Will it ever reach $300?
Will it ever reach $300?
No one knows anything about crypto. It's all speculation. Don't invest any money you're not willing to lose
perhaps if somehow the top 10 rich list wallets were deleted
It isn't even going to reach 3 cents.
that doesn't make any sense
>$0.002160 (-16.33%)
Oh, it does, my dear friend
killed the joke
Too many grampas on Veeky Forums think you need a fancy corporate looking logo like some gay futuristic diamond or some gay shit and that a coin has to have some stupid gimmick like it was designed to be accepted a pet food stores or something retarded.
What they don't get is that Bitbean's strength is that its simple and appeals to the only demographic that really matters in crypto.
Autistic children.
I'm pretty sure it just makes autists really irrationally pissed
like me
fuck your stupid bean
Is a non-sequitur child's pun really a joke?
so is bitbean guy flying because he's being propelled by farts? lol
Only way to make $300 off this coin besides trading is sprouting. Passive income is nice.
>mfw I see that stupid nigger bean looking at me with his goofy googly eyes, and it throws me into an autistic rage
neck yourself
Freaking OP....don't get my hopes high
Almost had heartAttack
>tfw only 42k beans
Will I be able to sprout atleast like once a week?
1M beans will sprout about once a day
42k will probably take more than a week, but you could also get lucky
>Too many grampas on Veeky Forums
>Bitbean's team is a literal geriatric convention
The people who gave bitbean real life are long gone, move on, this coin is dead.
I dont know about BitBean, but I know that Chancoin is going to 1$ this year.
bitbean is the future of cryptocurrency. go troll somewhere else
>bitbean is the future of cryptocurrency
A sordid future that is.