So is this a 'thing' or not?
>inb4 go back to /pol/
I know what they'll say, you guys are slightly more balanced in shitposting.
So is this a 'thing' or not?
>inb4 go back to /pol/
I know what they'll say, you guys are slightly more balanced in shitposting.
It's a bunch of vague, meaningless "plans" that could be applied to literally anyone. It's utter nonsense. Don't forget the train bombs under every city in Europe if the Goyim find out!
It's about as reliable as Nostradamus.
It was a widely circulated and extremely popular book in the early 20th century, yes.
If you're asking if it's a genuine transcript of the meeting of the leaders of the 12 Tribes of Israel... Are you retarded?
No self-respecting man would bother to save such a low quality picture. Fuck off to 9gag or wherever.
Tough to say, OP. As you can see, in your very thread, people are incredibly quick to dismiss it as a forgery or a fake or an intentional deceit by anti-semites or whatever. I don't necessarily think it was written by the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel or whatever and I certainly don't think it's what all Jews believe or anything like that. That being said, there are lunatics in every religion and I DO think there are public and private Zionists out there who actually believe they need to make Zion a reality at any and all costs and I believe it's entirely possible that this, indeed, was assembled by a group of them and is a "plan" of sorts. Particularly back when it was written and first became a thing, secret societies were crazy popular and I would not doubt at all that some influential, intelligent, and powerful Jews got together and wrote something like this. Even if it was just a joke to them or a "thought experiment" or something on how they would go about doing it if they were actually going to do it.
I hate kikes as much as the next honest gentile, but it's such an obvious forgery.
If anything, the kikes probably forged it to make anti-semitism look bad.
It's obviously not a real plan by a widespread conspiracy of globalist Jews to take over the world, like it claims to be. The fact that it plagiarizes "Dialogue in Hell", which was written for totally unrelated reasons, as well as the fact that parts of it are written by someone clearly lacking historical knowledge of the Jewish people during the French Revolution, makes it's credibility suspect. However, that doesn't quite explain what it is. I somewhat side with It could be a secret society of Jews LARPing as super powerful international cabal members. It could be antisemitic propoganda as well. There's really no interpretation that could be used as "evidence" that /pol/ is actually right about da Joos.
>It could be antisemitic propoganda as well.
This is the consensus.
It was first published in 1903 in a Russian newspaper, called Znamya, owned by the Black Hundreds, an ultra nationalist russian group who loved a good pogrom, subduing Ukrainian speraratism and assassinating members of the Duma.
Really? You think a minority that had a tendency to get pogrom'd for any slight, real or imagined, against natives would willingly write up an account of how they were a cabal of cackling mustache-twirling villains? I can see how it could have been a sort of satirical Jewish in-joke, but the very real risk that comes from producing such a work makes it highly improbable. Might as well sign a confession that you enjoy crucifying Christian children for Passover and keep it in your drawer just for shits and giggles.
Interesting side note: Japanese soldiers were part of the international forces fighting the reds in the Russian Civil War. Some of them brought back copies of the Protocols.
>"Look at this!" said the Jap higher ups.
>The Jews control international power.
>Jews have all the money.
>Jew influence drives the world.
>You know what this means?
>We need Jews!
And so Imperial Japan attempted to attract a Jewish population. One interesting episode occurred in the Shanghai Ghetto, a Jewish community in Japanese occupied China. The Germans upon learning of the presence of Jews in the Japanese empire put heavy pressure on the Japanese to hand over or exterminate their Jews. The military commander of Shanghai at one point summoned an influential rabbi of this community and demanded to know, "Why do the Germans hate you people so much?"
The rabbi replied "Because we are short, and we have dark hair and dark eyes."
The Japanese rejected the German demands.
What? No. No one is saying it definitely, for sure, 100% wasn't actually by Russian anti-semites as propaganda and it was definitely, for sure, 100% written by Zionist Jews hell-bent on ruling the world, but let's not pretend that the case is closed and official and just consensus and decided by everyone and if you disagree you're an anti-semitic nazi. Particularly given that the revolution DID happen and there's a hundred years of propaganda going the other way, too. Let's not pretend that the Jews, particularly the Jewish revolutionaries are not good at propaganda, let alone did none at all.
>pogrom'd for any slight, real or imagined
I mean, come on, man. That comment alone is suspect. I'm not saying there weren't bad dudes but to believe that none of that is propaganda you've got to be naive.
>the Jews were afraid of getting pogrom'd for literally any slight, real or imagined, they wouldn't dare write up an account of anything at all to keep in their dresser drawer let alone print it and have it leak to the public
and yet...
>they were able to lead an organized revolution completely changing the course of Russia forever
>they wouldn't dare write down something like that out of fear of literal mass pogroms whenever they left their house
Really made me think...
Imperial Japan was pretty funny.
Its a complete hoax and fabrication that happened to predict what was going to happen and what decisions would be made by world leaders who coincidentally had a lot of Jews surrounding them.
My guess? Its like how the CIA puts real leaks in with lizard-people spouting conspiracy outlets in case they get caught. Then the public has already been conditioned to dismiss it. See: MK Ultra or delivering crack to the inner city. Those used to be wild conspiracy theories that people joked about until declassified.
Mother of all keks.
>complete hoax
>somehow completely predicts all the trends of the 20th century
>but it's totally fake guys
Yes, and I bet the current refugee crisis is actually about helping victims of war.
Nostradamus predicted all the trends of the 20th century.
I think that if there had been a real global Jewish conspiracy, it would have been able to come up with a much much better document than the Protocols.
>implying nostradamus didn't actually have real predictions
No joke, some things are accurate. The future isn't fixed however, so never will a prediction 450 years into the future be accurate.
Entire sections of the book are literally just copy-pasted from a political satire written by Maurice Joly three decades later. How retarded were Russian and German people?
Protip: It's because those trends started in 19th century. Protocols blame on Jews all modernist changes. They also defend the old order, monarchy and aristocracy.
Protocols is mostly plagiarized passages from Joly's "Dialogue in Hell", an attack on Napoleon III. The Russians didn't even have the ability to write new shit for their forgery.
How people can claim this is real is beyond me
So I guess Henry Adams was a clairvoiant too! He knew the Germans and then Revolutionized Russians would be the next 2 big threats to America. It's almost like if you look at the state of the world you can predict the general trend it's taking.
>Liberalism produced Constitutional States, which took the place of what was the only safeguard of the goyim, namely, despotism; and a constitution, as you well know, is nothing else but school of discords, misunderstandings, quarrels, disagreements...
>The principal guarantee of stability of rule is to confirm the aureole of power, and this aureole is attained only by such a majestic inflexibillity of might as choice of god. Such was, until recent times, the Russian autocracy, the one and only serious foe we had in the world, without counting the papacy
I wonder who could be begin this.
Not an argument.
It was documents forged by the ohkrana to justify pogroms against the Jews who resisted Russification
The reality is nearly every power is like this, except they have better strategies.
A poster here pointed out that large parts of the protocol is copied from a french work that had nothing to do with the Jews.