Is it possible to have a serious discussion of Julius Evola in here? Note, I do not want any affiliation with /pol/...

Is it possible to have a serious discussion of Julius Evola in here? Note, I do not want any affiliation with /pol/, or those who have not seen his works or ideology outside of 80's synth-wave image macros about riding above the Kali Yuga. I am currently reading his "Men Among the Ruins", and it is certainly agreeable. I find that most of his theories are in agreement with mine since i was a child, although his anti-semitism is strange. I feel like that was more of a product of his times, rather than a hardened hatred similar to Hitler or the SS.

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>Is it possible to have a serious discussion in here?

He was not a serious philosopher, so no.

There can be no serious discussion about meme philosophy

How is his rejection of modern economics and his adherence towards traditional self-development a meme philosophy?

Nietzsche with lewd Eastern sex magick and LSD thrown in..

He rejected Nietzsche as to focused on the physical. I haven't read anything about his tantric practices however. Enlighten me.

>Is it possible to have a serious discussion of Julius Evola in here?
Yes. Evola is a traditionalist reactionary neopagan Germanphile.

Indeed he is. Indeed he is. It's interesting to see his development over time in his literature.

Brilliant talk on Evola:

Thanks bro.

>Is it possible to have a serious discussion of Julius Evola in here?

No, fuck off with your nazi shit.

Evola rejected National Socialism and Fascism in his later years.

What an awfully anti-intellectual attitude. Besides, Evola barely even held the Nazis in a high regard. He saw them as too collectivist and saw it as a proletarian movement which was unattractive to Evola who held a very aristocratic view on things.

Because it comes coupled with shithouse-rat levels of crazy:

-Women are sex objects and nothing more.

-Rape is morally good in all cases.

-Sati is morally good in all cases.

-muh Kali Yuga.

-muh divine Aryan race.

Source on the rape claim?

Evola gets a lot of love from fanboys and a lot of hate from counter-signalling fanboys, but neither really seem to understand his ideas because Evola’s image and words are most often used to justify fascism or national socialism or some other kind of right-wing neo-populism.

Someone who reads Evola carefully will notice that Evola tracks Carlyle (and Moldbug) perfectly with regards to order/chaos and Right/Left, passivism (“Ride the Tiger”), man’s higher nature, principled anti-materialism, anti-populism, etc.

t. successful, serious author and philosopher

He's talking out of his ass like all Evola haters.

Some autists on /pol/ ruined this man much like autists on leftypol ruined Stirner with their fucking memes.

It's like, you see this shit ? This is pure autism.

> Evola barely even held the Nazis in a high regard
Evola spent WW2 working for the Schutzstaffel, you fucking idiot.

He worked as an emissary between Mussolini and Hitler, not for the SS. The SS had files on him deeming him a threat to National Socialism for his scathing critiques of the flaws in the system.

He did not work for the SS, that is a patent lie. He also wrote "Fascism Viewed From the Right" which revealed his distaste for quite a lot of the qualities of NatSoc/Fascism. Also, check your temper buddy.

It's a butthurt retard from /leftypol/, don't expect reason from him.

You can listen to the man himself in his old age. Amazing how famous philosophers such as Julius Evola and Carl Schmitt lived decades past World War II despite these figures seeming so distant.


It's worth keeping in mind that Evola's concept of Aryans is based more on culture than on the Nazi "scientific racism" stuff that we typically associate with that term today.

>"Considering the abuse that has been made of the term Aryan in some contemporary milieus, such a term should be used with some reservations; in other words, it should not be made to correspond to a merely biological or ethnic concept (in this regard it would be more appropriate to talk about a boreal or Northern-Atlantic race, depending on the case at hand), but rather to the concept of a race of the spirit, whose correspondence to a physical race has varied from one civilization to another."
>Revolt Against the Modern World

Relevant article:

Saved for trolling /pol/.

And all of that is sourced to a single news article written by a feminist "researcher" who cited one of Evola's works under sex, in which the language could be interpreted in a great number of ways.

They don't care for Evola beyond his idea of riding the tiger, and have no idea just how much he pissed off Mussolini and Hitler.

Read "Eros and the Mysteries of Love", where he spells out that he sees all sex as an act of conquest, and that there is no difference between said conquest being implicit (as in "consensual" sex) or explicit (as in rape).

Complete bullshit source from a bullshit author. Nice try though. I bet you think the metaphor for taking control of shakti energy "raping the virgin" is meant to be literal.


>Read "Eros and the Mysteries of Love", where he spells out that he sees all sex as an act of conquest
That's not even close to what "the metaphysics of sex" is about. In actuality its a view on sex from an esoteric and occult perspective that's more concerned with enlightenment and spirituality than whatever shit you're trying to spew. I doubt someone like yourself could come close to comprehending what Evola saying.

Damnation. And I was almost halfway through Revolt. Oh well, I believe this man is more read than I am. Starting with Quest for the Grail ahoy.

>Starting with Quest for the Grail ahoy.
Don't. finish revolt. Forget about that list. It's just some guys opinion.

>Finish Revolt
Honestly. Damnation. Regardless, I believe my primary opinion, namely yours, is correct. I was doing fine in Revolt, and my background in occult studies makes it relatively easy reading.

"Revolt Against the Modern World" is definitely Evola's best book, and is really the only book you need to read to understand his worldview for the most part.

I would avoid reading anything he wrote after WWII, as the paralyzing injuries he sustained in the war left him with a bitter, defeatist outlook that wasn't present in his earlier works.

I believe I will read those as well. I need to see his entire view of the world, not just the particulars.

He is just another useless irrational philosopher

But Tradition is all about the Real.

>english is primitive as fuck compared to most other languages

Retard detected

No, tradition is all about feels.

>No, fuck off with your nazi shit.
What's with all the tumblr wankers on this board?

You're thinking of humanism and "social justice" (liberalism and commies).

Tradition is based in the very foundations of society and the wisdom of every man that has lived and died since then.

Tradition is entirely based on what a collective society feels how a society ought to be run.

It has nothing to do with reals, things like spirituality, high culture, social standards are all feels. They have no basis in reality, just how people feel about their surroundings.

they have no basis in the purely material reality you perceive and autistically assume is the only thing there is.

writers like Evola, and really all religious and spiritual thinkers are operating around ideas of higher, fundamental truths that transcend matter.

if you want materialist drivel then go read Sam Harris or Dawkins

Although Evola did reject Fascism and National Socialism, he did have strong sympathies for them because he saw them as a gateway or a prototype to a traditional society. National Socialism in particular had some involvement with or at least references to mysticism and the occult (especially in their symbolism), much like Evola himself. So using Evola's works to help understand Fascism isn't out of the question.

However, I agree with you for the most part. There's a difference between being an ideologue and actually knowing the path.

>higher, fundamental truths that transcend matter.

Yes, feels.

The one thing I've learned from Veeky Forums is that talking out of one's ass is often synonymous with trying to contradict Evola. I'm not trying to put him on a pedestal, but almost every "argument" against Evola I've ever seen on this board always come in the form of non-arguments or nonsense. The few actual decent arguments I've seen that actually made me think could easily be refuted by better understanding his works.

>I'm not trying to put him on a pedestal, but it's literally impossible to argue against him.

"Trying" is irrelevant to "doing". It's impossible to argue against any philosopher if your rebuttal is just "but you didn't GET IT, man!"

>-muh Kali Yuga.
>-muh divine Aryan race.
Spotted the Jew.

Not him, but there's literally nothing wrong with feels and anyone who says so is 12 years old.

I'm not talking from an objective sense. Just what I've seen on Veeky Forums. I was over-exaggerating a little, but of course it's possible to argue against him. But if somebody says something that misunderstands or twists the words of a philosopher, I'll point out why their argument is incorrect. Why do you assume I'll just say "but you didn't GET IT, man!"?

Regardless, I was talking about Veeky Forums specifically, not all of Evola's critics.

For a good larf, check out his current, thoroughly defiled wikipedia article. Also check out its talk page and history to the older, proper versions.

hes a meme man stormfags pretend to have read because they are desperate for ANY sort of intellectual to claim as a way of saying "SEE?!? We are a real thing and not just a farce of edgy teenagers who took our own nazi jokes too seriously"

Evola is actually one of the most fascinating author of the 20th century. Far more than say, Sartre.

He's more influential than people like to admit too. Jung, Eliade have quoted his works, but this become embarrassing due to the post-war situation. The Jung family specially wanted to severe any tie between Jung and authors and movements that would be deemed politically incorrect. Another example being Miguel Serrano, the Chilean national socialist. Serrano was one of the few persons that the aged Jung would receive in his home in the last years of his life. They exchanged corresponde and ideas. Serrano even presented Jung with a book which was openly Hitlerist (The Golden Chain).

It's a shame that a certain contemporary Jung author/political commentator that we know will not give Evola and Serrano a fair hearing due solely to political reasons, even though they would be congenial.


So, to answer OP. No, you can't have a serious discussion about Evola, here or anywhere else, for more or less the same reason that you are allowed to wear a Che Guevara t-shirt or display the hammer and sickle, but not say a Codreanu t-shirt or publicly display (in some countries) not even your own national flag. Just look at all the emotional responses ITT. It's a very dangerous thing that the establishment cannot risk having. And their watch dogs will bark at you whenever they sniff it.

It's another episode of otherkin, homosexuals, feminist, trannies and liberal sjwshits attacking the concept which is the cornerstone of their ideology and post-modernism.

>Women are sex objects and nothing more.
next life reincarnate as a man, sweety. ;)

And you actually read that as "rape dude LMAO"? You seriously need to keep your bias in check

Well, as long as his partners were consenting I dont really care about him being into kink and trying to justifie it in esoteric bullshit terms.

Most people don't read his books, and most who read them are too retarded to understand anything else than what they project on them.

Pic related, the only insightful post on Evola I have seen onthis site

Evola was implying that being your true self subconsciously is a way of resisting the poison of the modern world. The modern world, of course, is anti-spiritual and is the bane of the man of tradition. In Ride the Tiger, he theorizes that modernity can only be defeated by doing the one thing it doesn't want you to do, which is realizing your true self. That is what spirituality is all about, and what modernity seeks to suppress.
In some of his other works, Evola tells us about how one must actively pursue tradition and spirituality, or how men of tradition must band together and essentially declare war on modernity itself.

I agree with that guy's post for the most part. However, it seems that he's under the impression that Evola is a centrist. How could somebody get meme'd so hard by "radical centrism" that he would think that? I might be wrong about my impression, but it seems that's what he's implying.
Evola was definitely in favour of returning to an aristocratic society. He was fundamentally opposed to egalitarianism, populism, democracy, and degeneracy (as in the spiritual corruption of mankind), because he viewed those things as decadent elements of modernity. Of course in his book, "Fascism Viewed From the Right", he explains why he rejects the doctrines of Fascism, he still sympathized with it. See .

In Ride the Tiger, he advocates apolitheia, that is that while one can act politically, any real and deep engagement should be avoided since the decline is inevitable.
He also compared the decline of the western world to the vanishing of a cloud: without any ultimate importance.
The war against modernity he advocates is the inner struggle for awakening. He understood the failings of Fascism, and was too intelligent to believe in a material solution to a metaphysical problem.

Most people who read Evola are weak minds and lazy readers who have still not went beyond good and evil. Evola's opposition to 'degeneracy' is similar to Nietasche's. He dislikes sickness because it is natural for men to do so, yet he was very aware that health and sickness are but moments in the absolute. That is the part that most seem to miss.

Yeah Evola wasn´t all that into racism and definitely not into nationalism. But liberals will not forgive him for just mentioning race. These are people who claim that a total faggot like Jordan Peterson is a fascist because he refuses to acknowledge their childish whims.


>since the decline is inevitable
That is an essential component in the concept of spiritual perennialism, which advocates the idea of spiritual cycles. I know Rene Guenon talks about it in great length. The Kali Yuga is one of the stages of the Hindu spiritual cycle. In fact, most religions have some sort of concept regarding the dark age and the golden age, or at least an inevitable spiritual apocalypse. I think I'll read more about what Christian theology has to say about it.

Some say we've already reached the decline, and we are approaching the stage in which we emerge from it. We probably won't see the Rapture in our lifetimes, but we as men will never know for sure when it will happen.

Evola advocated for spiritual race realism, which followed the Roman concept of race. I recommend "Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race" for anyone who hasn't read it.

Although you're right that it was nothing like the kind of 'racism' that liberals go on about. Calling Evola a fascist is very misleading and dishonest.