Is this a good index fund to invest in? It has relatively low costs as far as I can tell and it seems pretty well diversified across the US stock market. If not what's a better one to take a look at? Thanks!
Index Funds
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Any help? Just want to make sure I'm not getting cucked.
yep that's one of the best index fund.
otherwise VFIAX at 0.04% if you're more conservative
but you may want to research if index funds are better than ETFs in your case
Get Paid Pupper
0.04% that was correct jesus christ... just messed with vfinx
>nominal price of houses higher than at peak of 2006 bubble due to fed suppressing interest rates
>market require continuous propping by the fed to remain elevated
>GDP growth numbers anemic
>massive unfunded liabilities
>Total Public Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product at all time high
>index funds are a good idea
there will be a crash in the next 2 years, but it will be good to invest after that. that's my plan.
What goes down always comes back up, a downturn is the best time to buy more shares. America isn't going anywhere.
Yeah, that's my point.
Timing the market is generally dumb... but I think going all in on index funds right now looks pretty dumb too.
At the verrrry least, I would scale in very slowly into any long term position at the moment.
what the hell? 0.04%? Thats not even worth the time!
That's the fee dumbass.
VTI is your go to.
Aha makes a lot more sense now
It'll probably be a couple years or more before we see a downturn, it's also possible that it could be even longer. Time in the market is more important than timing the market. Besides, you should always be saving money so it's not like 2 years from now you won't have any cash to invest if things go south for a little while.
I really want to do index funds and stocks, but I'm sure as hell not going to until the market crashes and QE bullshit ends
If I'm going to time the market might as well go all in shitcoins, so for now I just do BTC and cuck government bonds that barely beat inflation
If you bought at the peak of the dot com bubble you would be barely recovering by now
What's the difference? I thought the one i linked as an index fund.
If you bought everything at the very peak. It's not like anyone whose entire portfolio was created that same year had much to lose, if that makes sense.
ETFs can have cheaper expense ratios and can be bought and sold anytime without triggering an "excessive trading" policy that many mutual funds have.
Check this out:
Have fun with your 1 million by the time you're 65! ;)
Meanwhile, I'll day trade Crypto and making $1M in one year! =)
More like 5-6 million in tax-sheltered retirement accounts. Yes I will enjoy them. Have fun trading your digital Furby points with shady Russians.
>S&P 500 at peak before dot com bubble 03/24/00 1527.46
>S&P 500 today 2477.83
>barely recovering
Russell 2000.
Enjoy the moon trip
It takes a brave man to have enough faith in the current financial system to believe it will last for 30 more years.
I'm a risk-averse statistician, so I invest in cryptos. Unironically.
Shhhh... facts are not wanted by the /poltards.
alot of that has probably happened in the last few months, I noticed today the dow has soared to ATH since Trump took office. unsurprising I had not heard a peep about this in the media