How does the cuck gene get passed on throughout human history? Wouldn't their ancestors have been killed off after voluntarily allowing neighboring tribes/armies to invade and loot them?
How does the cuck gene get passed on throughout human history...
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It is a new American Cultural phenomena.
So is this gene a new mutation or was it always there yet dormant?
>i'm scared of the paki kids that bully me at school so want an ideology to validate my inferiority complex: the post
Nazi scum like you belong in the trash.
>cuck gene
It's called being a thinking man.
>Paki kids
There's like 6 pakistanis in the US you fucking retard, we never got any
when you rape beta women you will pass down beta genes, be it latent or obvious
It's not a gene you self-defeating failure. Stop believing that everything wrong and inferior about you is genetic and impossible to fix instead of a very present social phenomenon that you can simply leave.
>bullying anyone in American schools
you've got that backwards achmed.
Americans need to shoot each other
american'ts actually think they're tough shit people are afraid of
you lost to rice farmers
Top-tier shitpost
don't bully him pls :(
they were crafty farmers tho
>Those rice farmers are now here and fucking our wives and women RIGHT NOW
nah we just live in a society where you can be shot at any time so (white) people don't act like retarded animals
>burgers lose to a bunch of molemen.
Everyone loses to insurgents because you don't win against the insurgents until everyone's dead.
If your mission is that you "save" the local people but the local people are also your enemy, your war has essentially become an ideological shitfest and you need to go home and grow all the cabbages.
I wasn't aware the Mexican Army was invading the US.
My God, shovel tech, no wonder the mighty American military-industrial complex had so much trouble.
>Everyone loses to insurgents because you don't win against the insurgents until everyone's dead.
except the russians in chechnya
except the british in malaya
except the chinese in east turkestan
except the japanese in korea
except the dutch in indonesia
except the vietnamese in cambodia
except the soviets in ukraine
>200 year old nation
>almost no natives
>population made up almost entirely of families who migrated MUH HERITAGE THE IMMIGRUNZ ARE HERE AND FUGGIN MUH FREEDUMZ AWAY WITH THEIR LONG IMMIGRUND DIG 33:
>What about these examples where they brutally killed everyone
That Big Yellow Dick won't stop oppressing me
Yes, we all know how Korea and Indonesia and Malaysia are depopulated and no one actually lives there anymore.
dang u rite amerigans got btfo
we sukk
all this money, no results
commie-capitalist chinese hegemony now pls
>Eurofags and Japs commit literal war crimes killing natives
>Durr but there are still people there!
>implying burgers aren't fucking themselves in the ass right this instant by pillaging their natural resources
asian jockstraps are famously called banana republics for a reason user
Americans committed war crimes in Vietnam, they just weren't good enough to win.
But I wasn't being sarcastic.
Just dense.
commie-capitalist chinese hegemony now pls
>Americans commit literal war crimes killing natives
>Still can't win
Fucking chinks and their cheat codes
Don't make the american mad, or he will invade your country, turn it into a shithole and then make 500 hollywood movies about the experience.
Isn't that basically what we're known for?
Starring Black, British, and Australian actors to boot
>African Americans
You guys need to pick up the pace desu
>being this retarded
Americans directed firepower at killing suspected enemy targets, they didn't intentionally attack civilian targets because they WANTED civilians to die,
Also nice comparing casaulties of the vietnam war with the mass slaughter that was the Jap invasion of China
to be fair since the 80s most american actors have been subpar.
Hell, arnold is the best action star in hollywood history and he is an Osterreich bodybuilder
I need more consumers to buy junk from me
Hey have you guys noticed that the American right is increasingly anti-semitic while increasingly also displaying the values they accuse jews of having:
Shrewdness, treachery, subversiveness, miserliness, manipulation, etc.
Also feel free to wonder who is behind this post.
This is because American Rugged Individualism and emphasis on eccentricity makes it difficult for actors to have the most important trait of acting: Being a blank slate onto which other characters can be projected.
I like to think every other user looks like me
I noticed that when I got to the US. It's kinda strange because 50 years ago you guys had so many good actors.
are all ANTIFA girls this qt?
The OP's language clearly shows his scouse origins, ergo scared of the pakis
Sexual preference isn't genetic. It's based upon childhood development.
>dude, cucks! lmao
cuck genee? there is 0 science behind that, this whole conversation is pointless, fuck off stupid /pol/
>Sexual preference isn't genetic.
You can't possibly know that. The nature/nurture debate has been ongoing for several decades and is still ongoing.
>You can't possibly know that global warming is real. The global warming debate has been ongoing for several decades and is still ongoing.
Fuck off
>global warming and the claim that a specific human behavioral traits are genetic or socially constructed are analogous
No, you fuck off retard.
>use of weapons based on white phosphorus and other substances similar to napalm
>Shoot every one on sight
>global warming is fake
Leave global warming out of this
Again, they did this to kill as many combatants as possible. Civilian deaths wasn't their goal, no matter how many occured
>they didn't intentionally attack civilian targets because they WANTED civilians to die
penis also dicke and balls
Learn to read English faggot
you just autism'd hard over literally nothing
Well shitposted.
>implying social constructs aren't nature and nurture