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Thoughts on pic:related?
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>We are still continue to perform our unscheduled ongoing maintenance. Will keep you updated. Sorry for the inconvenience. #btce
>We are still continue to perform
They're still continue to perform, what's a worry about? Will keep you updated - 9 hours ago?
No news is good news!
English Pajeet.
Are the news of coins being drained out to mixers true?
>leaving your coins in a Russian exchange
Shit exchange ran by shady ass ruskies, they cleared my account even with 2fa years ago and I never looked back.
There were some legit whales on btc-e
They're gonna get fucked good if btce dun goxxed
>As for where the criminals are cashing out, 95 per cent of ransom funds were cashed out at the Russian exchange BTC-E. That chimes with the indication that the biggest ransomware types are the produce of the biggest organized criminal gangs working out of Russia.
There were no mixers, Charlie Lee said on twitter the 66,000 btc were coinbase cold storage. Xbtce is back up so I am hopeful regular btc-e will follow suit here shortly
This is scary as shit
What's happening? I just woke up.
Did Russia get hacked?
Quick rundown pls.
you don't even speak english, pajeet.
Time to die...
think of all the krokadil you can buy with that.
"unscheduled maintenance" means "we got hacked"
Eh, it's happened before. I'm sure they'll be back with all coins safe within the next 48 hours. Btc-e has seen some shit, I doubt this will be the thing that takes it down
Why does btce twitter sound like Vincent Adultman
btc-e update
Something is better than nothing
>trusting russians
Btc-e will be fine. Screenshot this
>trusting anyone
Well its crappy, but if they ran off with the money why even bother doing this?
Anyway it seems the alledged ETH wallet still holds 98 million dollar of coin.
Even if it got hacked only the bitcoin was stolen so between ETH, LTC, DSH, EUR, USD funds probably 75% of funds are still in their control.
I could take a 25% haircut.
So the fuzz caught up to them?