What are the most interesting conspiracies in history that happen to true?
What are the most interesting conspiracies in history that happen to true?
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Most of what you believe in is a spook used to manipulate you.
Who's manipulating me?
The US was forced to invade Iraq by the Israel lobby
the cia tapping into any and all technology they can to spy on people
It is no single boogeyman like implies. It is lots of people. Politicians want to get you to vote for them. Corporations want you to buy their shit. The school bully wants your lunch money. Trannies want to convince you liking traps isn't gay. They are all after something, truth and morals don't matter to them and they go to great lengths to obtain it.
For example government bureaucratic waste composes a significant proportion of GDP in most countries yet it is rarely an issue.
maybe the german/british-backed overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the cataclysmic repercussions that lasted a century
or the deliberate US economic crashes through constrictions of the money supply/hiking of rates for the financial reaping of central bankers
>tfw CIA watches me as i masturbate
>For example government bureaucratic waste composes a significant proportion of GDP in most countries yet it is rarely an issue.
It sounds like someone has been manipulating you.
>inefficiency is a conspiracy
>a significant proportion of gross domestic product
Who are you quoting? Because it certainly wasn't me.
The USA selling weapons to a middle eastern country that hates them in order to fund death squads that fight the government in some central american non-country.
Macroshaft building backdoors into their OSs and putting your systems at risk so the NSA can spy on you.
The US Air Force creating the UFO craze as a effort to obfuscate experimental aircraft programs during the Cold War.
Pretty much all the major tech companies are under pressure to hand over backdoors to all major governments, it isn't limited to Microsoft or the US and while I suppose it could be termed " a conspiracy" it is actually a major issue that is very widely discussed by anyone that reads tech news. While the specifics are (sometimes) successfully hidden the entire issue is open international news that all the MSM report on.
It obviously constitutes a conspiracy when it required a whistleblower to reveal it was going on, because CIA and NSA chiefs literally lied to Congress whenever the question came up.
it was just banter
Katangans killed Hammarskjold.
It wasn't just about the Contras, it was also about the Iraq-Iran War. Selling weapons to Iran made sure that it hamstrung both states instead of just Iran getting their shit pushed in. Even more hilarious is that the U.S. used taxpayer money to buy loans for Iraq from a bank in Italy in order to sell Iraq weapons for the same conflict.
American modern art movements were ploys by the intelligence community
Sure, I'm just interested in why you chose Microsoft and the US government when you could have pretty much stuck a pin in major tech companies and governments and said the same thing.
CIA selling herion to soldiers in Vietnam
The CIA assassinated JFK
P.S. They were absolutely right to do so
Boy, in 500 years the CIA is going to produce some really good dissertation essays..
>maybe the german/british-backed overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the cataclysmic repercussions that lasted a century
Pretty sure that documentary says it was America, especially Wall Street Jews and Masons.
They are always good reading for historians when files get old enough to become declassified, of course the public has moved on by that point.
Iran-Contra/CIA drug smuggling at Mena airfield
Do you have any actual sources for the latter? All I'm seeing are conspiracy blogs.
This is objectively the best answer. Its lots of people wanting lots of stuff, trying to get it in their own way.
>Operation Gladio
The USA funding Italian Neo-Fascists in order to create a reborn Fascist regime that would throw the entire population of Italy at Communist Yugoslavia (And by extension, the USSR) if the Yugos allied too closely with the Soviets. The Neo-Fascists blew up a bus and a few """""""liberal""""""" politicians still around today had some connections with them that make the media wring its hands.
>Lenin and Trotsky
The Brits funded Trotsky and the Germans funded Lenin in hopes of bumping off their rival (The Russian Empire) under the assumption that the Russians wouldn't be completely spellbound by the ramblings of two crazy Jews. They were completely and utterly wrong.
>John McCain ratting out his fellow soldiers and willingly broadcasting propaganda in English in return for cocaine and hookers from the Viet Cong
Exactly what it sas.
the holohcauzr