Hey Veeky Forums a question for you: how much money you started with and when,how much you invested, and how much you have now?
>got out
Like 7k. Now I got 13k. Had 30k. But had to pay back the 7k and everything dipped.
Invested $25 and now I have $40. Doing good so far.
Year 1
>Decided to deposit $1k I made at mcdonalds into a brokerage account at the age of 18, in uni
>try to trade big board stocks
>realize i don't have enough money for that
>trade penny stocks under $.001
>Gross gains: $4.8k
>Gross losses: $3k
>i think I'll keep doing this
Over the next 2 years I continue to deposit what ends up being $10k of my money in total. With the exception of the current year, I've had a full time job, or part-time + school, while making this money.
Year 2
>net gain $18,500
Year 3
>net gain $24,000
After that I didn't do it as much
>Year 4/5
>Net Gain $1,000 each year
Current Year
>Net gain $34,000 year to date
So I've realized almost $80k for something I do in my spare time. Grossed over 150k easy. This year in particular I've probably dedicated less than 40 hours to it so far.
Pic is this current year, to date.
You'll notice that it started at 22k, less than the gainz above. That's cause I bought a corolla and it's paying for school.
You'd be a millionaire if you invested in crypto
>lil'waynian language
I briefly looked into it, like 2 years ago. I tried to apply my penny stock logic to it.
The market cap seemed to high... for everything, based on the coins outstanding. Like, a penny stock tier stock with 93,559,823 shares outstanding would never trade at $200 (ETH). & 21m outstanding @ $2,500 (BTC).
The problem was that I was approaching everything like it's worthless, like I do with penny stocks lol.
I did mine Panda Coin when it was getting popular for like a week here. I tried to do some arbitrage with it, but I did it backwards like an idiot. lmao
Started with 9k a month or two ago just when everything was ATH.
I think I'm in the red with 1-2k but I'm feeling confident I'll start earning something once my strategy is fully developed. There have also been lessons in every failures. Not having ADHD (like 99% on this board) also helps.