I hate organized crime. I thought the bullying won't continue up to adulthood.
I hate organized crime. I thought the bullying won't continue up to adulthood
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& Humanities
government is organized crime.
Excuse me, but no : they have uniforms.
y-you want to talk about it bud?
pick one and only one
The real organised crime is how Google are getting rid of the cute blobby emojis and going to awful generic ones
Humans are naturally evil, who knew.
I shouted out,
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me
amen brother
They get worse over time. The slightly off-kilter blobs were the bess, the front-facing ones are alright, but the newest ones look like shitty browser emoticons from 2001.
what even are you?
I just like Android emojis
I hate petty delinquents turned into organized crime.
Fucking junkies who wipe windshields dented my car today because i gave them 1 fucking cent for their unrequested service. These fuckers need, NEED to get shot, but no one's doing it because gangs back them up, and this shithole's government doesn't do shit because judges are bribed or other retards follow retarded shit that the codes say like "law must favor the most vulnerable", which means the law abbiding middle class are those who get fucked any time.
El Salvador needs a war right fucking now. Someone please invade us and genocide the shit out of this damned people.
ok, I won't bully you, that would be wrong
why do people bully
why so mean
as in what goes on in their brains
because certain differences are bad for the whole
I felt the need to bully earlier.
I will do this.
You know>
The people that get into organized crime are the bullies that haven't yet got stood up to/the shit beaten of hem by bully-hunters. People get sick of adult bullys' shit soon enough OP
They never got the beating they deserved either physically or verbally
>as in what goes on in their brains
They think some small insignificant thing no one gives a fuck about makes them better than others/the people they can get away with tormenting. All the people and articles you see talk abut bullies having high self-esteem aren't wrong, it's just that their heads are so far up their own asses
Cartels and gangs exist to make sure your country stays a crime ridden place worth leaving and to extort those who do along the way.
Also creating resentment against too much liberty over there leads to the migration of people over here who won't be conducive to aspirations of a fairer and freer society and who will be content with just being given work permits. I think that in blocking off entry to the states there's a hope that it will lead to people finally turning their attention to their own governments and problems to impose change in the absence of the option to leave and send back remittances.
This. Police, FBI, CIA are gangsters, and the mafia heads are politicians.
Columbine II: Electric Boogaloo?
Nothing is more despisable than bounty hunters. Definitely not as noble as the Bebop crew.
Numerous violations can be seen in these videos.