the planet who can actually act out his ethical principles, that's the whole point of salvation.
Both Nietzsche and C.S Lewis were right in saying that if Jesus is not God, his moral principles are false, and are the ravings of a madman.
Bible jesus is false and lunatic ravings.
>miracles are debatable
You must think magic tricks are real.
The idea that some metaphysical entity could have a son is laughable.
sure thing Abdul
I'm not speaking out of purely personal experience. Throughout all human history there has been spiritual healing, wonders and synchronizations. I'm also not justifying supernatural forces, miracles could very well be the products of individual/collective will or subconscious. The point is they happen, and pure materialist lose the point by dissembling everything into their own reality system, calling it the end-all way of seeing things and thinking that that negates the value of the experience.
The fact that they (you?) consider magic a viable option is all the proof I need.
>And can't enlightenment be found without Jesus?
Nowadays? Of course it can, just live your life freely.
>Was he really the son of God?
Don't know, don't care
>Did he actually perform miracles?
I believe in what I see. No reason to believe he/she/it did.
>Should I seriously live my life in accordance with his teachings?
Yes. There are good points to the teachings of this figure
He literally calls himself the son of man
There is no freedom outside of Christ
If you live your life in accordance with the teachings of jesus except you don't have daith in him, do you still go to hell?
do have any proof of any of the 3 ?
did jeebus even exist irl ?
Not unless you're a fundamentalist (read: fucking retard)
Did Tiberius Ceasar?
who ?
hopefully, maybe, yes
>did jeebus even exist irl ?
We don't know.
The authors of the bible are unknown and the "eyewitnesses" that allegedly met jesus have been long dead when the first parts of the bible were written.
So it probably is all made up stuff to enslave and milk people like every religion.
Maybe some guy like Jesus existet but that really doesn't matter since there is no evidence for his powers wonders ressurection and so on.
But nvm my rational answer religious people will tell you they have "evidence" and so on.
>did jeebus even exist irl ?
With that name? No, there was probably some prohet where the gnostic gospels come from, that later were changed into lies to make the bible you know, but his name was prophesied to be forgotten as normal people of the world, being most of them archons, weren't able to pronounce that name.
Do Americans really fantasise about killing people?
Who is even still a Christian these days lol? old people?
>Was he really the son of God?
>Did he actually perform miracles?
>Should I seriously live my life in accordance with his teachings?
Fuck no.
Only attention seeking Ameriboos.
Every religion has "good teachings" and you have no obligation to follow only a particular set of them. You can pick and choose the good ones and make your own set.
all the time
Their culture evolves around violence and solving every single problem with it.