How does the USA get away with all the dirty shit they did ?
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because the people who could hold us accountable are doing the same thing
Genociding and massacring the natives
That list plus all the people who got financed by the US who turned out to be psychopats.
Plus all the war started for the litteral luzlz
Like be the most corrupted and imperialist country of our time
So much this. The amount of hypocrisy from non americans is staggering. It is especially ironic when leftist euro douches complain about imperialism when you consider that the reason for thier comfy first world welfare state is thier own history of colonialism, which is even more barbaric than America's, and American hegemony, a hegemony that exists because of America's success in war.
explain to me how a Chinese or Russian hegemony would be preferable. Tell me all about those europeans and how nice and fair they were when they were on top. Compare us to those benevolent superpowers that were so nice to everyone around them until the meany Americans showed up and suddenly the world was full of evil, who were they again? Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan? Yeah, them. Those guys would have had a really friendly happy-go-lucky imperial system if those darn americans didn't get involved, damn them.
Eh, my family always says, "Don't get mad at a guy over what his grandpa did."
>Nazi germany was defeated thanks to the pigs.
Fuck no
I agree. But iraq was 2003
Plus you are still sucking that saudi dick. The one that gives money to terrorists
>Like be the most corrupted and imperialist country of our time
If you have zero concept of history, maybe.
in part yes. We funded everyone before we ever entered officially, our money is all over that war from the beginning.
Only thing more annoying than someone overestimating American contributions is someone that underestimates them.
Either way it's not the point I was trying to make, would any of you prefer a German or Japanese or Russian or Chinese hegemony? Then don't complain, because the alternatives have been a lot worse.
Hmm. I do tend to forget how recent that was.
Hey now, I didn't say I agree with everything my country does. I'm mostly just talking about things like slavery or the Native American wars. Yeah, it was terrible, but there's no use in getting mad at the colonists descendants. They can't control the past.
Because might makes right faggot
1.) Being the only superpower, who would hold us accountable and the US public doesn't give a shit.
2.) I'd rather be on the giving end than receiving end, if Russia or God forbid, China was the world's superpower you probably wouldn't be shitposting right now.
Fuck it before it fucks you.
Biggest kid in the playground.
But it'll be brung down by internal conflicts eventually; Like when the school bully figures out he's a homosexual.
>like slavery or the Native American wars
You belive that when I posted op i didn't even think of those? Hahahahahahah I was referring about shit the country did after 1900.
Like saving Europe?
Wow, how horrible.
>implying european powers didn't go to town on Africa, S. America (and NA before U.S.)
The same way any civilization has throughout history. You can't honestly come on Veeky Forums with that narrow ass view of history.
>this is what sharts actually believe
inb4 /pol/acks and "da jooz"
Save for WWI and something in WWII the usa literally destroyed half of the world
So long as it's not the half we're in, why should we care? I don't see anything in the constitution saying I should.
That picture... Sliced myself on that edge, OP.
The purpose of the ICC (International Criminal Court) is to research and judge crimes of war, crimes against humanity and such.
It's often used against failed states and war criminals abroad, however it meets resistance from USA. The US government has signaled that they refuse the ICC the power to punish Americans. They cite that there are concerns, and claim that foreign groups and states can create fictitious accusations against American officials with the intent to smear USA. All the ICC does nowadays is to judge Serbians and random Africans for genocides.
The UN is mostly a tool for the great powers and if the UN should do something to the US then they would bite the hand that feeds them, by cutting money or vetoing.
There are some UN agreements the US hasn't ratifier or just not signed at all, like the convention on social and economic rights and the child convention.
I'd prefer soviet egemony over american one all day long
>The purpose of the ICC (International Criminal Court) is to research and judge crimes of war, crimes against humanity and such.
Oh I'm laffin!
Argument not found
Being rich and powerful, that's how everyone who gets away with it gets away with it. Same thing's happening to China right now, they're still ruling the Tibetans and Uyghurs with an iron fist but now every liberal Western democracy is kissing their feet because they've got cash.
>using edgy in 2017 in the edgiest place on the Internet
The Saudi royal family aren't the ones giving money to terrorists, it's the Wahhabi clerics. The Saudis fucking love the west, but they're turning a blind eye to the radicals so that they don't become targets themselves. If we pull support, we'd create a clusterfuck an order of magnitude worse than Iraq.
Karma is going to catch up to them.
>People mention our massacre/genocide of the natives
>le Reddit poster
Propaganda is hella of a drug.
Also you sure you want to mention iraq? Cluster fuck before when they funded saddam gassing iranians or after when american pigs invaded the country??
Op here. Again I wasn't thinking about slaves or natives. I was thinking of everything after 1945
Because killing them through breathing on them wasn't the end goal. It kinda just happened. Also they were in the way of the expansion. Any people that are happy with what they have and do nothing to advance will never amount to anything.
Sure, they had some interesting practices and an odd way of life, but it wouldn't have amounted to anything. They'd still be living out in the plains doing fuck all. They refuse to adapt and they died for it. Either embrace the invader, repel the invader, or die.
>i'm an edgy college freshman who just finished my first semester as a liberal arts student and have read several communist works as well as attended a number of socialist meetings.
It don't matter now pal, the Yuropoors and the blasted spics are here now.
Even if I was in college it's free in my country so I don't see a problem in that
fuck off commie nobody likes you
Shoo shoo asshurt Yuropoor
Christ, the sheer ignorance you'd need to have of history to type this.
Why are you even here?
>even more barbaric
i didnt know you could measure barbarism with a barbarometer.
The same way the British, the French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Italians, the Romans, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Russians, the Koreans, the Australians, the Vietnamese, the Thai, the Malaysians, the Filipinos, the Indonesians, the Ugandans, the Rwandans, the South Africans, the Zimbabweans, the Saudis, the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Swiss, the Swedes, the Nords, and the Nepalese all have.
>implying Russia and China would attempt a globabl hegemony like the US has
They are anglos they always get away with doing immoral shit
Then you are an objective idiot all day long
>America did 100% of smallpox
really activates my almonds
the same way the USSR did
by being very powerful and having a big army
>that the reason for thier comfy first world welfare state is thier own history of colonialism
lol not it isn't. at all. If anything the marshal plan followed by their own re-industrialization is why they have comfy first world status.
You can't be this naive. If it isn't the USA it would be somebody.
I would absolutely imply that.
>>implying Russia and China would attempt a globabl hegemony like the US has
yes, if they were as powerful as we are, they would.
the USSR sure gave it their best, and at this very moment the PRC is claiming the entirety of the SCS regardless of internationally agreed court judgements.
Why are Americans so easily controlled?
Because people are easily controllable.
It's nothing special about Americans, really.
so much for them being individualistic free thinkers
>Either embrace the invader, repel the invader, or die.
boldprint, underlined, italic, etc. Really, what else is there to know for basic survival of a species. Thank you user
enjoy your 800 calorie per day diet
take it to /pol/ if you please, simpleton
Don't feel too bad for dem injuns. We gave 'em casinos and Johnny Walker Black. S'all the savage requires.
What happened between 2002-2004?
France didn't support the Iraq War, so people got mad and renamed French fries to freedom fries and such.
To be fair, Soviet hegemony would be preferable if he was Russian... and that's about it. Whereas American hegemony helps the rest of the world.
POTUS is blamed, not the country.