*destroys western civilization*
*destroys western civilization*
>ibn4 a bunch of larpers bullshiting about how muh monks saved western civilisation
>*aids civilization
>*destroys civilization
it did both
Yes goys it was da eebil Christians believe (((us)))
>written in Greek
>composed within the Roman Empire
user i . . .
*starts western civilization*
*destroys western indigenous culture*
*refuses to release pædophile priests to civil authorities*
>church protects innocent homosexuals from evil fascist police authorities and gives them the means to express themselves and who they are
>media still paints them in bad light
liberals are strange creatures
>Religious people condemn homosexuals as sinners and degenerates
>Support and endorse an organization that blatantly protects closet homosexual pedophiles who abuse their power and followers
Retards are a strange bunch
>"""progressives""" put homos on a pedestal and treat them as their holy cow
>despise the institution that protects and lets them flourish best
they sure are
it's probably jealousy
This desu.
they didn't save it
they started it
They didn't start it
They ruined it
>what is Greece and Rome
I'm pretty sure the anglos destroyed it
Go to bed Gibbon.
bi jupidder what heressi is dis :DDD
praise mars crist is nNOT my prufet
>implying it didn't set up the east west divide for the first time properly