So Veeky Forums if I like this guy does that mean I'm a republican or a monarchist?
/nap/ general, I guess.
What are some good books, films (please don't remind people of the Kubrick project), etc that you enjoy about Napoleon?
So Veeky Forums if I like this guy does that mean I'm a republican or a monarchist?
/nap/ general, I guess.
What are some good books, films (please don't remind people of the Kubrick project), etc that you enjoy about Napoleon?
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I like plenty of historical absolute monarchs
Doesnt mean i want to be governed by one
You are a fascist. Not even memeing.
Reading Napoleon: A Life right now by Andrew Roberts. I like it a lot so far, it's interesting how Napoleon went from a Corsican nationalist to a Jacobin who supported French rule to an Emperor.
Napoleon was a brainlet.Liking him is liking idiotcracy.Brainlet
Fair, but I'm curious what the political designation would be for those who actually 1) like Napoleon as a leader and 2) support his actions - are they monarchists or republicans?
I'll have to check this out. I have read a few others but this looks much more recent and fair.
If you support his coronation you're a monarchist
As simple as that
So in terms of the royalist/monarchist political parties of France are they also supportive of Napoleon?
it means you are anti christian and you love nigger digg
and before you ask, no i will never stop hating him for it
There are actually as many as 3 different monarchist movements in France
Bonapartists, legitimists(bourbon) and orleanists
>let's just take credit for this revolution and replace the bourbon with, you guessed it, ANOTHER bourbon!
>the radical left republicans are definitely going to be super ok with this, nothing to worry about haha they totally fought for the Duke all along haha
The french empire was a very different breed of monarchy to those of the coalition.
Why does this blood soaked monster get so much respect and admiration? He was a tyrant, and a particularly nasty one. He deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Stalin and Pol Pot. Fuck Napoleon. There's nothing to like.
>Bonapartists, legitimists(bourbon) and orleanists
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Im just now noticing this but in this painting he has a similar skull structure to old roman sculptures. Most likely a glorification but still cool I guess.
Have a look at only surviving image of Iulius made while he lived. Compare.
That being said you have a fair point. Napoleonic imagery drew heavily from roman aesthetics and that's exactly what J-L David did in Boppy's equestrian portrait.
Backers of Bonaparte dynasty.
Want a Bourbon in the throne.
The last Bourbon king of France, Charles X was kicked cause the French wanted someone more "Liberal" so they thought that the duke of Orleans, son of the revolutionary friendly "Philip Egalitè" (and of royal descent as his great-great-grandfather was Louis XIV´s younger brother) would make a better king.
But he did not inherit his father´s likeness for the ideals of the French Revolution and was kicked too.
The Orleanists would be the backers of this family.
Thanks, that's pretty interesting. I'm curious about what percentage of "royalists" fall into each camp and what their core arguments are.
I'm French and I agree. The admiration for Napoleon doesn't seem rational anyway. It all boils down to "he conquered a lot of lands and stuff...", and most people don't know how brutal the occupation in Spain was.
he was never a jacobin
It makes you a Boneyboo
Is it a dense read?
I think Napoleon can mostly be considered as a hero for his actions during the Revolutionary Wars. Anything after the Second Coalition War was a mistake.
it makes you a bonapartist which is almost the same as fascist so neither.
Spain massacres were self-defense
You know nothing
While he didn't participate in the terror he was part of the Jacobin club for a while, but there was a time when most were.
Decently, but so far I've had no trouble reading it. Maybe because I'm so interested in the man. I still would recommend it though.
>Spain massacres were self-defense
French psycopathy strikes again
Not an argument.
>Not an argument.
Just a fact.French are nothing but animals
Seems like YOU dont know about what Napoléon did, pierre.
>spain betrays France
>France retaliates to secure the border
>civilians revolt like autists instead of having a siesta as usual
>they get killed because they kill french people
>complain This Is unfair
The Spaniards were the original dindus
An imperialist because he was an emperor
>spain betrays France
>France retaliates to secure the border
When? Don't bring me any vague shit.You clearly don't know what you are talking about
More like
>Nappy wanted to give a kingdom to his relative
>Hey Charlie can I move my army through your country to invade Portugal
>Sure.We are allies afterall
>Charlie come to Bayonna we need to talk
>Bring your son too
>Honhonhon this was part of my masterplan.Now name king of Spain or I will kill you
>Wow Nappy you are a trechearous autist.Ok I will forcebly sign that paper
>Ok Joseph here you have Spain
>REEEEEEEEE what do you mean that Spaniards don't accept the coup that I just did.Start executing civilians REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>he conquered a lot of lands and stuff...
>French education of their own world leaders