>Have all the crypto gains I could ever want
>Still never experienced highschool love
Have all the crypto gains I could ever want
I want the world to end
So do a lot of people user when you think about it.
>High School Love
So you want conpletely awkward first time sex, half assed blowjobs with braces, and clingly as fuck gfs...
>you aren't missing out
Imagine having it all
Then losing it forever
>highschool love
Who could i love in highschool it was filled with niggers, spics, and whores
I DID fall in love many times on my trip to iceland though. you should spend some btc to vacation in iceland friend.
What was it like growing up poor?
>tfw experienced J.H.S love
we used to go back to her house everyday after school and just make out
shes dating a black guy now btw
any particular reason you felt the need to share? is this mankind showing their true evil nature?
you should feel ashamed
You had a shitty Highschool Lifeā¢, ask for a refund. I had awkward but super juicy sex, creampies since day 1 (NEVER had to wear a condom with any wamyn ever), giggling under a blanket as her parents were in the next room. Countless summer adventures and cute cuddling. Great family environment, actually. Pretty sure her loving family compensated where my dysfunctional one failed to deliver, so I'm very thankful for them.
I wouldn't say your life is somehow inferior due to lacking this experience, but I would be lying if i said you're not missing anything. The first, strongest kind of love manifests in this period. And unless you end up marrying, it'll be the most painful seperation.
Cheer up, OP. Life is more than crying over spilt milk. You have happiness to seek, a future to build! Not a past to lament.
Feel free to tip in BTC if you find yourself in any way consoled.
>Feel free to tip in BTC if you find yourself in any way consoled.
Fuck off, fag. High school love is shit. The entire time I was with my gf in highschool I was just wishing I was with the bros playing Halo 2. No one tip this cuck.
You didn't miss out OP, it's intense but also a huge waste of time. If it weren't for the experience from it it would basically be worthless. Only time you can have sex with someone of that age though if that's a negative for you, but mature women is where it's at if you're just thinking about sex.
Calm, friendo. I too preferred to spend majority of my time playing games and getting angry at pixels. Luckily she came along and showed me there was another side to life aswell.
OP is talking of highschool love however. If your first feelings were to escape so you could play with friends, I wouldn't call it highschool love. More like simply a highschool relationship.
>Rich tech geek xD
>isn't drowning in teenage pussy
the fuck are you doing
You doing it all wrong
How do I court a duchess of my own?
I had failures in highschool and college that led me to gfs after. Breakups gave me the perspective needed to find the relationship I want to hodl. Now all I need is for ans or ltc to moon to $1000
With gets like that
You'll be ok user. Although that's easy for me to say because literally my highschool sweetheart is sleeping upstairs right now. God I love that woman.
Also, what will probably help is using your gains to go adventuring. Have your assets all generate dividends foryou while you ceaslesslytravel the world. On your way, you may just bump into a fellow traveller who might be interested in joining you on your travels. Over time, as you share adventures and experiences, you might just become closer and end uptogether. Just two people in a big world.
Ramblings of a fantasy, but you never know OP. Grab life by the horns and give it a go. You got nothing to lose at this point. Not like finances are ever going to be an issue if you actually made it with crypto and aren't simply larping.
Unironically this.
>it'll be the most painful separation
Yup, great times, great sex, horrific split that still lingers on after years despite acquainting myself with new women
man, this post hit me right in the feels.
so many fleeting moments of happiness in my high school years that feel like a dream now. i was never able to live in the moment and appreciate the good times.
now i'm basically just a shell of a person who doesn't give enough fucks about anything to feel one way or the other.
- Faggot, signing out
Sounds like it made you into a little pussy. Harden up
Fuck off, I'm just decided to switch from r9k to biz and saw this
I literally turned down girls in highschool so I could focus on halo 2 with the bros
Now those h2 bros are long gone and I have nothing to show for it except lifelong virginity
Now I have Halo 2 feels
I knew a chick in high school who dug me back
>have all the crypto gains I could ever want
>got to experience highschool love
>still never experienced japanese highschool love
I skipped prom to play Halo 2 with my bro and 2 friends who are each other's bros.
We went to a tournament and placed 2nd thanks to the strategies we came up with that night.
Fucking skanks would've ruined my Halo tourney.
Become a teacher
>implying you can't have that shit as an adult
Look, I lost it a couple years ago to a 19 year old chick who never went to high school to begin with, but we have passionate sex and we make out at random and she has her own place I go see her at and I give her massages all the time and I love how horny we are for one another and I love the way she gently coos when she doesn't expect me to touch her but I will rub her arm or massage her scalp
It didn't happen in high school but it's my first relationship and it's the first one for her that actually matters because her boyfriends during her "high school" age were shitheads and it took me a while to get over all that but I'm really happy with her and it feels like we're kids experiencing actual passion for the first time
You too can have this user
>never being able to plunge your super hard 18 year old dick into a 14 year old freshman
>Feel free to tip in BTC if you find yourself in any way consoled.
There I stopped reading
Tfw doing this exact thing, currently in my tent browsing biz in a foreign country HAHAHAHAHA what a scam those travel vlogs are. I'm still that same retard
You had no option it seems, because the post ended there anyway.
A man's gotta try, doesn't he? Not expecting anything though.
It is true yoh can still experience all these beautiful feels later, if you didn't before. It's a great place to be, isn't it user? I'm happy for you.
I can only wish I will get to where you are today. Kek bless us all.
lmao at americans living their life through movies.
To be fair, hollywood was inspired by reality. Or what was formerly reality.
East-Europe with it's more traditional setting still has the highschool sweetheart thing going somewhat better than the rest of the West.