Has anyone else considered using steroids to look better as well as do better in the business world?
Because I am very strongly considering it right now.
Has anyone else considered using steroids to look better as well as do better in the business world?
Because I am very strongly considering it right now.
sounds beta af tbqh senpai
Steroids make u dumb
how would making myself better be beta
I'd like to hear how you think it'll make you do better in the business world, seriously
Roids will cause you to have rage fits cause you're a High T, juiced up gorilla
Also, you should consult Veeky Forums cause they know this shit better than folks on here
>I'd like to hear how you think it'll make you do better in the business world, seriously
The brain has androgen receptors. Testosterone obviously makes you more driven and more of a risk-taker, literally the most talked about mental effect of testosterone. Additionally I assume increasing your red blood cells would lead to more oxygen to your brain which would help as well
>not being Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums masterrace
>making it
pick uno
pretty sure you need to throw in some /pol/ if you legit want masterrace.
because it shows youre too beta to accept yourself desu
nah, because my high test dick wants to creampie this
Yes, same here. I'm gonna start out once I hit 20k.
Suddenly I have jungle fever.
>Veeky Forums /pol/ /g/ Veeky Forums masterrace you mean
She's so nigger
>because it shows youre too beta to accept yourself desu
How is accepting yourself not beta as fuck?
I don't get why you'd think improving yourself is a beta thing to do.
he's just coping with his pathetic self
I'm intrigued.
I wish you well user
High test has nothing to do with it, youre just completely disgusting.
high test leads to hairloss.
theres nothing more alpha than bald guys right HAHAhaha....aha
t.limp dick faggot
Don't do it, you will need to stay on them for life if you want to keep your boner
>high test leads to hairloss.
>theres nothing more alpha than bald guys right HAHAhaha....aha
Only if you're predisposed to Male Pattern Baldness. I am not, as I have zero signs of balding and neither do other people in my family.
Veeky Forums + Veeky Forums is all this website is good for after you outgrow your youth browsing /b/
It's DHT that causes baldness, not T. So stfu
The results are in user, you're a beta cuckhold. I need your prepping services - pronto.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you will test very high afterward.
Because you want to live next to third worlders in your paradise...got it. Thanks for clarifying.
>he doesn't know about HCG and PCT
It's fit, biz and g pleb.
I too, frequent Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, and have a disdain for /pol/.
i would have brown kids with her
20 yr old with hypogonadism who has lifted for 4 years and been on trt for 1 year.
how small
i'm 6"1'
Doctors always took me as a joke when i claimed i had all the symptoms of low test considering i had very athletic body. MRI however, showed that i have a non cancerous tumour in my pituitary gland which inhibits test production.
TRT changed my life, prior i was always tired, low driven and had basically a non exsistant drive for females.
pic related
I also have TRT to thank for me stumbling across Veeky Forums feburary when ETH was $19. Would've never had the motivation to read anything finance related without muh juice
good for you that you actually got TRT
it pisses me off that lots of guys have low T and doctors won't do anything to help them, either straight up denying treatments or just giving some bullshit placebo. meanwhile you have mentally sick trannies who can just walk in and start getting pumped up with whatever hormones they identify with
I've done some steroids. Only differences I noticed were a) bigger muscles and b) want sex/masturbation slightly more. But I mean, they're both pretty good right?
Doctors are seriously undereducted when it comes to male endocrinology and trt protocols, i had to see 3 different endos till one of them finally decided to help me and find the problem. They claimed my blood work was 'fine' as it is within their reference range of >18 years: 348 – 1197 ng/dL which isn't even relative to age. So a 20 year old with 370ng/dl is within the same range of a 85 year old with 370ng/dl.
Steroids don't make you stronger they simply let you work out harder. So if you think you're going to get buff with just an injection you are shit out of luck. Go back to your Cheetos fatty.
Considering you can easily buy steroids with bitcoin, yes, yes I have. Problem is, if you talk to ANY DOCTOR about it, they'll tell you that doing roids is equivalent to poisoning your body.
Do you wanna literally poison your body to gain some muscle WHILE losing your balls and all your head hair?
Mate that's bullshit, they categorically and dramatically improve your physical strength. So much so you're very likely to rupture tendons when you first start using them due to the profound muscular strength increase compared to the much slower rate of connective tissue strengthening.
>working out harder
>somehow not related to being stronger
Work out Natty brah. Trust me it's a lot harder but it's worth it in the long run. Stay healthy eat good and you'll lose fat. If you take roids, you will get problems with t in the future. Look up Serge Nubrets routine, that's what I do. Works wonders for shedding fat and gaining lean muscle. You probably won't take this advice even if it's then best you'll ever get. Cheers
>Injecting testosterone a naturally occouring hormone within the body
>injecting poison
pick one
No I've never considered it but I am female. My dad did steroids though and roid rage is no joke. I don't see how it would make you better in the long term. But that's my take. Good luck user.
We're talking about op and the only exercise he is getting is his heart rate when is shit coins crash.
Testosterone 500mg a week will not make you rage out at all unless you're already prone to rage and have anger management problems. Trenbolone will though for sure.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, a place where people with no experience or knowledge about a particular subject give advice about that subject.
No, I don't want to die of heart failure at 40
Your dad is just a faggot that can't control his emotions. Roid rage is almost non-existent.
ITT: basement dwellers who know nothing about steroids and are just rebounding what they heard from the cop that told them steroids were bad in DARE
Funny thing is that kids that were taught DARE in school were more likely to experiment with drugs later on.