Say an illiterate Moroccan carpet trader walks into a cafe in Paris circa 1900 and is poured a glass of wine because...

Say an illiterate Moroccan carpet trader walks into a cafe in Paris circa 1900 and is poured a glass of wine because that's all they have. What happens next? Is he aware of the existence of wine? Is he aware that it is actually haram?

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Maybe he isn't Muslim or maybe he's not religious enough to care

In what circumstances does an illiterate Moroccan carpet trader find himself on his own in a foreign city without having any knowledge of local language and culture before the advent of cheap mass travel? Also in what case would a cafe only have one kind of drink?

The fact that you think people in Morocco have no idea what wine is, that people can't smell alcohol, and that you don't know what wine smells like tells me you are a literal child. Not to be disparaging but you are a young teenager yes.

There are plenty of people in the world who have never had a whiff of alcohol in the current year of 2017, let alone 1900. Stop being a butthurt Moroccan and just play with the scenario, okay?

He gulps it down and asks for another

Nobody gave a fuck about drinking in the Muslim world outside of literally the heart of Arabia

>Also in what case would a cafe only have one kind of drink?
There are still hole in the wall cafes in Paris that only serve coffee or wine in current year...

he drinks it and goes to raghead hell

Maybe he drinks in shame far from home because he got taken in by The Drink and now he tramps about Parisian whorehouses, missing his lightskin wives and ruminating about the shame he's brought upon his family, yet he knows he will wake up tomorrow in the pig stable, on a bed of straw and pigshit with vomit on his robe and dry bitterness down his throat down to his stomach. He knows this because it's how he's been waking up every morning for 5 blurry years. He believes it's how he will sleep until it's his turn to never wake up again.

You think that they actually don't have alcohol in Islamic countries?

Way to misread that post, so uh... whatever man.

Everyone in Morocco since 3000 years know what wine you retarded children.

There were Jews and Christians in Morocco. There is no way he doesn't know what wine is.

If there are Japanese girls who don't know what marijuana is in 2017 I'm sure there were loads of Moroccans wholly unfamiliar with alcohol in 1900.

Stop speaking about stuffs you don't know. It's cringy.

Why are you melting down at the idea that there are loads of people out there right now who have never even smelled alcohol? Now THAT is cringey.

This may come as a surprise to you as well but there are even people out there right now who never even sat foot in a McDonald's or ever even used a computer. Amazing I know!

that would make for a great novel.

Just because there's a law against alcohol doesn't mean everyone follows it, early Muslims are bunch of heavy alcohol drinkers fyi

Again this doesn't really matter, there are hard drinking alcoholics smuggling liquor into Riyad right now, doesn't change the fact many Saudis never had a drink or even smelled alcohol in their lives.

Man this thread turned into a shit show real quick, I too am interested in how concerned muslims treated alcohol before the Saudis started spreading their salafism during the cold war and whether or not they even concerned themselves with it if it wasn't around to begin with. The Turks were supposed to be very lax towards alcohol during the Ottoman days and hard liquor is supposed to originate from pre Mongol Baghdad.

Yeah, everybody is actually a degenerate atheist like me, most devout are actually just pretending

Your question is:
> What happens next? Is he aware of the existence of wine? Is he aware that it is actually haram?
Which is stupid in the first place since its assuming Muslim never knew Alcoholic drinks or don't have their own local variety of it
And to answer, yes they would know what a wine is, and whether he drinks it or not depends on how individually devout he is


>there are even people out there right now who never even sat foot in a McDonald's
>sat foot


>Moroccan carpet trader walks into a cafe in
>Paris circa 1900

No such thing

how would an illiterate carpet trader even travel? and the guy would in fact know what wine is... wine has been around in the middle east and north africa since the ancient romans....


>wine has been around in the middle east and north africa since the ancient romans....

Lmao the near east had wine millenias before Romans even existed

Pic unrelated, right? Because that's not what Moroccans look like

Yes they do. That's a Moor from Morocco.

The Moors were not black. I bet you were educated in America

No such thing

there were no shitskins in France before WW2

Um...yes dey wuz. Moors wuz BLACK.

>Who is Alexandre Dumas

Your American education is showing

He's mostly white though and born and raised french

An exception

Nah m8 we're not in the 50's anymore.

t. Parisian

North Africans come s in many colour, its the border between subsaharan and Europe afterall, but yeah they're still mostly caucasians

He is sort of correct though most people are ok with drinking as long as you don't get totally wasted every day and do other debauched stuff.

Why do you try to talk about cultures you don't know a shit about.
>Not Drinking.

He is the exception than confims the rule m8, also he was a lot more european than african in any sense of the word, he barely looks african in any of his pictures, at most the hair but that kind of hair isn't that rare in some parts of europe or the levant.

Why are people getting angry at the idea that a circa 1900 Moroccan would be unfamiliar with wine? What am I missing here?

not to mention the canaries/Madeira are right off the coast

Hmm so Morocco had wine in ancient times and then had wine when French colonialists came.

Hmm yeah not really helping much.

Except everyone treated him like a negro because colorless-photos do not reflect reality

Because you assume than because Islam extremely dislike Wine it's some kind of anathema to the common people, when it's not. Wine has a long history there, heck Morocco it's after Algeria the biggest north african wine producer and one of the biggest in the african world, and a lot of it is for internal consumation.

His father was one of the most respected men of his time in France, and Duma was very respected in his own right, French aren't anglos. From where do you get your history.

Okay so in terms of percentages in 1900 who had more people unfamiliar with the smell and taste of wine France or Morocco?

There is nothing far fetched or unreasonable about the scenario in the OP

To reply to your question OP if such a farfetched scenario where to happen then the carpet trader would probably not be at fault.
>Drinking alcohol
>Drinking alcohol without knowing its alcohol
>not haram.
>Drinking alcohol because there is nothing else to drink and your dying
>not haram

>exception than confims the rule

Proves the rule and it means something else.

My question is more centered toward how much a muslim would worry about wine being haram or not if they never encountered wine in their life in a meaningful amount in their life.

In other words if something that is supposed to be forbidden is never around in the first place how much of its forbiddeness is stressed and emphasized?

Jesus dude, do you have family that's dealt with alcoholism?

It depends on how much of a devout Muslim he is. Once when I was a kid I was eating some cake, my mom noticed something smelled funny so she read the ingredients and told me the cake contained alcohol. I immediately spit the piece in my mouth and threw the cake in the garbage. And that is with living in a western country and knowing what alcohol is yet never seeing it yet before