i dunno man. this coin is bein tricky. i don't think we're gonna see 2k. 2300 looks like a hard floor. the lowest buy i would set is 2200.
Thomas Gomez
sit for gains could moon potentially. I've been riding waves gaining more and more and if it crashes I'm not out much.
Anthony Gonzalez
buy now, its going to pump tonite and we are aiming for a floor of 3-4k tmrw
Ethan Edwards
i'll hop back in right before i clock out for the night in an hour or two, it dipped right around midnight est last night so i might stay up to see how it's going
Easton Morales
hmmm just bought in at 2312 after seeing the buy walls pop up around 2300, best of luck my SIGT friends
Juan Rivera
Robert Sullivan
>6.6k coins at 1100 >missed all chances to sell and rebuy because work Dat wagecuck life tho
Grayson Sanchez
I'm in the same boat but with 11k, managed to sell out around 3000 though and rode the waves today to get to 15k, sitting on these things at least until bittrex for some phat gainz fasho
don't fret my guy
Easton Howard
Nice work dude Imma just hold, sucks having work hours same time as peak trading hours