All memes aside, are there any examples of dark skinned cultures that were self governed and successful? In the context of today or the last 500 years, it obviously does not exist...unless you want to count Haiti. Was it always like this?
All memes aside, are there any examples of dark skinned cultures that were self governed and successful...
>are there any examples of dark skinned cultures that were self governed and successful?
cumskin please
>Dark skinned
Sorry, India doesn't count. I was mainly inquiring about those of African or Caribbean descent.
Shifting goal posts
Any of the ones that had access to the Indian Ocean
Dravidian Indians are frequently as dark skinned as Africans and are concentrated in the south. And although somewhat smaller in population, about as ancient as north Indian civilization.
Define successful
>Southeast Asia
>Parts of Africa like modern Botswana and the historical Sahel kingdoms
what part of no Indians do you understand. i am asking about africans and Caribbeans.
not african
not african
not african
Why didn't you state that than say dark skin. You're shifting goal posts.
Syria before America started the civil war
Then maybe you should use precise language for your shitpost thread next time, just say "niggers" if you're aiming to start a "niggers can't into civilization kek" thread.
Define dark skinned
What are you talking about? Ethiopia was a very accomplished civilization in it's own right and Mali was a hub of trade for centuries as a part of the trans-Sahara trade.
good thread, why did you bother making it? Why did you insult everyone'e intelligence by prefacing it with "memes aside" as if you were discussing it in good faith, rather than just shitposting?
That's his goal clearly. It's as if he thinks this is the first time someone has made this thread on here.
You're not even asking about Caribbeans, though. You know there's no indigenous native Caribbean empire, so you're asking about imported African slaves.
Fantastic thread and responses OP. If you need to constantly move goal posts just so you can have history align with your own narrative perhaps Veeky Forums isn't the place for you.
Egypt is in Africa
Even before Assad's incompetence started the civil war, Syria's per capita GDP (PPP adjusted) was less than 1/3 that of Iraq and lower than most African countries. And that's with constant foreign aid from the USSR and then Russia (if it was anything like Cuba, USSR stipends would've been 15-20% of its GDP prior to the 21st century; though due to the government's censorship policies we don't have actual data). Syria was emphatically not doing well.
>not african
The fuck? They're not black but they're still African
Chile is majority mestizo.
It's a good thing OP said "dark skinned" not "African" then, isn't it?
Do you have any actual substance to post?
1894-539 BC
Gonna tell me Akadians were white?
I'd say France is pretty successful.
No. All memes aside, only people with skin tint lighter than RGB #FDEAD6 were ever part of great civilizations.
>give me an example of a shape that has 4 sides
>n-no squares
Fuck you op
He's not moving goalposts; it's obvious he meant niggers in the first place. He's just terrified of offending people on an Andorran whale training forum.
What is a ""great civilization""?
Training whales in Andorra is no easy task
I was being sarcastic.
>Asks for examples of dark skinned cultures being successful
>Suddenly changes this to "sub-Saharan African" when he gets BTFO in his own thread
>Says "memes aside"
Fuck off back to /b/ you dumb fuck. You clearly don't know anything about history.
Ethiopia and Mali were incredibly successful, self-governing civilisations. Among others, user did not mention the Chad Kingdom situated on Lake Chad, Benin, Songhai, Nubia/Kush, Somalia, Swahili city-states and Ghana empire.
What's the point of even using Veeky Forums if you're not even interested in history?
>What's the point of even using Veeky Forums if you're not even interested in history?
It's a great place to shitpost.
The Incas and Aztecs were pretty successful
Inb4 mesoamericans are white with blue eyes
>the Caribbeans
Barbados and the Bahamas
>b-but muh whites
Both the president (or governor) and the prime minister in those countires are black. It's hardly the first time either, there was one prominent white PM in Barbados and that's about it, the Bahamas never had a white PM.
>Not African
Egypt is most certainly African.
Syrians are quite pale skinned
Syrians can range from pale to dark skinned, as can most in the middle east and especially the Levant.
Regardless, they are considered "dark skinned" collectively.
>are there any examples of colonized cultures that were self governed and successful? In the context of today or the last 500 years,
>muh Chinese city states
It's worth noting also that many less-than-successful African countries have about as much non-African influence as those successful island nations /pol/ counts as "proof that whites need to run everything."
Kys you double nigger