why has this been a constant in history?
where does it come from?
why has this been a constant in history?
where does it come from?
Other urls found in this thread:
It stems from jealousy and insecurity.
>hated by everyone whos lived with them
>never their fault
High iq the goyim cannot compete
Wherever there´s Jews there´s antisemitism. Remove the Jew and you destroy antisemitism.
the one culture that refuses to assimilate
perhaps they are gods chosen people
>refuses to assimilate
That is actually the only respectable thing about Jews.
>tfw you realize """" reverse racism """" is what happens when it becomes socially unacceptable to separate Semites from other white people
It's literally still happening.
>why has this been a constant in history?
It hasn't. The amount of goyim ruthlessly slaughtered by Jews over the years vastly outweigh the couple Jews who have died at the hands of people. Anti-Semitism is and always has been over-exaggerated. You can't tell me the few pogroms that happened are worse than the billions stolen from Europeans through usury.
actually it all stems from jewish money lending that had v. high interest.
i read somewhere that a ruler of cyprus kicked out only the jewish adult males keeping all other jews, perhaps because they werent lendors also the jesus thing and the boiling in poop thing and in medival times jews in europe were in trail over the claims of their holy book.
>boiling in poop thing
That's a myth. There is no such line, christcucks tend to forget his name wasn't uncommon.
but frrl jus look up money lending shit wuz gay
id sauce but muh ecksbocks
in all seriousness the jews were probably used as a way of blaming everyone's problem on something
similar to witches
>The amount of goyim ruthlessly slaughtered by Jews
This. Why is it always us that are the problem? I personally believe any minor instance of anti-semitism is vastly outweighed by the constant Anti-Gentile rhetoric coming from them on a daily basis.
>The talmud isn't a rabidly anti-goy anti-Christian text
Sure thing
>The New Testament doesn't contain a blood curse that says Jews and their descendants are to blame for the death of Jesus
That doesn't even come close to talmud. Also it's only pharisees who can always convert.
I doubt you've read it. It's long as fuck.
>South Koreans reportedly hope to emulate Jews' high academic standards by studying Jewish literature. Almost every household has a translated copy of a book they call "Talmud", which parents read to their children, and the book is part of the primary-school curriculum.[61][62] The "Talmud" in this case is usually one of several possible volumes, the earliest translated into Korean from the Japanese. The original Japanese books were created through the collaboration of Japanese writer Hideaki Kase and Marvin Tokayer, an Orthodox American rabbi serving in Japan in the 1960s and 70s. The first collaborative book was 5,000 Years of Jewish Wisdom: Secrets of the Talmud Scriptures, created over a three-day period in 1968 and published in 1971. The book contains actual stories from the Talmud, proverbs, ethics, Jewish legal material, biographies of Talmudic rabbis, and personal stories about Tokayer and his family. Tokayer and Kase published a number of other books on Jewish themes together in Japanese.[63]
If the Talmud is just "AYO FUCK GOYIM" why do asians read it so much?
>That doesn't even come close to talmud.
It actually does considering the Talmud is an interpretation of the Talmud while the New Testament is considered holy. Especially considering not a Christian in the world doesn't adhere to the New Testament meanwhile most Jews haven't even read the Talmud.
>is an interpretation of the Torah****
OK goyim I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Our women are massive sluts. The idea of marrying a Jew is abhorrent to them. Just fuck a Jewess and knock her up (our women love abortions until it comes time for them to get one themselves...) and boom. Welcome to the jews and ZOG. If she's reform you probably will not even have to convert and one of her uncles will hook you up with a job fitting for a schmuck like you and you're now on easy Street.
Thank me later goyim.
>most Jews haven't even read the Talmud
Most ethnic Jews haven't, Most religious Jews have. But most Jews aren't religious, so most haven't.
>vast majority of Jews have always been wealthy no matter where they are
>poor people mad because they have money
This should explain itself.
>be me
>live in town in South America with practically no Jews
>never seen one personally
>one day I´m at the line at the supermarket
>hear this annoying, squeaky voice behind me
>turn back
>it´s just like the memes
>goblinoid, hunchbacked long nose, large ears, bald head
>ok that was funny
>still waiting
>suddenly I begin to feel drained, as if a vampire had begin to suck the life force out of me
>I just know it was him
>begin to feel weak
>finally my turn; pay and leave ASAP
It was like he was emanating some kind of negative energy. It probably lasted just five minutes, but it looked like it lasted half an hour. Very, very weird feeling. I had never felt this all my life.
Maybe this is the explanation for antisemitism, because people just sense a negative aura around Jews and want them to go away?
Only Jew I've known was a friend and mine who made jokes about how he controlled the media and banks with his Jew magic. He used to say his favorite book was Mein Kampf, he was a pretty funny dude.
Semitism causes anti-semitism.
>have a problem with everyone
>it's everyone's fault
>not yours
das rite goy
The same mentality that makes blacks hate whites, chinese hate japanese, irish hate english, slavs hate westerners, etc..
Why were ethnic Chinese persecuted in Southeast Asia?
Why were Indians persecuted in Africa?
>refuse to assimilate
Jews have THE highest interracial/interfaith marriage rates in the country.
>The amount of goyim ruthlessly slaughtered by Jews over the years vastly outweigh the couple Jews who have died at the hands of people.
What is an example of this?
I mean, you'll say the Bolsheviks. But the Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. Pic related indicates they were a significant minority on the Central Committee (ruling council) in the early days of the USSR
>South America
Literally you all are Jews. Half the """Spaniards""" were Crypto-Jews. The Jewish race is trickier than you'd think. The Ashkenazi are the brains, and the Sephardim are the looks. If you see very bright blue or green eyes, you've got yourself a Jew.
You're right, but you couldn't have chosen worse examples. All of those except Slavs have reasons to hate people.
this never happened, pedro.
Now go back to mowing Jews' lawns.
I agree, FUCK WHITE PEOPLE. They did a grave injustice to the kangz of africa.
delete this
>it's a mexican LARPs as a aryan episode
You probably saw another mexican.
Thank you. Some people forget Iberians are Jewish, which by proxy makes the Iberian Mongrels in America also Jewish.
Another colonial apologist on Veeky Forums? Color me surprised.
Anti-Semitism is a completely natural response to Semitism.
Because of IQ. Much of IQ is inherited, though significant amount of exceptions are obvious.
Jews have the highest IQ, it's documented and well-studied. Blacks have the lowest IQ, it's also documented and well-studied. The lower IQ group is always resentful against the higher IQ group. It's why blacks dislike whites, why slavs hate western europeans, why indians & southeast asians hate japanese & Koreans.
Notice that the groups of Jews with the highest rate of assimilation/intermarriage (Sephardic and Mizrahi especially) also have lower IQ's than Ashkenazi. This is because they inherited less-intelligent genes. Sephardic inherited Spanish/Western European lower IQ's, Mizrahi Arab lower IQ's. But the primarily Ashkenazi settlements in Central/Eastern Europe remained unassimilated. They have some genetic diseases to go with this, but their intelligence is unquestioned.
Anti-semitism is closely related to genetics and how it influences society. namely that the less intelligent will always bare resentment towards the more intelligent.
>things that never happened.jpg
they make more jews fool
Not really. These are atheists with little connection to greater Jewish culture. The worst way to avoid assimilate is to intermarry, as you create more genetic and cultural diversity instead of exclusivity.
It stems from the fact that jews are as vile as white europeans in their treatment of people outside their group. But unlike whites they haven't ever welded much millitary power so are easier to hate.
>Jews have the highest IQ
Ashkenazi *
was it the abolishment of slavery that ruined our rep or was it welfare??? hm, could be hospitals..
>kicked out of 112countries
>I think it cuz ppl be jealous
Holy fuck /his why does everything about the Jews need to be shilled by u moderates
There is no such thing as constant
There is no such thing as Jew as a continuous people
There are only fragments of dead theories and arguments waiting to be exploited by modern people
>trash answer as usual
all right new world little shits listen up
in the old world, where everything was born once upon a time there was feudalism
during feudalism, jews could not own land
what shall a jew do then, he doesnt want to unjew itself to become a noble or a peasant so he does what old worlders look down upon
trade makes profit, and generates wealth
in order to keep themselfs on top of their game, they continue trading or as societies progress, get education
the 2 coming togather results in some uneven ratios compared to locals in business and education, now imagine you are a peasant in a village and this damn jew says he will not lend you a beer in his tavern because you didnt pay for the last 2 either
I don't know. As a Taiwanese I saw some books titled Jewish wisdom from time to time but I can't really judge the authenticity of it
They were chosen.
Yeah, in America. The country so strong they even managed to assimilate gypsies.
Read the bible. It practically tells you how and why people will hate Jews. It's pretty insightful, Deuteronomy pretty much predicts the Jewish experience to an eerie level.
Cry more.
Common sense
>The Jew drained my precious bodily fluids!
Not sure if /pol/ or /x/
>an outsider people become heavily involved in your nation's banking and wealth management
who knows
>become heavily involved
If by that you mean deciding to create the concept of a Court Jew and then marry these Court Jews with each other until you have a rich Jewish family named the Rothschilds in both France and Germany. Then, cry about the "International Jude" when you created and thought up the idea to select a Jew to handle your finances.
Nobody cares about the how when someone begins manipulating your government through wealth accumulation and management. You offhandedly agree that the Jew's had disproportionate amount of both interest and control over various European nation's wealth.
>Jews were forced into wealth management
Stupidest shit I see posted.
They were the only religious minority in urban centres in europe, that is why.
xenophobia is a constant
>constant in history
How bad is it when Jewish manipulation is a greater constant that the existence of the nations.
Because they believe that they have to abide by no rules but their own. Their countless war waging empires dont help either.
Semite isnt a religion its the term for a large group of middle easterners. So you could have easily placed a half moon instead of a Davids star there.
Go choke in hummus
Didn't the head of Jewish studies at Princeton write a book on this topic? He even said the pot of shit line in the book.
Never met a jew who wasn't a decent human being. never met a loser who wasnt a raging prick.
Because Asians are just jews but with slant eyes
Jew are basically the alien race in Evangelion. They separated there race in multiple form and went to colonize different land. Evantually they will recombine to recreate the og master-race. Its already starting with the formation of the state of Israel, now the Ashkenazi the Sephardim and all the other jews will recombine. Third impact is soon upon us.
basically they are intelligent and have a culture based around teaching their children to be intelligent.
this gives them an advantage in society over others. other people get salty.
they aren't wrong. other people aren't wrong for hating them. nobody's wrong. it's just reality.
This, all you fools are hating the player and not the rigged game
It's easier than jews want you to believe to convert to judaism. You just have to show dedication to your local rabbi.
Once you've converted you can just flock to Israel under Law of Return and go be a settler in the west bank.
They were always outcast, I reckon it was an easy excuse for whoever was in charge. And it the medieval Europe they ran banks, which I reckon at the time wasn't very popular, being anti - Christian and all.
It's a good entry level to get a picture of the world, but to say it's accurate is too much.
And to even imply that the history of the jews, as they tell it, is something to be taught in schools is preposturous and points to a global jewish conspiracy (kek).
There are far better works for study.
I would recommend philosophy, but that might be too much.
I mean yhwh forbid that they aqcuire the tools to think for themselves.
Read "The Culture of Critique"
In the Crimea, Béla Kun and Rosalia Zemlyachka, both of whom were Jews, had 50,000 prisoners of war and civilians summarily executed via shooting or hanging. That's more than the number of innocent people killed by Islamic terrorists in the last decade. And this is only one atrocity commited by Jewish Bolsheviks.
>>hated by everyone whos lived with them
Any proof for this? For all I know, it could be they were hated by certain people such as a government who didn't want to pay back loans.
Because it is hatred of Jews for cultural not religious reasons
Gee, I wonder.
That's literally the dumbest argument I've seen this month. How do people even come up with this shit?
Success breed jealousy
Have some facts about the jews:
>Weirdly fanatical about their one god.
>Rather than submitting to the empire of Rome they started some major uprisings which lead to a forced exodus from their homeland.
>Migrating en masse to other provinces they stick to their own traditions and religion, forming exclusive hubs in the larger urban cities.
>Christianity gains momentun and becomes the state religion of the Roman Empire. The jews are blamed for deicide and are considered too stubborn and prideful to accept the truth that is christianity.
>The jews in christian Europe are forbidden from owning land, forcing them into business as tradesmen and money-lenders, gaining a swift monopoly in the latter due to the church's prohibition on usery amongst christians.
>People tend to not be overly happy about money-lenders.
>Rumours of jews sacrificing innocent christian children in dark rituals and poisoning the local wells begin to spread.
Need I go on explaining why the jews have been historically hated?
Religion, mostly. At least in the beginning.
Sephardim and Mizrahim couldn't proselytize because of the religious restrictions placed upon them by Islam. Meaning they couldn't assimilate, unless by conversion, or intermarry.
If anything, they had less historical assimilation than ashkenazim.
Sephardic Jews only converted when they were forced to by violence or threatened with expulsion, like during the Spanish inquisition, and they still practiced their religion in private creating crypto-jewish communities.
Ashkenazim went through a huge genetic bottleneck, that's why they have those genetic disorders. But other Jewish groups have genetic peculiarities to a degree as well because of population bottlenecks and inbreeding. Also ashkenazi-americans have the highest intermarriage/assimilation rates.
They have a strong Will to Power religious doctrine.
Because their homeland was conquered by a vicious, evil empire who forced them out of their lands and into ghettos across Europe, where they continued to mind their own business and not bother anyone until everyone else decided to restrict their rights and force some of them into a sinful occupation, and based on this and some fairytale decided that Jews are evil?
Damn Jews, fuck you for existing, how dare they?
Mostly because of "they killed Jesus" even though Jesus had to be killed
>the talmud is anti-christian
are you stupid dude?
>the talmud isn't anti-christian
Retard alert
Jews always act like Jews.
post yfw America is actual solving the Jewish and Gypsy questions while Europoors flail around autistically shouting about "muh Final Solution"
pic related
America is the most jew cucked contry in the history of humanity.
And assimilating gypsies is discgusting, the ultimate failure, I'd rather have them act like orks than dillute the gene pool.